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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. Mike's almost as bad as the members of Periphery when it comes to trolling the fans
  2. Damn Geki, you're right about Tel Aviv One Step Closer, Chester kills it.
  3. Avenged Sevenfold cover? I joke, I joke. Very exciting that this seems legit, can't wait to hear what it sounds like.
  4. In this week's issue of Kerrang! magazine, out in stores tomorrow, there is an interview with Chester about the new album. A preview is available here- http://www.kerrang.com/blog/newissue/ On the cover, it says "New album exclusive! The guitars are back!" May be able to give you guys screenshots of the article when I get the magazine tomorrow.
  5. Paramore are an emo/punk Warped Tour band...
  6. This needs to happen. If only so Legend is bankrupted. Oh, and it has to have a UK leg. With Korn as special guests...
  7. Yeah, they're pretty good. You've probably heard One Armed Scissor without realising.
  8. At least if LP lose, it'll be to a decent band. I voted for them nonetheless...
  9. If the video's being filmed now, I'm sure it'll be out May latest. Which means the album won't be out later than July. EXCITEMENT.
  10. http://www.facebook.com/linkinPark Don't know when it happened, but the band's Facebook page has reached the 40,000,000 fan mark. An excellent achievement!
  11. I wish Mike still wrote lyrics like this.
  12. The difference is, Korn's popularity has been slumping since 2002. Linkin Park continue to sell out arenas, reach chart-topping positions and headline festivals today.
  13. ATS was not rushed. An album that takes two years to make is never rushed. (It arrives precisely when it means to.)
  14. My opinion exactly. From the My December remix onwards though, it's just golden.
  15. Hopefully all the nu-metal obsessives will get false hope over all this talk of "old-school LP", and then be crushingly disappointed when the album isn't just an early 2000s nostalgia trip.
  16. A blend of rock, hip-hop and electronic music that includes vocal interplay between the band's two vocalists. If anything, ATS is closer than MTM to this. One of the reasons I don't like Minutes as much as the other albums is that there is very little vocal interplay. The majority of the album is sung completely by Chester, while the few Mike-sung tracks are dominated completely by Mike. I've always felt that the dynamics between them as vocalists was one of the band's great strengths, and MTM just doesn't have that.
  17. Thrash Hits are normally quite well informed. Difficult to to believe they've already finished recording, though- if it's true I'm sure we'll be hearing it from some other sources soon.
  18. I love Rob as a drummer, I love that some of his beats are more hip-hop or dance influenced than rock, it makes the rhythms more interesting. At the same time, he doesn't show off too much. I'd find it difficult to contrast him with the two you mentioned, as Dom has a very different style (which is also awesome) and I've never really closely listened to a 30 Seconds to Mars song.
  19. Yes, we're dam kidding you... whatever the hell that may entail. Hybrid Theory is my favourite LP album, but I think A Thousand Suns is the best one. It's artistically adventurous and creates a completely unique atmosphere without sacrificing the core of Linkin Park's sound. They're very difficult to compare really, as they're of very different genres, it's like comparing a Limp Bizkit album to a Radiohead one.
  20. There is so much wrong with this I could... oh, it's not worth it. Hit the nail on the head.Just like to point out that my earlier statement was sarcasm, in case the capital letters and excessive punctuation didn't tip anyone off. Can't wait to hear what this album sounds like. More so than perhaps any other artist (alongside Muse, perhaps), I genuinely have no idea what each LP record will sound like, and that's really, really exciting. I don't see how people could prefer bands to just churn out the same old thing over and over, where's the excitement in that?
  21. Dynamo scares me, he must be an alien. Damn, I'm turning into Matt Bellamy...
  22. Pop music? POP MUSIC?!?!?!?!?!?!? Aside from that, a new album mid-year would make me a rather happy bunny indeed. Seems to suggest that we're not just getting a few European dates, this is the genuine start of the next tour.
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