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Everything posted by thedamian58c

  1. Instrumentally the intro of the unmastered demo of ATL with extended intro, is identical to the bridge of the "normal" ATL. But I wasn't referring only to this part of ATL, I think both songs contain much similarities. The part of the song I was least referring to was the beginning. Bridge and ending seems to be the most similar to the song. Vocal use, guitar tuning, drum play in bridge (of ATL), piano, some electronic effects and some melody elements seems to be similar. Whole album seems to be heavy, if the first single is heavy it may mean the whole album will be heavy. One Step Closer, first single of HT, as heavy as the album. Somewhere I Belong, Meteora was heavier than that. What I've Done and The Catalyst showed the albums the way they were. Burn It Down, softer/more "poppy" than the album.
  2. Amazing, so dark. I would prefer Mike's rap over Rakim's rap here. I kind of miss Chester's screams. Finally their music have real guitar and drum lines. Now they use guitar for something more than just riffs. Drums goes much faster, much more use of snare and bass drum, much oftener cymbal hits than usually. The preview sucks if we compare it to the song. When I watched the preview I was a bit afraid that there will be no electronic sounds in the song, but hopefully they was there. I think that instrumentally everything got improved. I wonder how it gonna be played live, there's both "Mike instruments" playing, "second most important" or rhythm guitar and piano/synthesizer. And....One thing, I don't know why, this song reminds me of Across The Line.
  3. I think The Haunting Party may mean we should begin to haunt/search after next signs they give us
  4. I don't think The Haunting Party is even the song title, I think it may be a message
  5. Someone in the comments on YT said that 6. may mean 6th album and 14 may mean 14 tracks on the album, very interesting.
  6. http://instagram.com/p/lBxgWHDmSv/# Mike warned us, that something like this will happen
  7. Wow, I'm so exited, it sounds so heavy, as I expected, can't wait.
  8. Yeah, they collaborated with hip hop and EDM artists, now it's time to collaborate with some rock/metal artists. I wouldn't be surprised if they release more tracks they made with Aoki, I hope that the rest of the tracks they made with Aoki will be released in LPU albums, not in the studio albums, especially LP studio albums.
  9. I'm pretty surprised that in none state mainstream shit is the most popular, like Justin Bieber, Rihanna etc.
  10. Hybrid Theory Interpretation I'm gonna do HT interpretation, but you can't take it as the exact solution, because it's LP songs and most of them are written the way that lets you interpret them by your own way/ your own perspective. Papercut It describes Paranoia, In the song it's described as a face inside you that's looking at you all the time ,and as you are seeing/feeling something that doesn't happen and a big unsureness about it. It's also described as mixture of many thoughts in your brain, as unsureness and a bit as fear. One Step Closer It's simply about the anger and being annoyed by someone or something. The source of the annoyance and the anger, may be homework, task, quarrel etc. (for LP it was task about writing the text, but the producer (or whoever it was) said no to almost every attempt). With You It's simply about loving or being in love to someone you're not with. And it's about missing a chance to be with the person because of a stupid mistake, and it's happening all the time. The person is a person who you probably already was with and yours relationship was broken, or who you are close to be with. An other way I can interpret this is, think of stairs, the higher you are the closer ( I do not mean it literally ) you are to the person. And it's about getting one stair up and then one step down again. And emotions related to this. Points Of Authority It's about being abused, actually heavily abused. In whatever way, it may be in relationship, sexually etc. Chester was sexually abused when he was a child, and lyrics "It's time to sink or swim To see who gets scared when the lights go dim" from the demo of the song, reminds of that. Crawling It's about being locked inside of you, I mean, like shy or something like that. And about "dark times in your life", the times when you feel sadness, feel fear, feel unsureness etc. And it's about these emotions pulling you down. And again think of the stairs, the lower the worse you feel. And because of that you are even more locked in yourself. Runaway It may be about having wish to remove yourself from a place you don't wanna be in. I mean, it may be about getting big offense from others, feeling shame (because you did something stupid) and having wish to just runaway from there. It may also be about having wish to break with the person you are with, because of losing trust to that person. And about being pointed by fingers because of you didn't do it yet. By Myself It's about having social problems and problems with yourself, and blaming yourself for everything. It's also about feeling you're not able to stand this and actually about depression too. In The End It's about putting trust in something, getting it far, seeing it ends and regretting the time etc. wasted for it. Let's say you are in relationship with someone, in long time. You put all the efforts to let it last. But it ended, your efforts didn't matter. A Place For My Head It's about being annoyed by someone who claims you owe him something, that you actually don't owe, something that you probably deserved anyway. And wanting a place where you can feel calm and peaceful, without enemies. Forgotten It's about trying to remind something, that's hard to remind. During the bridge the memory is found, is close to be found or you are on the first step to find it. Pushing Me Away It's about wanting to break up with someone you don't want to be with anymore, but you are not brave enough to do this, and it's about lying to the person you love her/him/it. And it may also be about regretting that you didn't do that yet. I know not everything may be interpreted good enough. If you didn't get what I was trying to say in certain songs, let me know, I'm gonna try to do a better job.
