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Everything posted by yannickwilliam

  1. sweet something new for this show.. i think best show on the tour up to date!
  2. you like that censor?? it's really bad!
  3. sweet ;P my mum got faint when she saw that
  4. in germany and i think on the whole world they are only broadcasting 4 songs: WID,Faint,BIO and ND
  5. yeap =) on the video of athens he sounds pretty good!
  6. totally agree! i think no one who was in athens said something like "bad set same like instanbul" !
  7. http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1947&st=80
  8. the show is not over dude
  9. numb piano or acoustic .. no doubt one of my biggest wishes.
  10. dont know you have never learnt? lol i know some guys they're talking english bad as hell
  11. i noticed something like that too.you're not alone
  12. - crawling
  13. - Leave out all the rest - In the end you can add them to your post poci
  14. right this set is okay but a bit boring
  15. full show would be awesome
  16. lol i think nobody knows that he was a person btw...SAME HERE
  17. yes, totally agree..best faint outro performens ever !!
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