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Everything posted by thedamian58c

  1. I've just listened to the album, and I think it's awesome, I've loved all the songs (except for LGM demo). If the new album sounds anything like the "2015 and 2014 demos", if they really are from that time period (probably not), then I'm freaking excited as fuck. I would have nothing against it sounding like this. What dissappointed me the most was the fact thet the most of the songs were way too short, making the album itself too short. Is Dark Crystal from StageLight? Well, the mix and some of the sounds got different too, than on Space Station. I have no idea what's the point of releasing a shortened version with some tweaks to the sound, of a demo that was already released. Now I wonder if Burberry is a demo of Space Station, or opposite, or they decided to make a song out of the demo for an album after they released Space Station.
  2. I've just noticed that during the ATS tour cycle, there was a theremine standing on the left side (from Mike's perspective) of Mike's keyboard. Was it used during the recording of ATS? Was it used during the live performances, and if it was, then during which songs?
  3. I wish I could be there, for the first time LP will be performing nearby where I live in Poland, but the show is happening while I'm still at school, and during that time I'm in Norway I hope I can somehow make it though. Does any of you know how much does a ticket for these kind of shows cost? or how expensive is going to that kind of festival in Poland?
  4. HT, LT? Reanimation? THP? That's what I love about LP, little sounds that you notice after a very long time listening to the song, LP music has a lot of sound dig deep in the mix, something I adore.
  5. You'd better think so, cause it has happened.
  6. Nice! I do really enjoy statistics, so this makes me glad, thank you! I think you (or whoever writes the pages on LPL) should write the 961 in a paranthesis beside the 977 number on the page. I'm very sure the band doesn't keep the track of the number of shows they played, if they would do that, then according to them they would surpass 1000 for a long time ago. How about High Voltage? They also performed One Step Closer very closely to Reanimation version. And Fort Minor performed In The End from the album. The list also lacks Recharged.
  7. I can imagine them playing a setlist full of singles and poppy songs like ALTNC, BID or COG, only because it's Hellfest, kinda like they did it for Carnivores Tour
  8. Here are my suggestions: 1. Rotate setlists, and use more than two setlists in the 'rotation'. Playing the same setlist over and over, with very minor changes between tours is very boring, something that LP proved during THP tour cycle. 2. Drop Castle Of Dance, Joe and Mike solos, they aren't particurally entataining. I would also suggest to drop or at least shorten In The End (especially ITE) and Numb, Chester's performance of these songs seem to be souless, as he doesn't seem to give much effort to sound good on them, and does a partial karaoke of these songs. 3. Don't put any pitch correction on Chester. Chester doesn't sound good with pitch corrected voice live. 4. Make the tour the way it is hyped/promoted, what I mean by that is don't promote a tour to be carnivorous and full of heavy songs, when the tour turns out to be herbivorous and mostly consisting of singles. 5. Make the tour somehow different from the previous, the THP tour cycle was very similar, with very minor changes in setlists between tours, very little new stuff was introduced on every new tour in that album cycle.
  9. Why did he mention specifically LP and MC? Pretty much every band that uses more sounds than they can play themeselves live, because of limited amount of members, does that.
  10. I didn't say Chino hates LP, I said that he said (which is a verb describing the past) he does. I just watched the interview, I thought he said that, and I'm sorry, but I've mistaken the info myself, he was saying that "LP fucking sucks dead on their songs". But there was also a video with title saying Chino Moreno hates LP, which lead me to commiting that mistake. I don't really get that, how was LP ripping of Deftones? Sure some songs were a bit similar, but that's it IMO. here's the interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3A6pyKChiE What does Dave Grohl mean by "LP is using backing tracks? does he mean strings and other sounds thay can't affort playing themselves, because they would have to clone Mike and Joe (several times), and apply an orchestra and somebody playing an electronic drumset?
  11. maybe vinifeijo has mistaken Corey for Chino (who actually said he hates LP), since both were nu metal stars.
