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Everything posted by thedamian58c

  1. "Bad" is a very subjective description I think the fact that BID wasn't as generic was the biggest difference. The vocal performance seemed to be better and more challanging, it had some rock guitars, it couldn't be fittet within a single "box", it didn't feature anybody outside of LP, it was released after ATS (while Heavy was released after a heavy (pun intended) album, THP) and it had a rap verse.
  2. Thanks buddy! He didn't say there is no heavy guitars though, he said there isn't a lot of them. Him saying that this is one of the most diverse stylistically of their albums, makes me really excited. Would love to see them try something they've never touched before like jazz or blues. There's still a possibility that there will be at least one metal song on the album, but without screaming though.
  3. As much as I can hear of the song, I don't like it, but it's very hard to judge just hearing a few seconds of it. It could potentially be Sorry For Now, but what makes think it might be not, is the fact that at the time (I think) they didn't implement any genre to the songs they've made, at the time the songs were only vocals over chord progressions if I'm not mistaking.
  4. Man, just watched the stream and it was amazing (except for some generic answers and question). I think Heavy sounds way better acoustic, and the BID bridge sounded awesome, with Mike singing. Chester's voice also sounded amazing. I also think that many people misunderstood the part where Mike says the rest of the album is gonna sound like Heavy, he said that the album will obviously have variety. He further continued that they always have been mashing up different styles of music, and that they didn't try to do it in any specific style of music, that they were just doing their own thing. That made the Hype return for me. I perceive it as most people here took it as the whole album will be as generic pop as Heavy is. Totally agree, a full acoustic set would be amazing. I also think that a set were they are jamming their own songs in a different genre would be nice too, kind of like they do off stage, or like they once did with the reagge version of BID.
  5. Heavy doesn't remind me of any LP album, except for, I'm sorry to say this, Recharged.
  6. I'm kinda dissappointed, but it's not bad. What disappoints me the most is how generic it sounds.
  7. I think they are kind of a jam band actually, since they improvise a lot of comedy kind of songs (many LPTV and LPU episodes are dedicated to those kind of songs), and play their own songs in other styles (like BID reagge version). In addition their music is partially written in a jam kind of fashion, especially THP. Of course they aren't the best improvisators, just listen to Brad's Faint solo.
  8. Is it only me or does the cover resemble Gray Daze - Wake Me cover a little?
  9. I kinda don't want them to go full pop either, but we don't have any solid proof that they'are definitely going in that direction. In that one video, I think it was "Honesty", Mike said that they want to do something outside of their comfort zone, and then said something about going poppy or weird (going weird would make me really happy). I guess it is the album title then. I think it could be "One Moral", or eventually "One Moron" if the rest of the band didn't like Mike's idea to go poppy.
  10. How did you get access to it? I suppose this is the new single played acoustically, and sung very quiet as a way to hype us up for the actual single. This is probably what the demo of it sounded like before it was done into a genre
  11. Why do so many of you think this is going to be a bad album or that it's going to be pop? Maybe they are just incomporating more pop elements into their music, it may turn out to be everything from a metalcore to a hip hop album. Maybe this album will be a second MTM, where there are a few heavy songs, and the rest is more pop/rock oriented. Or maybe it'll be something similar to ATS or LT. Who knows maybe the album will consist mostly of songs like Things In my Jeep and Blackout, where instrumentally it's mostly pop/electronic oriented with some screaming vocals. ok, I'll obey you!
  12. Really, is this journalism at a university? I hope this is some kind of joke, the journalist put out for fun, otherwise it seems like the journalism at the university is screwed. This article so good, that it looks like a post from this thread: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=11625
  13. I can't find the video JHS3 is talking about, would somebody like to provide it? I think we need at least one more picture to figure it out. the last letter looks like 's', the last letter of the second last word is certainly 'C', first letterof the last word seems to be either 'S', 'G' or 'C', the second letter of the last word seems to be 'k', that's all I've been able to figure out.
  14. Why is Wayne Static playing the guitar, while Brad is on of the people in the crowd in It's Going Down music video?
  15. Actually it's not that bad in my opinion. Remember that Mike only co-produced that song which can mean anything, it could be that he had a "Do whatever you want" approach. I think you guys are wrong about this band, they don't seem to be a typical pop band for 13 year olds, not even truly pop. Strangely enough, it is the only song of them that sounds so poppy, otherwise their songs are modern rock. Did Mike fuck up/force them to do a pop song or was he like "don't be affraid do something you haven't done before"? We can only speculate.
  16. Totally forgot about Keli Ali, thanks guys. Would you like to tell me when did they say they are going to work with Emily Wright on the new album?
  17. Which Adrew Dawson do they mean? There are two musicians named Adrew Dawson on YT, one of them plays acoustical stuff and the other makes electronic music, and none of them is particurally known. The first three artists seem to not be popular at all, wonder how they got in studio with LP. Corin Roddick is a member of Purity Ring, which is semi popular, and is the only artist that I seem to enjoy of those. Kinda off topic, but is it only me or is it strange that LP never collaborated with any female vocalist or musician (not enitrely sure if they never collaborated with any female musician, but can't recall any)?
  18. I doubt they will erase their rock infusion from the album, at least no entirely. I think ATS was as far they could go away from their rock influence, but still the album had some aggressive songs, and 200% more guitar solos than HT and Meteora put together I would also like them to remain the LP aggresiveness for the album, I don't mind a LP album without screaming. However if the aggressiveness would somehow make the album sound worse than without it, then I'm for removing it, since the album sounding good is what matters the most. I don't know why people are thinking that the album is not going to be influenced by rock, they never said anything about the genre, the fact that the album is going to be more personal and that they startet doing it acoustically, doesn't say much about the genre. Don't worry, Recharged was as far they could possibly go towards the "coca cola music". It seems like they really want to nail that album, coca cola music wouldn't take that much effort to make. There has always been a lot of simple and repetitive songs on radio, and LP doesn't seem to go mainstream when it comes to making music.
  19. I'm glad they actually use time to work on the album, not like THP which seemed rushed, with solos and vocals sounding as if they would be recorded by the first try and in one take (with some exceptions though). They also didn't say mention anything about the genre yet, so it may be something entirely new, or a mix of many genres. The album might also turn out to be long, since they said they have a ton of material for the new album, aswell as that they are during the mixing process, which may mean that most of the tracks will be mixed properly and possibly make the cut. However, it may also turn out to be the way Astat said.
  20. I thought it said 404 not found And yeah Chesters performance on Edie was freaking awesome
  21. Here's the full show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V4GvzsHWd4 Correcton to the setlist: Sanctuary by Iron Maiden wasn't played, apparently it was mistaken for She Sells Sanctuary by The Cult, which was played at the show
  22. I think they can also nail some Dead By Sunrise songs, since many of them can be played using only 'basic rock instruments'.
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