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Everything posted by yannickwilliam

  1. Thanks http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AN656V13 - Osaka I don't have enough time to upload Chiba too
  2. baddest? LOL
  3. Great song!
  4. Sounds fuckin' awesome!! Mike <3
  5. Yes I did. Read this topic here first.
  6. I can't wait for this DSP!
  7. Ah nice, another proshot of New Divide. Asking the same question xD
  8. Don't know,another Staff member maybe
  9. And you made a good job I want to see more of that staff interviews.
  10. Numb and The_Glue (Germany)
  11. i voted for FM..cause mark picked my 3 favourite songs xD i have to say that i dont really like DBS.. FM is awesome
  12. to be honest..i dont like crawling with chris cornell.
  13. RTN would be interesting,too.
  14. it sounds a bit too good for fan made..but it sounds good
  15. yep..downloadhelper wworks very good for me
  16. you made my day LMAO
  17. very awesome! thx
  18. asking the same question
  19. i hope its like chester said..when it will be a dark-matal-hip-hop-pop mix, i'm very excited
  20. totally agree to this decision
  21. awesome review! sweet pictures btw
  22. lol, where is OSC?
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