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Everything posted by Qwerty18

  1. I really didn't expect this one to have vocals. Great surprise. Tune has a real nice atmosphere. I think I dig the verses the most, as they're unexpectedly hard-hitting given the more laid-back, power-ballad style chorus. Other songs in that vein (Easier To Run, Crawling) had melodic verses as well, so it's cool they tried something else here.
  2. The way the vocal harmonizes in the chorus / bridge still gives me big-time Sum-41 vibes. The weird vocal samples and the drum beat are really cool too. It's a fun tune but slightly repetitive - the 2nd chorus is pretty much the first chorus copy/pasted 2 times. But for what it is, it's great to have it. We have to remember it is technically a demo, or as Mike put it, a 90% done song. Sure it is going to miss some attention to details other songs might have.
  3. Fighting Myself is pretty f*cking dope. I'll try my best not to overplay those recordings as the sound quality really don't make the song justice. But, what a banger.
  4. If More The Victim is Cumulus with vocals... that really makes me think Healing Foot is Broken Foot with (some form of ) vocals 😛 But probably not as complete as those 2 songs. Same with A6, but that one is more obvious.
  5. Wow, Chester parts on those songs have a big pop punk vibe. Almost like something from Sum-41. Not saying they sound like a Sum-41 song - they don't - but the chorus melodies and the delivery of the vocals in it go a bit in that direction.
  6. I think arguably, the song is better than half off the album (Nobody's Listening, Hit The Floor, Easier To Run, Don't Stay, Somewhere I Belong). Mostly due to Chester stellar performance, his vocals are absolutely stunning here. That said. I agree with Mike that having this and Numb on the same album wouldn't feel right. They are wayyy too similar, almost like twin songs.
  7. I mean, even if it's AI, I guess there still was a conscious decision to feed it with New Divide ^^'
  8. Regarding the New Divide references, two things come to mind : It adds an additional layer to the idea of "being lost in memories", by making references to memories of the "Linkin Park" days, not just Meteora. New Divide was a huge hit, which means lot of people would recognize the bits from "New Divide" More likely, it just looks cool with the effects and stuff ^^
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/10/arts/music/linkin-park-meteora-chester-bennington.html
  10. There are extracts of an interview with Mike (found it in the New York Times), where it's revealed that "Fighting Myself" and "More the Victim" are also near completed songs. Mike finished the mixing of "Fighting Myself" last year, while "More the Victim" is a demo near completion. Each of them would display a different side of the band. Cool Stuff!
  11. I love how cinematic the song is, and Chester delivery throughout the song. There is really a sense of vulnerability in the verses. Hopefully the song gets its fair bit of attention and radio airplay. That would be really cool, somehow.
  12. To be honest, the only thing I'm a bit bitter about is the trimmed version of Chair and Hurry, as the biggest reason I purchased the package was to satisfy my greed for an "All HT stuff on Official CD" (well, minus Part of Me Demo and Fuse, obviously). I know it's 2 instrumental demo's, nothing outstanding, but it's still 2 more tracks I'd have to look up somewhere else (which I'd be too lazy to do). Still happy with the product as a whole.
  13. The "sound" of those songs would sound dated in 2017... if it's made with 1999 gear. However, the "atmosphere" of those songs would not sound dated one bit, I'd argue. If you take that kind of musical composition, but apply it the craftmanship and gear of 2017, it shouldn't sound dated. After all, many artists are making a career nowadays by updating the sound of the 60's, 70's, 80's. I would have prefered that kind of composition over something like "Sharp Edges", which has too much of 2010's radio-pop sensibilities for me to enjoy. Of course, only a matter of tastes here.
  14. I get what you're saying. For me, the huge benefit of this is that it put together a lot of material that was spread out everywhere. Nowadays I mostly listen to physical CDs , front-to-back (good way to be selective with the huge amount of music out there...money is limited ). In that case, having all of the HT-demos/b-sides stuff gathered up in one place is pretty convenient.
  15. Part of Me indeed is the real forgotten one. Only real bummer for me. Out of the Xero tape, Fuse is also absent. Any other missings ones? Just out of curiosity, for completeness-sake 😛
  16. Yep did the Amazone preorder too, let's hope for the best with this I used to do loads of playlist to gather up the HT stuff that was spread everywhere (warner demos, singles, LPU) Having 5 official CD that do exactly that, that's like an old fanboy dream come true, ahah
  17. Ahah, quite awesome to finally have it...even though we kinda had a glimpse for 20 years The whispering part is a bit .. funny, the whole thing is sketchy, but the "chorus" melody is stuck in my head. Somehow, HT-era && pre-fame LP melodies have always been a win for me.
  18. Really cool to see Mike honoring that record. A landmark in recent music history.
  19. Interesting how Mike is on the fence about a new song with Chester voice (especially since he loves the song) "A new LP song with Chester voice on it? You will literally have to wait years for that"'. I wonder if out of respect / too difficult for them, and | or keeping in it for a special occasion / waiting for the right time (= when LP future is more clear). In a way, it is comforting they don't go easy with that stuff. In the other, it is a bummer we won't get to hear it (in a long, long time).
  20. For me, the funny thingy is that I have known that "LP" singer for many years. Why? This website is kinda called "lp live". Now, try to google "lp live".
  21. Having skipped all the drama, I'll leave it at this: I found the album enjoyable The guys did a good job at re-inventing those old tunes. Mostly, Chester voice sounds incredible. It is nice to hear it with a more professional productions style. Learned about this by accident too, via the media. Actually, it was kind of a nice feel to see an article about Chester, in the news, in 2020. Let the music do the talking. For me, it was a good, and that makes me happy.
  22. I don't understand LP fans rejoicing over this. Sounds like Chester is "their toy" which should only belong to "their favorite band", aka LP. At worst, if I didn't enjoy STP, I would just be indifferent to this sort of news.
  23. I really hope they will include GATS and ALITS in the same set, one day. In my opinion, GATS really was the best live song from THP so far, and ALITS has made a big impression on me too now. On the opposite, they should just get rid of Wastelands.
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