  11. Shit! It went very fast, recently we had first studio update, some months ago some said they are in beginning phase etc. and now we found out they already made the first single. That's amazing! I think all their info they said to the fans is late, I mean, all the things they show us right now may be from some months ago. If that's true, then they do it to give all those updates, that weren't showed to fans, throughout the time we wait for the album. If the single is already done, then I assume the album will come between April and May.
  12. My Hypothesis is that the money that have been raised for Mike, which is the money that shows Mike have more of it, is money raised after it ended. Amount of money raised when it ended: Phoenix: 4851$ Mike: 4708$ https://twitter.com/phoenixlp/status/437038...9490176/photo/1
  13. How is that possible? More money is raised for Mike according to those sites http://www.crowdrise.com/MikeShinoda http://www.crowdrise.com/Phoenix
  14. I think The Mall soundtrack will be more electronic too, and I think DJ Fresh is involved in this, I think he is doing main movie track, because he said he works with LP on a song. And I think Manny is mixing the Mall soundtrack too.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGDXd99hskk Why Phoenix playing a guitar without its head?
  16. Well, Mike won, leading by 199 $ over Phoenix, who 4851$ has been raised for. Total amount of raised money is 9901$. If you find any picture of the loser who wear clothes chosen by the winner, post them here
  17. I think it went more in "death metal" direction, Rob said something about more active drum play on the last facebook chat. And the album making process is described as organic. Chester said he recorded some screaming vocals to the new album. Etc. So it doesn't seem it gonna be folk or dubstepish.
  18. a interview with Mike: AltWire/LPA [Derek]: Maintaining the drive to continually record and produce music seems like it would be a difficult challenge in the long run. Who or what inspires you to continue the work that you do, and where do you look for motivation these days? Mike Shinoda [Linkin Park]: When it was our first or second album, we had a more limited scope of the aspects of what we do. And it went beyond writing and recording; I’m talking about the whole picture–how a release and an experience feels to a fan. In general, as we’ve made more albums and experimented with many things both in and out of the studio, we learn how to be better artists, better songwriters, better performers, better designers, better community builders, better communicators. I wouldn’t say we “raise the bar” each time, or that every move we’ve made is better than the last. It’s often all about the journey, taking risks, and enjoying what we’re doing at the time. But while we’re doing that, we strive to innovate and achieve. AW: You recently made some very interesting comments on the state of rock music, and how the genre has gone soft. Are you unsatisfied with the current version of rock music? M: The question is, what’s “rock” right now? Mumford and Sons? Capital Cities? AVICII? Vampire Weekend? Lorde? Arcade Fire has basically gone disco, and Trent Reznor spends too much of the new Nine Inch Nails album whispering–and I truly like all these bands, I’m just saying there’s something missing. I guess it doesn’t have to be “rock,” but I’m at a loss for something else I’d call it. I’m looking for ferocity, innovation, and energy without giving up songwriting, sophistication, and craftsmanship. It’s a tall order; even if we’re able to address it on our next Linkin Park album, it’ll take more than one band to really move the needle. AW: Just two songs from your first five studio albums have eclipsed the 5-minute mark in length. In the future, are you open to writing longer songs and worrying about radio edits afterwards? M: Sure, I’m open. It’ll happen if it happens–I really don’t write a song to fit a certain time length. When we make a song, the song length is dictated by how the “story arc” of the song progresses. AW: Is the process for the writing/recording of the next album any different this time around, with Chester off doing his own thing with STP? What challenges does this bring forth? M: He knew what he was signing up for–it’s very hectic for him, but he’s making it work! I don’t think our progress has been negatively affected in any major way by the STP shows. AW: You’ve been touring as Linkin Park for over 14 years now. How do you balance keeping your live setlists fresh for yourselves vs. appeasing the fans? Are you sick of playing One Step Closer yet? M: I think Mike Einziger (or Incubus) said it best, I’ll paraphrase: when I’m onstage, I’m not thinking about what my hands are playing or how the notes go, I’m engrossed in the experience of