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Everything posted by FearOfTheDuck

  1. I disagree, I think folky style music is doing pretty well in the mainstream at the moment, largely due to Mumford and Sons.
  2. I, like others, assume they finished up Lost in the Echo and are doing COG sooner rather than later, as they're about to go on tour. So glad COG is going to be a single, as it means it's almost certain to be in the setlists.
  3. I've been to 3, which I doubt will be enough But for the record- 29/02/2008 - O2 Arena 01/08/2009 - Sonisphere Festival 10/11/2010 - O2 Arena
  4. We were bashing Fall Out Boy and I missed it? Awwww....
  5. Even the biggest bands on the planet struggle with car seats sometimes. Good episode, the acoustic APFMH actually sounded quite cool.
  6. Not necessarily. I wouldn't completely rule out Don't Stay, and that never seems to be played without Foreword.
  7. Great news for Brazilian fans, hopefully there'll be lots more dates across South America. It does make more sense to do Europe again afterwards rather than before, plus it's more convenient for myself. Everyone's a winner!
  8. Considering Summer Sonic is in like, a month, I doubt that'd be happening for LP.
  9. They've got to announce Europe soon if it is happening, before August definitely. Interested to see who support will be for these next tours.
  10. Wow, that's going to be a pretty small European tour if it's only going to be October. I'm pretty sure that the UK (hopefully) will be a part of it, as we didn't get a summer show. If a London date clashes with my other October gigs I is going to be MAD.
  11. And this whole conversation is I must admit, seeing Chester screaming and Mike rapping when they hit their 60s would be a really weird sight. The band will decide to stop when they feel they need to, whenever that may be. I think for LP the biggest issue is that the older a band gets, the more nostalgically they will inevitably lean, and I don't think LP would be as content with that as say, AC/DC are. They always want to be forward thinking but if they're still touring in 20 years time their audience will be largely hordes of middle aged men reliving their youth wanting to hear One Step Closer et al.
  12. Forgotten has been pretty much forgotten, so that's a no. Nobody's listening to Nobody's Listening, that's another permanent goner. And if they bring The Messenger back into the setlist, kittens will be burned.
  13. Drum Song. The finalised version is obviously a lot better, but it's still a fantastic song unfinished.
  14. The topic itself is a fairly interesting point of discussion, but making a poll is just stupid. Who the hell is going to able to pin it down to a specific year? I think (and certainly hope) that the band will be around for another 15 years at least. I want to be at LP shows lecturing new, young fans about how it was "back in the day".
  15. It seems Lost in the Echo and Castle of Glass are the main favourites, interesting as they may be the next two singles. More people vote for Tinfoil than Skin to Bone and Lies Greed Misery, what?
  16. Wow, that's a lot of big name artists. I'd imagine the tickets are very pricey.
  17. If only we'd known about this sooner, Figure.09 would have shot to number one
  18. He quoted himself within his own post?!?!? POSTCEPTION?
  19. Well, Foreword is an excellent builder of tension, with some nifty percussion work and chilling ambience, but on the other hand, Empty Spaces is a soundscape with numerous overlapping textures and a real feeling of anticipation. After careful deliberation, I chose Foreword as the sound of glass breaking in the outro is just such a brilliant musical highpoint for the band.
  20. Not a fan of their music but they are a fantastic festival band. I like one or two songs though, Boiler's pretty good.
  21. Interesting, I've never noticed those until now. I definitely prefer the actual lyrics to to the booklet ones.
  22. I couldn't disagree more. It is a very simple melody that Mike would easily be able to "handle" live. Roads Untravelled I know what you mean, but they could easily slot Victimized in near the beginning, it's less than two minutes long! I could imagine In My Remains and I'll Be Gone getting rotated either soon or in future, as they're very similar songs. I could also imagine the same for LGM and Victimized as leftshoe said.
  23. It's entirely possible that Blink were originally booked to play those tours and pulled out. They did postpone their UK tour by a year (which I think is absolutely ridiculous).
  24. http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/genera..._us_charts.html Good god, UG users being complimentary about Linkin Park. This album MUST be good.
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