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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. Yeah. I mean HR is not on the level of STP classics obviously, but I think Same on the Inside and Tomorrow are really good songs and the rest of the EP is good too.
  2. I would throw Tomorrow in the set list but dope shit. A little 10 years anniversary box set of High Rise would be great (and not that far in time, considering it dropped in 2013). Couldn’t wait for a HQ live show of CheSTP ❤️
  3. Parents annoyed by our favorite songs is a classic. My father is not a music enthusiast but I think he would recognize The Catalyst from a 5 seconds snippet due to his overexposure to the song lol.
  4. The songs I still enjoy sonic wise from PT are the ones you mentioned plus WAIF due to the flow of the rapping and also About You for the same reason (plus the inclusion of Blackbear).
  5. Yeah I see them experimenting with some tracks but also make something they can pull off live wise. Mainly because if they go on as a 5 piece Mike can’t double himself being “Chester and Mike” in one basically.
  6. I really don’t know. Yeah it’s a great topic. As I said before,personally speaking,I’d love him to experiment with sounds and voice. I think (so maybe somebody will stop thinking I hate Mike no matter what he does) stuff like IOU or even It goes through are really really cool but even the Blackbear-infused pop of Sorry For now is great. Experimenting in those directions would be really good for me.
  7. Same here. I don’t see them coming back with something that sounds too similar to the past releases. A LP8 would basically be a “”rebirth”” after the trauma and the obvious period of hiatus so I’d expect something different from, say, OML.
  8. The non fans. I mean SOME songs are a tiny little cringy like I said but as much as I’m not a 15 y.o. kid who thinks that In the End is the best song ever made in history I don’t cringe at HT/M I can listen to both records enjoying them (with little few exceptions)
  9. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
  10. Yeah they’re not, but in fact I don’t wish he would make HT/Meteora part 3.0 in 2021, it’d be so out of place and time. 😊
  11. That would be so dope. My dream is they re work Anything Anything (even tho it’s not an original song by them) and that Sean Dowdell and his friends track “God a afraid”
  12. It’s just a matter of opinion man 😊 I don’t have the same opinion I had 15 years ago about music and stuff, personally I don’t think A thousand suns or Living things are cringy (except for Lies Greed Misery and and mayyyybe some lyrics on Burn it down, but not the whole song)😊 Some stuff on THP is cringy IMO, mainly due to the lyrics.
  13. Yeah, but TBH now I can get his feelings for Runaway, I mean they made the bridge better in the live version but the studio version is pretty meh
  14. Really ? Didn’t know about the interview. Hmmm sorry I think I’ll never find that again, it was like, the interviewer asked Mike/another band member “which song he didn’t want to play/was hard to play” and Chester jumped in saying “HTF,!!”
  15. I think it’s super forced, Chester himself said “if you want to kill me make me sing HTF every night” 😂😂 but all of us have our fav/least fav songs. I mean, I think I’m one of the very few people in the fanbase who thinks Halfway Right is fucking amazing and would include the song in my personal LP top 20 so ... 🙂
  16. I don’t understand what it actually is but it’s...attractive in some ways. Artsy shit I’m too dumb to fully embrace lol.
  17. Cumulus best song !!11! Lol 😂😂 and a POA demo on Meteora too
  18. Lol HTF 😂😂😂 if you take that one and Nobody’s listening out it’d be their best record
  19. Criticizing someone’s music the way I did is disrespectful? I NEVER said personal stuff about Mike and I’d NEVER go that path. If you think the Disney meme was disrespectful well...sorry for hurting your sensibility... Amyway, despite me being bias towards Chester (that’s true) my criticisms towards Mike is due to the high consideration I have for his music skills, I know he’s capable of A LOT MORE. That’s all for me. I said multiple times that if LP comes back I’ll be super curious and excited and emotionally involved, I never ever (ever) said “LP is just Chester” 😊
  20. I thought the Disney Mike meme was super fun TBH, and it all would have stopped there as of me. You talk like I spend every single day here making jokes about how bad Mike’s music is while I clearly don’t. Lol. If you look at my serious comment I made yesterday, I clearly said that even tho I don’t like the song at all I’m happy to see him feeling good.
  21. I don’t accept you telling me I can’t make a full argument without comparing things. The OML comparison was to justify the fact that I’m not in the “no screaming =Disney shit” state of mind. But the fact you and other people act so defensive on a post that was 100% meant to be a joke (and a funny meme) about Mike showed me that maybe I’m out of touch with the feelings of this forum nowadays. The conversation in the shout box has been constructive in the past few weeks and fun, so I don’t see all this negativity being spread all over the forum. Peace
  22. People can post the dollar sing under any Grey Daze related post made in the last year or say every single time that they are milking Chester’s legacy but how do we dare making a single innocent joke about the Disney thing regarding a song. I LOVE OML and I don’t think the album sounds Disney, I like blackbear and he doesn’t sound Disney, Mike is in a specific mood that you call uplifting but I find hella cringy. i saw people here calling Crawling cringy, I think HE is 10.00000 times a lot more cringy than that, Disney or not.
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