  12. Well, they said this album is more personal (lyrically) than their previous albums, so I think that there might be a personal pronoun in the album title, but I don't think Painted Me Wrong is the album title, even though it's also possible. It kind of reminds me of how they showed THP title for the first time in the GATS previewing video, it also seemed like the album was a bit far from being done...who knows maybe same thing is happening here.
  13. I think it may also be useful to look at the whole paper, because in full it says 'PAINTED ME wrong 2.7 To Both DB13' which may mean a variety of things. For example the 'DB13' that he wrote may be a chord (Db13), a sound generator or an effect. And I'm not sure if it really says 'wrong', because that 'R' looks more like a 'P', since it doesn't have any line that goes aslant (I mean like this '\'), and it can't be a small 'r' either, because that letter has a ring or a 'D' looking shape in it. Another important thing to notice is that it looks like 'Painted me' looks like it is written in capital letters, which could indicate that only 'Painted me' is the song name. What do you think ?
  14. Man, that encyclopedia simply just crushes every other LP wiki ever made, the other wikis existing while this one is up is just a shame (except for the LPL wiki). Really fucking awesome work guys! Kinda strange that Astat isn't on the writers list, but he is probably responsible for a lot of information you used from the forum.
  15. I think that's possible, because he's talking about it, as if he wouldn't be in the band himself, as if it would be just Mike and Mark. But I also think that that demo tape could be unfinished, ready for one more track to be done, probably only the original copy existed, something Mike would show to his friends and eventually edit it. The credits pretty much confirms your hyphothesis.
  16. Me too, but I guess it's because that was the time when I was the most active.
  17. I read the whole interview, it was a very pleasant experience, but I felt a little bit like it lacked something. I would like to know more about you, the creators, I would like to know what do you do for living etc. But that was a really great interview. I think it would be cool if you would show some screenshots of the older versions of the site, majority of the members hasn't been members since the begining of the site. A video showing the evolution of LPL would be awesome. Who did the interview? And did everyone answer invidually? cause some answers were almost repeated. Geki?
  18. Burn it Down (LPL remix)!
  19. I think they are doing the updates just to show that they are alive, that they didn't break up or something, because literrally nothing is happening when it comes to interaction between LP and their fans. Otherwise many fans would probably even forget that LP does still exist, updates are posted mostly for the sake of posting itself (even though there might not be so much to post about). Actually there's some new information in the update. They've been working on the vocals for last couple of months, which means probably more than on THP, since some vocal parts sounded like they would have been done by the first try. And basically THP sounded a bit like it would have been done in a hurry. He also said that he hopes that the new material challanges LP fanbase, which might mean that the new album might be drastically different from the previous ones.
  20. Asking alexandria (the whole band) also coverred WID https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieqfB6X6A-w&spfreload=10
  21. How many topics has been created about LP7!? I think it's like fifth topic about this
  22. I guess they are going to do guitars last, I think they are trying to write a song in an opposite order of what they used to. I think they usually started to write a song by a guitar riff, then add keyboard, samples and drums, and vocals and lyrics were last in the order. It seems what they mean by list, is an order list, vocals and lyrics first on the list, drums and keyboards still pretty high, and guitar further down. In addition, they already wrote a bit on the acoustic guitar.
  23. I see a few reasons why the site got less visitors etc. particularly in 2015. 2014 doesn't seem as bad as you described, it actually seems pretty good, the only thing that was a decline in 2014 was the amount of views. The rest of the statistics looks very good, 852 new registrations, the second most the site ever had, and the most posts since 2010. Anyway here are the reasons I think 2015 was such a decline for the site: 1. The kind of known one, the forums are less and less popular 2. Geki left, which made less and less discussions on the forum. Geki and his opinions drew a lot of attention to the site, I remember myself posting a lot more when Geki was still a member of the forum. He did often have a different point of view than others, which made more room for the discussion. 3. There wasn't really that much happening on the forum that year, for people who aren't fans of GD (because that was awesome, but most of the GD fans were already members on the forum). 4. 2014 and years before that year, were huge for LP IMO, so I think that maybe the disappointment that 2015 didn't have so much to offer, caused the decline. How good is the forum doing so far?
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