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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. March 3? wow I wonder why they can't do it before, it's just a chat.
  2. Back in the 2004 I created this thread in the LPU i had a lot of bootlegs and posted clips of live mistakes, I remember that I posted a clip of Easier To Run, dont remember the show but it was a 2003 show, maybe.. college something? Chester's voice cracks in the chorus, i wonder if someone can post this XD My pc crashed a few years ago and I lost everything now I only have a few shows, but this is LPL.net so let's have fun Share clips of live fails, if this thread gets big my idea is to do a compilation and upload it to youtube First clip: A Place For My Head, Berlin 2001 (Chester changes lyrics) http://www.mediafire.com/?ymqxfyz15m3 New Divide, Osaka, Japan 2009 (Bridge enters at the wrong time) http://www.mediafire.com/?zj0immietaz
  3. It wont be a bad idea if we add the name of the LP member that was in the video
  4. I wanted to keep it the same way as the original cover.
  5. I'm downloading your album I heard your remixes and they were pretty good I created a cover for you, maybe you dont know but Mike released 10 alternate covers of Minutes to Midnight, this is one of them, it's my favorite i added some colours and the other it's just black and white, hope you like it.
  6. I will never understand why DBS is the only band in the planet that doesnt hav a website why their videos are never on tv why they dont have adds in tv (even HT album had) by the way I love your music.
  7. I'm beggining to think that the lack of promotion was a plan made by WB why? If DBS gets a little bit popular like FM did they will have to tour a lot more, so that means = Linkin Park loses Chester for a while, so they have a lot more interest for releasing a new LP album If WB wants they can throw a bomb of promotion for DBS.
  8. Chester words makes me believe that he doesnt likes MTM... I'm happy that the word HEAVY has appeared in the description of the new album, that's what i want!
  9. if the bridge had vocals.. it could have been better i hate the repetitive lyrics.
  10. this is the only new stuff that we have got you can add to this list the new 8bit song. I dont care if Mike works with Cypress HIll, with 50 all I want is new LINKIN PARK stuff. brand new, not remixed, no more demos, brand new.
  11. I dont care about others fanclubs, im sure that they can give us better videos.
  12. I wonder why they dont give us +10 minutes videos... is that hard? they have HOURS of unreleased material 1.34 min? and the intro/outro is 20 seconds Haha
  13. They always play with us, we all know that they can release albums faster than 1 album per 4 years.
  14. who's out of tone? great performance! you guys throw a lot of shit just for one not so good song...
  15. It would be good to watch a vid of you singing you are good at guitar all i can say is that Chester doesnt gives all that he has he is holding back atleast with LP cause with DBS he sings awesome.
  16. lol what the hell is wrong with you guys.. it's just a new song to chaz, he can nail every DBS song, i think that he sings better with DBS... LOL @ astat being in tune, dude you are not even a singer how you can compare yourself with chester? that's just...
  17. You must visit this site man... http://www.linkinlady.net/
  18. I looks good but.. but it aint great.
  19. guys you are getting so excited, calm down what if they release shows that we already have? it's an itunes release so standard fans dont know anything about DSP's
  20. I think that Chester can handle 30 songs per night plus he shares vocals with Mike... so he will perform like 23 full songs? a 22 songs set with LP and 7 songs of DBS like in the AAC and he has talked about a chance to get Julien K, FM, LP, DBS in the same tour iwonder if that's a joke.
  21. oh yeah a little bit late maybe we can use the time machine?
  22. I think that DBS will be on the next Projekt Rev.
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