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Everything posted by thedamian58c

  1. The cover looks like the guy, who collaborated with LP in THP cover, collaborated on this one too. http://instagram.com/p/nTAmnPtPIr/ this one looks like it would be an early prototype of the cover.
  2. Fuuuuuuck! I can't listen to it because this IfuckingHeartidioticradio do not let me log in I tried to do that with all 3 ways, but it doesn't work. It says "Bad Request". Is there any other way to listen to the song?
  3. As far as I know multitracks of LT are easily available on internet
  4. Sounds awesome, the order seems very meaningful. I think the album will sound like hardcore MTM and be as atmospheric as ATS or HT EP, that would be amazing. I hope there isn't any instrumental/interludes, but I won't be sad if there is. Drawbar might be a interlude, but I hope it's not, I think that the footage of GATS with the table with song names might be old, and as many know, LP do often make 1 song into more songs and opposite.
  5. My Rock Am Ring 2014 suggestion: 1. Wake 3.0 (outro interluding to GATS) 2. Guilty All The Same (shorter intro, Mike doing Rakim verse, Ext. outro) 3. Given Up (Ext. outro) 4. Lying From You 5. From The Inside 6. Until It's Gone 7. Points Of Authority 8. Numb 9. Crawling 10. In The End 11. The Little Things Give You Away 12. Shadow Of The Day 13. Castle Of Glass 14. Papercut 15. By Myself (2003 intro) 16. Forgotten 17. I'll Be Gone 18. The Catalyst 19. Blackout 20. Bleed It Out (w/No Roads Left (Mike and Chester got their own parts)) 21. Reading My Eyes --------------------------- 22. What I've Done (new intro) 23. No More Sorrow (2011 intro) 24. New Song 25. A Place For My Head (Ext. outro) 26. One Step Closer (Ext.outro)
  6. Another things they can do better is: Make APFMH outdo screams better and longer and add screams in verses Add screams in Papercut verses and bridge/outro, make "The suuuuun" sound more natural in last chorus/outro Add 2003 intro into By Myself Make "I'm about tooooo!" in OSC, longer and more heavy and raspy Delete the claps from Given Up Add "I'm " growl into Faint Make And One live structure in studio version
  7. On this one they listed Steve Aoki, the rest wasn't listed because it was DJs, and on this one is the length of the songs and the album
  8. Seems fake, false release date and no details, like collaborations, length etc.
  9. Nice interview, I'm even more excited for the new album
  10. I did never consider LP as a mainstream band at all, that they made In The End, Numb, What I've Done, Burn It Down and Castle Of Glass doesn't mean they are mainstream. Ok, maybe they directed mainstream rock a bit, but they are them selves, they aren't posers who tries to fit in. Actually THP will try to direct rock music to be heavier and make metal more acceptable for mainstream assholes.
  11. The pictures number 3,with Rob and his drumset, looks like Travis Barker drumset, pretty poor.
  12. In GATS they should make kick drum louder, solo guitar should be more audible,or generally it should better mix, hope it will be different mix on the album. Generally, LP should make vocals more raw.
  13. What do you mean with HT style died out? Do you mean it's not in mainstream rock music? I don't think this died out, but since it's not popular anymore people think no one makes it anymore. I don't have anything against LP making it, but I would rather like to hear them making different things.
  14. Since Chester said there will be a lot of LP stuff this year, or something like that I think he soundtrack will be released this year, but I don't think it will be released this summer,I would say near the end of this year.
  15. Fuck! LP loosed, Palaye Royale won. Didn't notice that before now, I forgot about this when LP came to the final and forgot to vote on them.
  16. Generally I love LP lyrics, some seems to be easy, but actually they aren't. LP let you find your own answer to what song is about. I found that many of their lyrics have multiple meanings. Shadow Of The Day seems to have easy lyrics, yes, there aren't anything complicated, but you can interpret the text in many different ways. LP lyrics give a emotion, not a clear story. Of course I'm talking about some songs not all. Burn It Down have one of the worst lyrics ever written by LP, IMO. When it comes to Mike's rap, I think their oldest tracks are the best. Reading My Eyes, man, that's amazing, probably the fastest rap ever rapped by Mike. Part Of Me, that one contains very aggressive rap, love it. Another examples of awesome rap from LP's old stuff is, High Voltage, Dedicated, In The End demo and others. POA is pretty simple, but I really like it, it's so catchy, Papercut is amazing, but not that simple. Meteora and HT do not contain specially great rap, rap from those albums is pretty good, but not especially good. MTM contains very little rap, HHH rap is at the same level as Meteora and HT, but the lyrics of it are amazing. Bleed It Out is normal/good, but catchy. I do like rap from ATS, especially WFTE, W&K, WTCFM. WFTE contain pretty different rap from this that Mike did in other songs. LT contain pretty good rap too, UIB, LITE and Victimized. Mike's stuff from FM is pretty good, I think Remember The Name isn't that good. I really like Petrified, the rap is pretty different from his usual.
  17. I think Until It's Gone might be a part of Transformers 4.
  18. Actually LP aren't that heavy when it comes to studio tracks, HT songs live is LP heaviest live songs. generally LP is much heavier live. Of course they are heavy in studio too, FTI bridge is the heaviest bridge I ever heard, and it contains the heaviest screams ever recorded in a studio. I think OSC, By Myself, Runaway is definitely metal screaming. While Crawling, POA, Forgotten and With You contain a bit softer screaming. APFMH contain everything at once, screaming/shouting/yelling in 1 scream. For me yelling is more like ITE bridge, and shouting like GU live, when uuuuuuuuuuup is sung clean, not raspy, or when LFY chorus live is sung clean. I separate them by raspyness and heavyness. too raspy, but not heavy and lund, is growling. very raspy and very heavy and loud = scream. 1/2 raspy + heavy and loud = yell, not raspy + 1/2 heavy = shout
  19. Until It's Gone title was on the table with songs on GATS making of video, but it was in the moment when the camera showed it right when the section where the table is visible began. The song was on the grid over All For Nothing grid.
  20. I think Until It's Gone will be the second single which will be released. The songs seem to be nu metal/rap metal alike, but not quiet, the reviews say rapping verses, hardcore chorus and bridge. I think Rebellion was firstly made sounding like SOAD, and then they invited Daron the same way they invited Rakim. I'm quite disappointed that I know a bit what songs will sound like and that Daron will be on the album etc. Imagine how excited would we get without knowing those things while listening to the album, I would probably piss in my pants and then explode from the excitement. I can't wait for the album
  21. Great interview. I think that 6.14 on the preview meant June 2014, I don't know why mike calls June middle of the summer. I hope this album will be longer than 45 minutes, or I hope it will be the longest LP (studio) album. The album cover look good, but I imagined it will be darker, looks like mix of LT, Recharged and LT Australian tour edition.
  22. I think that Daron's voice is very unique, I wouldn't say Serji has more unique than him, I think both have "uniqueness" at the same level. But Daron's uniqueness is more similar to Chester's I think there should be just 1 instrumental, not 1 intro instrumental and 1 usual instrumental, 1 instrumental like Cure For The Itch will be enough. There's possibility that there won't be an instrumental track at all, because so big part of songs might be instrumental anyway. 180?
  23. For me it sounds like there's the bands members shouting it, and Mike's voice seems to be the loudest of them.
  24. As it was said before GATS, generally is softer than the rest of the album. Where did we know from, that The Haunting Party is the name of the new album? EDIT: now I know, the preview.
  25. With Mike's voice, do you mean gang vocals? I do not hear Mike's voice anywhere else in the song
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