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Everything posted by yannickwilliam

  1. nice set..would be awesome when they will play it like this!! and its possible too (i think without New Song )
  2. me too.. i both ways
  3. portoguese fans are great! their crowds are amazing
  4. would be great when they bring back With you as opener..but i think i prefer Figure 09
  5. same to me it sounds like one or two songs..thats really cool!
  6. i think nobody could say it in a better way
  7. Figure 09 is my choice..no doubt
  8. right..but when it'll happen in the next time, i will do this when they´re are old grandps´s, i will be sad too, but only for a short time cuz i know that they had a long life
  9. i asked this question to myself too..i think i wont never smile again!
  10. yeah, happy birthday dude =)
  11. happy b.day serg :)

  12. cool, nice information about the new album..
  13. lol are you donig this only with DBS or with other bands too? i cant do something like this =) waiting isnt a thing wanna do
  14. oh nice information good to know possible that their bring it out on this date!
  15. sounds not bad..
  16. okay now i can sleep xD youre right there a a lot of reasons why chester performed so strong
  17. i felt the same..but do think this is good? i hope he´s not feeling like this
  18. nice set! hope we´ll get some videos but i hope the lp-set at epicenter wont be a chester-one-man show...
  19. i dont know why they have not list limp bizkit! next year they´ll be on tour with their new album!
  20. My vote: 1.LP 2.Rammstein 3.Metallica 4.Pearl Jam 5.Eminem
  21. thats really cool! *voting for LP* =)
  22. yeah that helps! now it´s working! thanks! i wondered where the .ifo files are!
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