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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. There were lots of guitars on ATS and both the prior released Living Things songs- guitars have never left!!!!
  2. THESE ARE AMAZING. These 30 second snippets alone suggest that these songs will be better than the two previously released. Lost in the Echo in particular sounds fantastic... it's almost metalcore-esque.
  3. I bought the Foo Fighters Greatest Hits last year, so they must be still relevant!
  4. Hit the Floor and Crawling are both Track 5... one leads from the other
  5. I say cut Crawling, or do something interesting with it, like as a piano version or as part of a medley. I don't think In the End will ever be dropped for long, personally.
  6. I will be listening to the album in full on the 25th, on CD and headphones. Never listen to leaks, it just doesn't feel... right.
  7. IT'S A DRAW Haha, funny stuff. Interesting what Chester said about the Hybrid Theory singles...
  8. They're far more Fort Minor in style than previous LP lyrics. Also I'm pretty sure it's Banksy (as in the graffiti artist) rather than Bansy.
  9. A PLACE FOR MY MOTHERLOVING HEAD, OPENING THE WHOLE DAMN SHOW! Damn, now THAT is a setlist! Will spend most of the day watching videos from this
  10. Judas Priest :D OLD SCHOOL METAL! :P

  11. I had to think what the hell you were talking about then :D Sounds like fun, I'll have to get my friends to try it. It'll have to be next year though, at a gig tomorrow :P

  12. I assume Victimized is thus the shortest non-instrumental track the band have released?
  13. This song is a lot weirder than I expected... it's almost like pop, but slightly twisted. The first bit of the song is good, but from 1:30 onwards it's fantastic, I love the buildup. It is pretty short, but I don't really mind. I think this one is gonna grow on me.
  14. I think they could do one of the more atmospheric ones. No One's There or Hollow Life would be awesome.
  15. YES. PLEASE. Also- Deftones - Back to School Korn - No One's There Ice Cube - Wicked Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
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