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Everything posted by yannickwilliam

  1. wow very good summary!
  2. lol mark started with that ^^
  3. yeah it seems like he isnt interested! it sounds like:"whatever?"
  4. i notice this too after listening a few times to that songs xD do you think this is what jonas means?
  5. i cant hear a difference too ^^ pls tell me..
  6. downloading finished! =) watching and seeding now! awesome show!
  7. thats right now i have something around 50 kb/s the high speed was because i started the download later then other members and so i got their downloaded parts too^^
  8. now its very low but i got 57% in two hours! dont believe it but its the truth and my upload-speed is at 100 kb/s
  9. downloading with 600 kb/s wow, in three hours i´ll have it!
  10. i cant wait mark *to be excited*
  11. thank you so much!!!
  12. agree! i voted for NRL too!
  13. i dont know whether it helps but theres a youtube-video with a sample http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gBmS94ybko it sounds not bad!
  14. ive never been a fan of mj..but he was the best dancer ive ever seen!! RIP michael
  15. the ranimation bridge would be enough ^^ i love the brigde, i hope they´ll bring it back!
  16. nice eoisode ! pls more british, chester
  17. With You is one of their best opening songs!
  18. but i pray for it the old stuff is much better than the mtm stuff..
  19. wow!!! i can´t wait !!!
  20. i think so too.. i hope it´ll be my setlist ^^
  21. 01 No More Sorrow (long intro) 02 Dont Stay 03 Figure 09 (i hope for a new intro) 04 Wake 2.0 05 Given Up 06 Papercut (extendet intro when mike talks with the crowd) 07 POA (please not petrefied as intro,i prefer high voltage,nobodys listening etc) 08 New Song (a faster one) 09 SIB (extendet intro) 10 SOTD 11 What i´ve done (piano intro) 12 By Myself (03 intro) 13 Breaking the habit (no intro/acapella outro) 14 Crawling (HHH acapella on reanimation intro) 15 In The End (04 intro) 16 Bleed It Out (Bourdon intro/only singalong bridge) 17 New Divide 18 Faint (extendet outro) ----- 19 Numb (piano version) 20 NRL ----- 21 APFMH (04 Intro) 22 OSC (Reanimation Bridge/extendet outro) so^^i wish me a setlist like this Maybe With you with a new intro instead of NMS
  22. thanks for the vids, new divide is looking pretty good...i cant wait for the proshot!!
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