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Everything posted by AParallelogramInTheSand

  1. Aren't the proposed 5 singles going to be: 1 The Catalyst 2 Waiting for the End 3 Burning in the Skies 4 or 5 Iridescent 4 or 5 Wretches & Kings ??? Or did I miss something....? Also - I heard that Linkin Park wasn't involved at all on the third Transformers movie, so as far as coming out with a song like New Divide was done, it's not gonna happen. If they have a Transformers single, it'll be just a song from the album, like how What I've Done was in the first movie.
  2. Not playing favoritism, but ours are just so much more badass. Their shirts look to quickly done, and done purely to have a shirt (whether they did this to combat our shirt sale or not)
  3. There's also a lot of people who can't, but would try to do what Pez did, just to get on stage. Pez simply did what others didn't do - ask. Plus, LPLive had a member on stage TWICE in a tour. That's just epic. Congrats Pez bros! @LPxDC - lawlz
  4. Hey Mark, quick question: I was looking at the rates for Fedex, and for you to ship 2 shirts to me would be about $15 or so. Also, I'm not sure exactly how I'd be able to get the package because I have a University Box (like a PO Box) and UPS is the only service that delivers other than USPS. Is it possible to have them shipped a way other than Fedex? I don't need them on a deadline because I can't make it to any shows, I just can't be paying what I think it's gonna turn out costing.
  5. I love both designs, but I have to ask, why the spade on the blue shirt?
  6. Maybe the staff just doesn't like you Papelbon, and this is a giant, intricate prank for you, and the rest of us all have our shirts already...
  7. I'm looking for the top 5 DSPs released so far, which ones had the best setlists, changes, etc?
  8. I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to go, but if I do, I'm getting tickets LP.com access day, and my girlfriend and I are driving down to see them then staying at her place before heading back Edit: Can't go. Damn.
  9. You need 6 or more participants for an orgy, just saying
  10. I see a new album as possible. If you look at things, they could possibly throw together an album with unused songs that simply need refining. Look at Across the Line, Pretend to Be, and What We Don't Know. They all have a similar sound to them that I don't see on the MTM or ATS albums. There's a possibility that there's an unknown stage in LP's sound that we don't fully know about. So, if they use the foundation of songs from that mini-era, LP will have another album with a different overall kind of sound. Also, Chester said late 2009 that they had so many songs that were almost finished, and they were picking their favorite ones and refining them. All those songs probably came before the "concept record, wait, let's do it a little different than a concept record" set of songs that became ATS. If there are these songs that have a good foundation to start from, and with the fact that they could possibly record/edit on the road (weren't some songs for Meteora recorded/finished on the road?), then they could conceivably put out another record in 2011. I absolutely loved ATS, but I'm ready for a traditional album with about 12 songs that stand on their own. /cent cent
  11. I know this is a little bit nit-picky, but it just has been annoying me soooo much >.< July 18th 2008 - Burgettstown - can you switch it to Pittsburgh? It's in the "greater Pittsburgh area" and everyone from the area refer to the Post Gazette Pavillion as in Pittsburgh. It also says Pittsburgh on the 2008 Projekt Revolution sticker 18.07.2008 Burgettstown, PA Post-Gazette Pavilion Thank you guys
  12. And that is why I love LP (Mike's face at the end)
  13. Dude, I blasted that CD, opened by ATL, everywhere I went for about 2 months... The only thing I could say needed improvement was LOATR - replace one of the verses with the demo one
  14. For some of the people here, it's like they're orphans, and you're telling them "oh, there's always next year" because nobody adopts them at Christmastime :lol: /horrible person thought However, you are exactly right
  15. WIN thank you ree_ree for the info, and nice job getting Contributors status I think the cd sounds like it will be cool. It's new LP material.... I personally would've loved for B-Sides, but that was never really confirmed, oh well. Dealt with it, moved on. However, I would've LOVED for the songs to be like LPU9 where they were demos of released songs, because I remember leftshoe18 made a remix album "Rebirth" that basically combined those into their right spots in the finished songs, and it was FUCKING EPIC. But with the instrumentals, I bet some people here could put their own vocals over, etc....
  16. wait, the "LPUX site is launching TODAY" was the news?
  17. Is there anyway for someone to put "MrCinder" on the poster? That would be epic xP And Congrats on the three sites getting LP recognition!! It's really cool to see how "involved" we are with the tour (setlist changes), as well as seeing how much LP does for their fans. They could've taken the flag and just threw it in a room, etc, but instead they displayed in on stage for everyone to see. They went through OUR boards, saw what we were saying about the setlists, and not only did they change it up, they freaking dedicated APFMH specifically to us!
  18. Just need a plane ticket, and ear plugs to block out Katy Perry.....
  19. I know he had it for Empty Spaces, which actually was really cool - the lights were all off, and it made it seem like the voices on the track were searching the crowd for someone. As far as on the Catalyst, why DOESN'T he have a flashlight?
  20. I'm guessing roughly about 12 minutes it's 8:48 pm right now
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