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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. Wow I’m really glad you guys enjoy it so much. Again another proof of tastes variety in LP fanbase.
  2. Anyone = any pop singer/producer. I’m not insulting Mike, but this is really not for me
  3. I’ve heard the full thing right now... it’s the bottom for me, Mike is barely present in the first 2:30 minutes... the chorus is repeated like 6 times, sounds like a generic pop tune anyone could write ... I wasn’t expecting much but pheeeew this is really forgettable, considering who is Mike and what he did in the last 2 decades.
  4. The sequence COG> Victimized> RU is mind blowing. They basically had 2 similar songs in terms of tone and vibe and then slapped Victimized in the middle. I love when LP does crazy like that
  5. Lol I like the comparison. I acknowledge that ATS is mixed better, It SOUNDS better yeah (like you can hear every single sound on Robot Boy), but i’m not so annoyed by how songs like IMR and IBG sound. Maybe I’m not as sensible as you on stuff like this 😊
  6. The same guy who mixed LT and some tracks of OML ? (IIRC “talking to myself”)
  7. Not LP related was pretty obvious seen that there was his signature on the “teaser” mini video. Not being a new album is interesting
  8. It’s definitely not gonna be new instrumentals, because it would not make sense to label it as “big news” since we got 3 DF records and all the streams, so... I guess new song
  9. In the beginning it sounds similar to scratching to me but it could easily be what you say.
  10. In my remains ? It had a weirder intro IIRC.
  11. Lyrically Not Alone is awesome, it’s like a sweet lullaby that tries to make feel safe somebody who lost everything, so the song being static is part of the “vibe” to it I guess.
  12. QWERTY (live is 1000 better tho) Blackbirds (I’d kill for an HQ version of the song) Not alone (love the song but it’s a little “static” if you know what I mean)
  13. Strongly hope so, hoping for NRL with Chester on vocals too
  14. Cool 😃😃 thank you. I like the song in general a lot, but gosh that chorus ... the feels. It’s really like hearing a new demo with Chester on vocals for some seconds
  15. Because we got HT20 and I think that if something is not in the boxset and didn’t make it to one LPU in the last 20 years it’s not that great probably. About posting, I think I can express my opinion as long as it’s not in an aggressive/offensive/dicky way😃
  16. Don’t want to be the dick here, but I’ll never get the hype you guys seem to have for even more other HT demos, we have dozens and stuff like PB and CHB were nice, but even more demos ?
  17. Midnight here and can’t find the song on Spotify
  18. Ahaha yeah man I get what you’re saying. I like the scratch in LP songs
  19. CFTH is my least fav on HT, it’s really a song that fits to “its time” if you know what I mean. HV version with the “sometimes I feel like a prophet” Chester’s part is GREAT
  20. Catalyst/Messenger might be my favorite because the 2 songs are the opposite (the former being super complex, almost entirely electronic and lirically abstract and the latter being stripped down and beautifully simple). Papercut/OSC is just a banger
  21. Yeah a mainstream/energetic set. I could also see Good Goodbye (shortened, with Mike demo verse) due to the theme of the song
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