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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. I initially read that as Post Traumatic 2 and got really excited for a second. lol
  2. It has nothing to do with the original. On it's own merits I do not like the cover. I guess "awful" was too strong a word choice. I just don't like it.
  3. Not to get off topic with the whole Pros and Cons of Geki debate but this cover is awful. Everything from the instrumentation to the vocal performance just does not work at all in my opinion. I appreciate showing some love for Linkin Park but I won't be listening to this again.
  4. They'll almost certainly play Lift Off at this show. Does Deftones still play My Own Summer live? It would be pretty cool to see Mike come out for that since LP used to play it at shows back in the day.
  5. Unfortunately I'm going to be working on Friday. I still find myself breaking down on occasion and I already know it's going to be a difficult day. Friday morning I'm releasing a remix EP to help honor his legacy. The description on the uploads includes a link to the One More Light fund and the EP itself includes a remix I was working on the morning of Chester's death before I heard the news. I felt it was fitting to finally release it as a part of this project. When I get home I'll probably watch Rock Am Ring 2004. It's been my favorite LP show for years and I always enjoy watching Chester kick ass on stage. I was thinking of also watching the tribute show from last October but I don't know how I'll be feeling at the end of the day.
  6. That's nothing! The Scars on Broadway album coming out next week was recorded six years ago.
  7. Another great video! I can't wait to watch the whole album once everything's released.
  8. Those are my favorite tracks on the album. lol
  9. I wonder if there's any chance Jared performs something with Mike.
  10. As a huge Nine Inch Nails fan it's really cool to see Mike on the same bill as them.
  11. I think the availability of the show helps but it is definitely one badass show.
  12. To add to your point. There are probably millions of more casual fans that have no idea what the name of any of the band members are. For example, I like the band New Politics but I don't know a single member's name. Just because somebody is a Linkin Park fan doesn't mean they'll hear the name Mike Shinoda and make the connection. Hell my brother had no idea that the guy from Fort Minor and Linkin Park are the same guy despite having songs by both on his playlists for years.
  13. I told myself I was gonna save RFMS for the album but I caved as soon as it dropped. lol
  14. If there's one thing Mike/LP knows how to do it's close an album.
  15. I'm honestly tempted to add these songs from the OML sessions to OML and rearrange the tracklist. I already think Place To Start works as an intro. lol
  16. Minutes to Midnight was seriously Linkin Park's most important album. The entire course of the band changed when they decided to ditch the nu-metal sound for that album.
  17. Were there ever any acapellas or instrumentals made avaialable for Out of Ashes? I'm looking for things either officially or unofficially released.
  18. I guess I just expected him to belt it out with a little more conviction. I wasn't expecting screaming or anything but maybe something closer to his delivery on Papercut or The Catalyst. Who knows, maybe he'll get more confident with it in time and it'll sound better. I still love the idea I just thought the execution was lacking in these performances.
  19. Yeah if Linkin Park wants to play the old hits when they get back to touring they'll need another singer. As interesting as the vocoder part on Papercut was and how well it fit with Mike's show I can't imagine him doing that with the traditional Papercut instrumental behind it. Add in how weak Mike sounded on the chorus of Bleed It Out (something I thought he could do without issue) and I think another more powerful singer or severely limiting the presence of older songs are the only ways to go forward with it still sounding like a Linkin Park show (IE not completely revamping songs a la Mike's Papercut). Personally I would like to see them continue as a five piece in the studio at least. A touring vocalist wouldn't be the end of the world in my opinion but I don't know how I'd feel seeing someone else brought in to sing on an album. Who knows though. It's still really painful to see Mike doing some of these songs without Chester and I don't know if that'll ever go away personally.
  20. That was a really great performance by Mike. Papercut and In The End were hard to listen to without Chester. It still hurts.
  21. Yep I remember that. It was pretty ridiculous.
  22. I'm super happy to see Mike going on stage again. I hope I'll have the opportunity to watch the performances tonight but I'm sure that if I miss them one of you wonderful people out there will make sure to record it.
  23. Honestly having a rotating touring vocalist could be pretty cool. I don't know how I'd feel about a new vocalist going into the studio with them though. Linkin Park has been the one constant at or near the top of my favorite bands list since I first heard them in 2000 so I obviously want some new music from them at some point but it's still so strange knowing that we'll never hear brand new LP music with Chester's voice.
  24. I wonder if this version of the song was sent to Stormzy to see if he was interested and it leaked from somebody in his camp.
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