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Everything posted by RentEznor

  1. Jay Gordon hasn't done anything else with the band besides one song in 20+ years. Why did he open his mouth now? Even with the rumors having some kind of veracity, I was very confused by his out of nowhere statement. Regardless, whatever might happen next year, I'm excited.
  2. There's 2 fair points here. I've heard for some time about the myth surrounding vinyl being "The best way to experience music in high quality/fidelity" which to a certain degree is true, especially for older music or for people who rather want to hear it in the 'purest' way possible. It's up to personal preference, for 20$ (+ shipping) is not too bad, I bought the CD version of Papercuts so owning this limited edition thingy wouldn't be too bad.
  3. Awesome stuff, either if it's after, during or before MTM20 I'm very hyped for the full show being released (RME anyone? I'm so f'ing hype for real, I really hope they put it out). Also, did anyone notice how at 1:35 the live video does a weird audio transition between the actual feed and the LPU6 version?
  4. Oh wow, that was cool to hear. I assume after nearly 20 years she's in much better terms with the band, especially Mike.
  5. Mike seems not to be a huge fan and it's totally fine, it's more like "Oh okay, they're a thing and they're not hurting anyone, they can have fun" because I wonder how charging money for it affects the tribute band in the sense of the label possibly getting involved legally (as an ignorant person myself about it). The major negative for me about this whole thing are the people who see these bands either live or online and react with the "Oh man, this person nails and sounds like Chester, the real band should contact them, it's disrespecting that LP wants to continue without a singer, shame on them!" type of absolute immature take. Aside for that, I'm not big on these either, but it would be kinda fun to help a local band if they wanted to cover a song giving them or even playing with them using official stems of the samples.
  6. The only links you'd see here are the ones that are technically 'legally' fine to be shared. I'm no law/music expert so yeah.
  7. Didn't the company who owned the Smoke Out 2003 footage say the band was looking to get a lot of old shows (including that one) for 'historic reasons'? Let's cross fingers big time if means they're trying to get all the available high quality shows out there.
  8. Sigh. Also, why cheap sleeves and not proper jewel boxes? They did the same with HT20 and M20. I get they wanna avoid using plastic but goddamn, my M20 vinyls suffered a bit without any sleeves at all inside the main sleeve itself. I might get the CD version next week if that helps.
  9. Yeah I'm aware of those being used for multiple reasons and that's why they feel and felt unfinished, but it still bothers me a bit lol
  10. We will likely get the LPU6/Songs from the Underground version. Personally the most that I'm looking forward is possibly having never before seen footage from that era that isn't the LPTV's or MTM DVD. 🤞
  11. Awesome! Most of the instrumental/acapellas are already out there, and I'm still glad the leaked ones were made available years later. Like @Qwerty18 said, still kinda frustrated about certain 'official' songs, either released or leaked, that sound off (SOTD, OSC and some instrumental versions from Reanimation had a different mixing 😌) or weren't included for whatever reason (My December, X-Ecutioner Style and With You are completely absent from the Reanimation instrumentals even though there's explicit evidence of them existing as they can be heard on many old LPTV's). I have my pet peeves about the topic but I will never complain about having these or let alone getting a link from the artist itself for free including stems/track/explicit/censored/etc.
  12. HT20 and M20 were extremely successful, even when Mike was very vocal about being against releasing some type of 'Greatest Hits'. Well, this was what I fear it would eventually happen, and I blame mostly on the label, even if the band had a lot of freedom to pretty much put whatever they wanted since the MTM/ATS days, Warner is a massive company, I truly hope the band finally goes independent one day. Having nothing from THP sounds like a dick move from the label, not the band, as allegedly they weren't big fans of that record.
  13. Still can't believe Mike was able to make better music with a laptop during touring than some of his more 'professional' material at the time. Great movie indeed btw, much, much, much better than John Wick.
  14. Slightly disappointed it’s not an unheard song and it’s just a track that has been officially and technically available for nearly 18 years. Also yeah wtf, no THP involvement? As much as I still have many gripes with that album, it is important to acknowledge its existence on a release like this.
  15. If we get an LPU type of album outside the LPU itself with actual unreleased (not leaked) but finished songs I’d be extremely happy. Not hugely into greatest hits kind of album, as Mike said he wasn’t a fan either, so I expect the first option.
  16. Such a 2000s song but it’s very decent, I quite like some of Celldweller's stuff myself, and SOB of course. I get why many like vinyl over CD or digital, I own a couple of original pressing releases and nothing beats that organic sound, but each to his own. Very excited over this and hopefully I can get one, never got the chance to own the original 2009 vinyl release (allegedly a bit expensive). I assume it will be updated on digital platforms.
  17. They keep milking this and Lost itself, while something like the 2002 Mix of Lost, for whatever stupid corporate reason, hasn't been re-released in any other form. Lol
  18. Blown away with this one, might be biased but so far, no complains, don't care if it wasn't an LP song, I dig IMH quite a bit so this was really fun. Interesting that the german verse on AO seems like complete new lyrics and not a translation, first time ever using a different language(?) Neat. I'm 99,9% sure Mike doesn't care about the numbers and he's just having fun with those kids.
  19. So until 2017? Checks out. I truly hope when they make the video public again the annoying AI bullshit is gone and they post the actual raw unedited footage. That's literally the point of first time evers, regardless of the quality, it will never not be bad to have these out, especially if they're old.
  20. OH. MY. GOD. Whatever the real story is and even if it's not the whole thing, I still take it, so fucking glad to finally have it public.
  21. Thanks for the work gentlemen! Even if I got used to the original design, I hope I can figure out the new one.
  22. I swear he did say something similar to what I said w/ the context of the label also agreeing to putting it out there. For damn sure the label still has the ultimate control on the bigger releases, I assume.
  23. 3/3 so far, the harmonies here were absolutely fantastic, really loved the bit where it showed Mike playing Chester's vocal stems to them, man, don't make me tear up that easily.
  24. Isn't the usual excuse "Hey if enough people want this then maybe I could put it out there"? Like how on HT20/M20 they didn't release the instrumentals? LT/THP and OML (only instrumentals but they were leaked) were the exception, for some reason, I wonder what's the big deal about not releasing them.
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