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Everything posted by RentEznor

  1. There's a really crappy low quality multitrack for LOATR yes, I have it I think. BS? I'm not sure, haven't known much of OMS instrumentals or acapellas since it was leaked last year. And I'm trying to find the other bundles that were released for Stagelight's Linkin Park edition, can't download them anymore from the Stagelight site.
  2. So, this gets leaked and Warner or the band doesn't get mad about it? I'm just curious to know why.
  3. It's very Meteora-ish and also reminded me of Enjoy the Silence's remix, probably between 2004-2006. Not the biggest MA fan but it's always cool to hear these unreleased tracks.
  4. We all expect hyped up songs to be released every year, but I said in the LPU16 discussion, with Chester passing away it's likely that we'll get this year's LPU or the next one all Chester's demos or unreleased songs sang mainly by him. If it was up to me I would rather have vocal demos over instrumentals.
  5. That's the thing, people compare to Chester wich no one should do because they're very different. Chester was and will always be an insane talent, no one ever will take that away from him, Mike is as talented as him, not for his voice (still good yes) but for other occupations, LP and FM are his babies, he created them along with the other guys, and that takes a lot of talent and time.
  6. I laugh when I see certain people saying Mike can't sing properly. It's a different story if it's not for your taste, but to sit there and say he's "annoying", I don't know man, I've heard much worse voices, especially knowing how has he evolved through the years, he's a decent/quite good vocalist.
  7. Seems definitely fake. Personally, I would actually like to have all 10 or even 12 demos with Chester's vocals on it. Who knows, maybe we could finally get No Roads Left sang by him for example. We will not get them at least until around Mike's solo show in Japan, after that, we will see.
  8. My country will clearly not get him anytime soon. I feel ashamed sometimes.
  9. Really enjoyed the Q&A of yesterday. And finally he took time to explain to many people about the "Come to X place please". For LP it was easier to get to most of countries. With Mike I have some fears but I hope people has a big response and ask as many people as they can.
  10. OMS instrumentals were released "officially", no acapellas though. I'm sure with time them and Warner will decide to release all albums (including remix ones), I don't know why they never did it until LT.
  11. Is this satire? Because if so, you're very good at it. That or you're being serious 100%. If it's the case, then, ok? Goodbye.
  12. Oh I see. Well, anyway, I hope someone gets it someday.
  13. They are snippets used as a preview, for sure he has the whole thing. Unless he's lying wich I doubt it.
  14. Very raw and powerful lyrics, I haven't seen Mike sing this honest in a long time, I've always loved when he gets angry for real and has no fillter and man, his singing hability has improved a lot through the years, he's very good right now. The production is clearly closer to what Mike does on his remixes/FM material, dig it. I've gotta listen to it more to appreciate it, for sure, it's not for everybody, but I'll always enjoy to hear different stuff from the guys, inside or outside the band.
  15. MTM was "leaked" last year, but the person who leaked it was asking for other rare instrumental albums: https://soundcloud.com/xpeehdroox2/linkin-park-minutes-to-midnight-album-instrumentals I hope someone talks to him and gets it. With time, maybe, we'll get all LP albums.
  16. Hopefully they also upload the MTV2 music videos, unlikely, but one can always dream.
  17. Ilsey was meh? I HUGELY disagree with you there. It's definitely one of the better perfomances of the night.
  18. DVD/Blu ray release? Including more backstage footage and DJ Z-Trip's set. Unlikely, but never say never.
  19. For me, I would quit. Release some huge unreleased stuff, including every LP Underground and more. Something that only hardcore fans could only get but now everyone will be able of enjoy it too.
  20. So hard to see how his life ended. Very pissed and angry about this. You were a wonderful human being that didn't hide from showing his demons, but sadly, it ended up consuming you. Rest in peace Chester.
  21. Still, his best friend died recently. We can't really know what was going on through Chester's mind.
  22. Mike confirmed it. Jesus fucking Christ. What the fuck?
  23. I don't believe a single thing until someone close from the band or him says something.
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