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Everything posted by JZLP-RoadsUntraveled

  1. Seems like the studio version of Let Down has a distorted guitar... im afraid of this a clean guitar would be better.
  2. I had a dream.. Figure09 was over the POA outro!
  3. yeah! that's great. so which show has a best sound? this or the other one uploaded?
  4. I got something to say Ana is so cute.
  5. I had a great time reading this very funny linkin park horse? thats just stupid but funny XD can't wait for the rest of the pictures!
  6. hey man download hypercam it will allow you to capture the video.. or atleast make an audio rip! thanks
  7. I dont believe in their descriptions.
  8. Hey man.. so what? tell us what happens in the video.. you can listen to a Let Down snippet?
  9. let's talk about this when you have Out Of Ashes in your hands.
  10. The strong point of the band must be the ballads.
  11. OH MYY GODX YOU SO RIGHT NEVER THOUGHT THAT WAS A POSSIBILITY. _______________ I like tempe's version better, he screamed a lot there.. he should have changed the whole guitar sound, it just sounds lame.
  12. Two new demo names: The Evil Twin Split Personality
  13. DBS should open LP set.. i think that they feel akward at the show =X
  14. I Like Petrified vocals a lot it's awesome how they fit to almost any song, except to the original instrumental, the original just sounds slow.
  15. You should ask to Pooch man I have the feeling that they are going to remove them just because DBS belongs to Warner and i dont think that they want to release high quality live versions of the tracks Warner is a bitch =X you never know what to expect of them.
  16. At least we are going to have one track I think that Warner will erase DBS tracks from the DSP'S.
  17. I can't believe that there's no show info about Fort Minor's SS06 12.08.2006 Osaka, Japan, WTC Open Air Stadium, Summer Sonic Festival 13.08.2006 Chiba City, Japan, Chiba Marine Stadium, Summer Sonic Festival
  18. the crowds dont like to sing 'ameeeeeeeeeeeen' for the people who aren't fans it may be awkward =X
  19. DBS is a pretty good name! I hope that the album sounds a little bit like Grey Daze, i love that band =)
  20. Yup, I used to visit FTG a lot! back in the 2003/2004 it was one of my favorites LPSites thanks for everything Crewdy. hey guys.. I know that this is a live guide but you should use his ''timeline'' and do the years that are left to make.
  21. my opinion: good questions, really bad and short answers, he did not explain anything. like in this question: Q: Most difficult DVD to get? he could have told us the story of how the hell he got that dvd.
  22. Russian Rocket? you got the Walking Dead demo right? I think i remember you from the LPU.
  23. you are an ass man, calm down.
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