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Everything posted by RentEznor

  1. F*ck me dude, that's WAY too much, even before Chester's passing the price was already out of this world. But let's keep crossing fingers the owner someday decides to slow down and give a much reasonable number.
  2. If it's actual footage recorded by him of that time I'd love to see it. Only actual known legit 'holy grail' footage is that Lockout video, no doubt it's more than 10k by this point.
  3. Fascinating stuff. Maybe 9/11 added that layer of scrutiny indirectly? Perhaps, but I do also remember something like Green Day's nearly finished record being stolen at the time before they started all over again for American Idiot.
  4. Preferring X music genres should be fine by now, *** are and will never be fine. Huge difference. But keep going comparing both. Anyway, still very excited for M20.
  5. The weirder they get, the better for me. Loving 'heavy' tracks is so 2000s. Lol
  6. People in 2023 are still impatient? Wow, water is wet. Anyway, whatever it is, I just wanna hear A LOT of vocal demos, the instrumental ones we've got so far are nice but my judgment on the relationship between Meteora and the band over the years hasn't changed that much, they definitely they still prefer HT, MTM or ATS over this record and I get it, it was mostly a 'transitional' album because WBR highly likely advised them to do a similar record to HT as it worked out extremely well (while also letting them more artistic freedom, the Rap and Electronic elements clearly were implemented so it didn't sounded exactly the same). I still really enjoy Meteora to this day for the most part, BTH is still an extremely important song to me before and after Chester passed, so I have a huge connection to it, more than HT, can't wait for March. Is this legit out of nowhere? LMAO how?
  7. Yeah sounds about right. Not a fan of these. Just release the actual official instrumentals.
  8. Well, just got mine today. Everything is fine until I see all 3 litographs dented. Thankfully I already got half of the fixed stuff last year, this time I only needed the LPU CD, still, thanks Warner/DHL for that late Christmas gift.
  9. Oh boy, can't wait for (if) Meteora 20 gets a similar release and here we go again, same f*cking bullcrap. I'm getting my second wave soon, hopefully it's all fixed and not just some of it.
  10. It feels more like a Twitch track someone asked him to do in the moment mixing music elements mostly before 2010 than an actual finished song lol, still decent, although I prefer him to keep evolving as a musician instead or at least do something more unpredictable.
  11. What happened to the other 20th anniverasry Reanimation remixes? If there were plans of releasing more.
  12. Give me back the days when he was involved with harmless phone apps and mostly art projects using real life tools.
  13. I wish he would stop this and release anything similar through a different medium.
  14. Ryan and Jeff were being very gentle talking about Chester, and then she acted as if she was high or something. Good lord, I'm glad Talinda appeared in Chester's life, what a weird lady Samantha was and is.
  15. Exactly. It would be funny if someone would ask him about that on Twitch.
  16. Absolutely. Although I wouldn't deny that Mike's comment about "Radio these days plays mostly Disney music so it may be a reason why we decided to make the record sound like that" really caught me off guard and came off as goofy and a bit pretentious, still, I really enjoy some of the songs and Brad/Rob's work was excellent, massive props to them. You mean artists/creators don't need big views to be able to live or eat? Or did you intentionally made that assumption to make Anthony look bad here? The interview to me seemed very professional and polite, don't know what you're talking about.
  17. It's okay I guess? Catchy but not a fan of the not so subtle internet 'memes' references, a bit forced. Not sure if that was on purpose trying to sound funny or serious.
  18. He also wasn't nice to PT (Mike acknowledged Anthony's dislike of his music on Twitter yesterday). Don't think he hates their stuff but definitely not a fan for sure. I'm extremely curious to see the interview. Edit: now I DO remember him praising Mike for his Twitch tracks, maybe he likes his music deep down.
  19. '93 born child here. I mainly prefer Reanimation over Recharged but I would be too dumb to not appreciate Money Mark's remix, probably my favorite of the album, also I might be one of the few people that liked Mike's remixes from the late 2000s, such as Gold Guns Girls or Death to Analog. It says a lot about you guys taking this extremely seriously.
  20. Interesting, never seen it before.
  21. Amazing, thanks! I also wonder what 'Minutes To Midnight Website Clips' is.
  22. How did you know about the working titles of Slip for example? Fascinating stuff!
  23. Got an e-mail asking me my home address, hopefully I'd get it before the year ends.
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