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Everything posted by thedamian58c

  1. I think we can surely get it in better quality and longer, since Chester is singing into a microphone, which probably recorded his vocals, and they made an instrumental for this before the recording, so this is not a jam like many other LP joke songs. I think that The Wizard Song might have been a serious song until they tried to record vocals, it is possible that the recording that is shown in the video are just vocals with improvised lyrics, similar to ''Blackout Freestyle'' LPTV video.
  2. You're our hero! For real, I think if that (both April fool and petition) gets more attention and a LP member sees it, the chance of getting the song will significantly grow.
  3. That was a very well done April fool, I really thought it's LP until this post. But did we get an LPU song for March? because I don't recall any post about that.
  4. My life was going to be complete, but then these fuckers fooled me. I feel musically abused by LP, now I demand a Wizard Song single with Pictureboard as a b-side! But really, did the LPU members get the original Wizard Song (not the prank)?
  5. Even though Chester isn't credited on HV and SU, his vocal is included on these tracks, the same concerns Dedicated. And you shouldn't trust LPU when it comes to the year a song before 2000 was written, everything LPU says was written 1998, probably was actually written in 1999.
  6. That double bass pedaling! I love the beat, I wonder if the drums were recorded.
  7. I like it, it would be cool if Chester would join STP from time to time to play a show with them in the future.
  8. Why would it be an LP track? I guess that Ethan Mates is mixing for more bands than just LP, and there's nothing that (I'm aware of) that says it is for the LP material.
  9. Ha! they wrote Joe is a keyboard player. I'm kinda disappointed that they didn't play the live versions of the songs (except for RTM). But ND and FM had strange effects on them, what effects were put on those songs?
  10. Looks I'm not the only one that isn't a fan of this track. I mean I like the instrumental that Mike has done (except for the dog samples), but the vocals sucks and they don't fit it, neither do they fit to the original instrumental.
  11. Who is that picture of on the setlist paper in the upper left corner?
  12. I hope they will release the songs they recorded with Chester...
  13. Looks like the surprise Joe tweeted about was dropping Numb (and WID and WFTE). Chester's singing was very bad here, close to be as bad as Oli Sykes's singing, and it got worse and worse throughout the concert, but his screams were pretty good (faint bridge was better than usual). It seemed like he was sick or something.
  14. Nice show, but Chester's singing got much worse, since last time they played. His screaming was amazing (except for Faint) though. What I really liked was the singing Chester did on the outro of WFTE, I can imagine this is what the next album may sound like. LP playing soft songs at the show looked like Megahertz video of Fur Immer, kinda strange. Speaking of wearing masks/costumes on stage and being lazy, who do you think is doing less during a show (or this particular show when it comes to Joe), Joe or Clown from Slapnuts?
  15. I do really hope this isn't anything for the new LP album, I'm tired of LP doing EDM, I want them to do something new. And there's nothing that actually says this is for LP stuff, I think that Martin Garrix would write that he is with LP, not just with Mike, so I assume that's some FM stuff, or Mike is featured on a song of Martin.
  16. Craig Mabbit is already on the list, Corey and Avril do not have enough arguments, coming to a concert of a band doesn't mean being a fan, and saying "thank you LP" doesn't mean that either.
  17. I know, it's already on the list. Should I place Jared Dines on the list? since his first album was HT, and I think he said he listened to numetal in the past.
  18. Yeah, I think everybody noticed it. I already compared 7/8/9 track demos of the song to the HT EP version and each other in this thread (but as always I got ignored), if you're interested you can see it on the previous page.
  19. The date I was talking about was release date for the original HT EP, he already listed the reissue in the main post, the only thing that's unknown about that is the day it was released on, the month is already listed. As I mentioned earlier I believe that original HT EP was released late May (early June is possible too) 1999.
  20. I didn't say it's reliable, I just used it to explain where did May 21st come from in my first post in this threat. If the snapshot on the HT site would be taken a little bit later, then we would know the exact date. We could maybe ask Mike on the upcoming chat about the date, he doesn't remember it for sure (he barely remembers the year Chester joined), but maybe he has it written somewhere. EDIT: Why don't you have a FM section in the main post? Since you have DBS and STP, I think you should also include FM great job anyway
  21. http://web.archive.org/web/20000408172608/http://www.hybridtheory.com/ Wikipedia and LPA-wiki says HT EP was released 1st May 1999, but this is definitely wrong, this is probably why I thought May 21st is the date it was released on (which is more possible than May 1st). Anyway the original HT site says it will be released soon, and the snapshot was taken May 19th. It also says they will tour the US Coast in May, so I suppose HT EP was released right before the tour (that would make sense, I hope that their actions had more sense that they have now), so I assume it was released May twenty somenthing'th.
  22. The original HT site, which you can find on achieve.org, said that HT EP was released May 21st (If I'm not mistaking), but since that was so short time after the formation of the band, it is possible that it's wrong, so I think that if you want to post the release date, then you should put a "?" at the end of the date.
  23. So many here's a bit upset about LP not playing HT for its 15th anniversary, you need to just understand that that would make sense, and that's why LP won't do it.
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