connecting with the fans, on that stage in that city. So with that said, it kinda doesn’t matter what song we’re playing, as long as everyone is into it. AW: Although you did do a short run of European Projekt Revolution shows in 2011, the last time we saw a full-scale Projekt Revolution tour was back in 2008. Are there any plans to bring back Projekt Revolution in the future? M: I don’t know if that will come back in name, but I hope to do a more robust U.S. tour in the next couple of years. We’ve missed playing in a lot of places in the U.S. because there has been such incredible demand overseas. I suppose it’s a great problem to have! AW: What have you taken away from the process of creating video games? M: One side project I really enjoyed working on was the LPRecharge.com game. As you know, I was a visual artist before I was a musician–I majored in Illustration and design in art school, and always thought I’d be a designer or painter of some kind. I also grew up drawing video game characters like Mega Man, Samus from Metroid, or Mario and Luigi. So being able to create and sculpt the characters in RECHARGE was a dream come true. AW: Your gear and instrument collection constantly evolves with each album cycle. What kind of gear are you working with in the studio right now? Anything new that might surprise some people? M: I’m playing with a lot of different things; I don’t want to give away any surprises, because they might be a part of the next phase in our sound or tour. One interesting thing is that we’re expending off the usual platforms: we’re working on Mac and Windows, and we’re working in Ableton in addition to Protools. And we’re trying to get off of the computer as well, which is unusual for us. DEATH METAL!!! “I don’t personally know what Scott thinks of me fronting STP. Let’s put it this way: when my wife met me, she didn’t call my ex-wife and ask if it was okay. I care about Scott and I want nothing but the best for him, but at the same time I know that if I want my favorite band to be productive, then I’m the only guy who can do it.” “I know that people may initially be sceptical because I’m not Scott. That’s natural. But for those who have seen us play together with their own eyes and heard our EP with their own ears – they believe it. For people who haven’t, and who don’t go to shows or listen to new material but still have opinions on us..well, [raises middle finger] they can kiss my ass. Listen to the EP; come see a show. This is a permanent arrangement, and I promise that you will believe that this is the future of STP.” K!: So, Chester, what’s happening with Linkin Park? Chester: We’ve written a lot of music for the new Linkin Park album; Mike’s written tons. When I got back from tour with STP, there was a lot for me to catch up with. They were playing me things, and I was like, ‘Dude, this is fucking awesome!’ The music has tons of energy – we basically want people to listen to it and go, ‘Really? They did that?!’ People will either love it or hate it. They’re the two preferred responses, and we have a real vision set out for this album. K!: How will it sound then? Chester: Before I left on tour with STP, everything that Mike had written was really dance-y and sounded kind of like electro. I loved it, and I said, ‘How about we start with this stuff and make it darker?’ and then I come back from tour…and it’s like death metal!(laughs). I just sat there listening, like, ‘Oh shit, this is awesome! So this is where we’re going with it? Cool, I’m down with that!’ Things will keep changing as we write – they always do! K!: Are you really going to death metal? Chester: That’s the most amazing thing about writing music in Linkin Park; we take such a massive variety of influences into demo sessions. It could be in any form, from Mike beatboxing into his phone to a completely finished song, complete with words. We take it all into the studio and work on it there, kinda stick to what they already do. I don’t imagine that Pantera ever took any pop-style beats into a recording session and said, ‘Let’s do this! We could pull this off!’ We’ve taken all sort of ideas into the studio this time, from acoustic folk songs to dupsteppy, crazy stuff with insane guitars…oh, and death metal complete with super-intricate drumming. In Linkin Park, we don’t give a shit what we’re doing, as long as it makes our ears perk up!
  19. Should I bring old (2nd part of 2013) quotes from Chester that said they are doing death metal?
  20. You should add And One to your list and write it was the first song they've written since Chester came to the band. Source: LP shows where they played And One.
  21. But he can get along, I mean, it counts as he can speak, he can speak better than me, I learn Spanish 2,5 years now.
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