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Everything posted by Soeffingnaive92

  1. The weird thing is that when I got into LP I was in the 1st cathegory, but now I don’t care about genre as long as the music is good. 15 years ago I would have freaked out for THP and I was convinced that I HAD to like the Foos and Muse because i liked LP. Now, 15 years later, I love OML and Amends at the same time and I’d rather listen to blackbear than the last 3 Foo Fighters record, i love both Lorde and Tool if that makes sense. If LP/Mike release a new record I’m not like “I hope it’s heavy”, but more like “I hope it’s good”. I love heavy LP but I like SFN and Halfway Rigjr more than half of THP.
  2. We could discuss hours about this and it’d be great, but just to make short points: 1) Rob, Brad, Dave: 100% agree with you, but probably they were not so confident in playing those songs live. 2) Chester: he sounds SO forced on stuff like War and KTTK, unnatural. 3) Mike’s rapping: I like his rapping in general but always hated AFN lol. 4) lyrically it’s by far my least fav record by the band: KTTK, AFN, War ALITS and GATS are super generic, FM is amazing but the classic farewell song lyrically, Rebellion and Mtg have very nice imagery, but to me OML is on a total other level in terms of depth lyrically, or even ATS and MTM. in general it’s a good record but globally my Least fav alongside with MTM
  3. Yeah but I think it’d be really unfair to give this song a 1, there’s far worse music out there. I mean, music is not objective but I think giving this song a 1/10 would mean being very severe. Anyway, my problem are the single elements of the song: if I would have to rate the single elements there would be low ratings (chorus is a 3/10, obnoxious; Mike’s rapping is a 7/10 and the other guy is somewhere near a 6/10, instrumentally is generic like a 5.5/10 I guess)
  4. I’d never “1” a Mike song, it’s easily one of my least fav things done by Mike but I don’t hate it (and I like the ending with the vocoder thing and the bridge with him singing about retweets and sharing, really like his flow there).
  5. Holy shittt! It’s 5/10 for me (being generous)
  6. I loved the 1st half when the album dropped, but now it’s not something i revisit very often (despite the fact that GATS is insane instrumentally). My fav songs off the record are Final Masquerade and Rebellion by far.
  7. I never listen to THP first half, weakest first side of a LP album ever IMO. But I remember the hype for LP going heavy again after so many years.
  8. As much as I really don’t like the song, I totally agree with you about Mike’s actual situation, he’s comfortable and even during Fantano stream he said that he’s in a weird situation but he likes to be in there
  9. Definitely this. I’m not a fan of this song and don’t care about DF but I think he’s doing what he wants at the moment, he definitely doesn’t want to put out a “serious” record with 1st single, promotion, videos, cd/vynil, press and stuff. I respect that if it’s what he’s up to right now. It’d be childish and stupid if I’d force myself to like this song or if I’d get mad because I don’t like it, we’re grown up people, I’m nearing 30 😊
  10. Lol yeah that’s how a wide fanbase works, another example is that I LOVE heavy LP but Hit the floor and War are among my least fav songs in their catalog
  11. Loved Wastelands live when I saw them in June ‘17, Chester was on fire during the bridge.
  12. THP promoting campaign was a mess: Mike going “fuck pop” mode hating on Chvrches and stuff like that, then touring with 30STM (a band that I love but that is the perfect example of rock gone pop), then literally giving up on playing more than half of the record live after saying “it’s going to be great to play those songs live”, and then dropping Heavy, the closest thing to Disney pop the band has ever done. At least now Mike is coherent, he seems to like what he does, and doesn’t try to disguise stuff like “Happy Endings” for what it’s not (a super trendy aiming for young audiences, suitable for commercial spots tune).
  13. Mike was a class act as always here. I’d have torn apart someone who literally said he hated Sharp Edges for being a cheap and cheesy Ed Sheeran ripoff, considering how intimate and self revealing that song was for Chester. I mean, one thing is being critic towards music, the other is being borderline disrespectful to the artist. I don’t like Happy Endings but I’d never make a 10 Minutes video making jokes about it. Kudos to Mike. I respect Fantano for his passion in talking about music but I stopped caring about his videos at a certain point because he tries too hard to convince people that music is objective, like it’s not objective that Battle Symphony is a bad song, it’s objective that it’s less complex and elaborated instrumentally than 7empest by Tool. Taste is not objective.
  14. Great interview ! Really liked it, love these insights between 2 clever music nerds
  15. THIS. But when Foo Fighters drop 3 meh consecutive records those same people are like “ROCK LEGENDS 9/10, true masters”
  16. Yeah and at least I’m happy the response to Mike’s solo stuff and the new song is generally positive. I mean, at least some people learned that it’s not POP=SHIT. Also, you can express distaste for a song/album/band without being offensive, I don’t like Happy Endings but I’d never act like IT’S SHIT/GARBAGE/MIKE SHOULD STOP MAKING MUSIC or stuff like that, I’d be a childish stupid idiot.
  17. It’d be cool to have female collabs but maybe not a stable sixth female member, I don’t know. It’s always the same discussion: a new member entering in a band with a 20 + years old relationship, story and dynamics with the weight of taking Chester’s place. It’s really hard.
  18. I’d reeeeeally like Mike/LP to go on a weird road, experimenting even with a female vocalist (nothing against to it).
  19. Wow, I find “Fine” vastly superior to this song and I like Open Door demo more than this song too. The final version with the fans singing is on the same level to me. I’m happy to see that so many fans are enjoying the tune and happy to see Mike channeling positive energy in a new song, but I’ll wait for something that fits my taste better 😊
  20. Yeah he said he didn’t care about the music and lyrics. I would have never thought Fantano would have interviewed Mike, we’ll see what happens.
  21. Don’t know if it’s a young/old thing, but I do like Invisible a lot more than this song (comparing pop to pop, it wouldn’t make sense to compare non pop songs with this one).
  22. Yeah Victimized is basically a “demo” of KTTK, its prime form
  23. Next Mike song title “LANDING IN THE NEEDLEDROP” confirmed.
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