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Everything posted by Trumtram

  1. Ah, I see! Thanks for clarifying! @NJPLP "Serpent" fits "Nobody's Listening" quite well actually because it can be both a snake and a wind instrument (don't know if this is the correct term, I had to google). Thinking about a snake charmer.
  2. But on the tracks I mentioned he does neither. They are just names without any additions.
  3. I'm just wondering: There are a lot of songs without a "demo" label. We know of 3 from the studio which got cut. Curious what the other songs are.
  4. Just a small thing because it got mentioned a lot: I think "distorted" would be a better term than "dirty" for the guitar type. Could be wrong, but wanted to throw this out there ;).
  5. If there is a great live video show and maybe a new or extended version of the making of I'll be extremely happy! The third disc is amazing by itself.
  6. Damn it, stop to excite me so much :D. It would be so cool to get this track after 20 years. Let's hope for the best!!
  7. One thing I've noticed: This part has scratching. This could either mean it is a pre-production demo where scratching was applied OR the song actually was finished in the studio. Scratching was done just before vocals (so the instrumental should be done) and we know that TTTAMP has received vocals in the studio. My guess at this point is that the song got scrapped really late in the recording process.
  8. Agreed. Absolutely feels like something from this time. It also reminds me of "Dropped Frames".
  9. I don't like how cheap the guitar sounds (like a demo) compared to the electronic elements. Yes, feels like a MTM demo.
  10. I'm confused here. I remember that I provided the setlist for the page but not in 2001 rather much much later. Could you elaborate on what was wrong previously, really curios. That was my very first concert ever btw :). Eit: My dumb ass clicked the show page and could see for himself. Still moderately confused as to why this was. Thanks for fixing that!
  11. My bad, I should've been more specific here: I don't feel any need for new remixes of 20 year old songs. I gladly take the scrapped Reanimation and Meteora remixes (for their history alone) and I could do with the odd new remix here and there. I just would prefer pretty much anything else instead of a new remixing of old songs kind of project.
  12. Oh wow, just saw the preview now and yeah, it feels a bit... cringy. But yeah, all the best to Draven of course.
  13. Crazy considering the only recording we have is one of the worst audience recordings of that time.
  14. A total long shot but any pro shot material from the Figure .09/From The Inside interlude would be amazing. That's total dreaming though.
  15. Well, it's not like she lived secluded and hasn't talked about anything Chester-related since his passing. She wrote a book about their life together and helped Jeff Blue with his. Sure it's a real nerdy thing to ask and certainly a long shot but I don't see anything disrespectful or sensational about it. Plus she seems to be ok with being a "communicating" person about Chester.
  16. For once I'm on team "Strangelove about Mike Shinoda": I just don't care. Having remixes of 20+ years old songs feels out of place and unnecessary to me. It's a shame that we didn't get any leftover Reanimation stuff, though.
  17. Yeah, I mean, I'm obviously within the LP bubble but it feels like Mike lost a lot of relevance the last couple of years. This whole NFT thing certainly is one factor of it.
  18. "No Roads Left" is my most listened to LP song (scrobbling started in 2006, so it's probably some HT stuff, ah well :D). I love this song and think it's one of LP's strongest. Out of all sessions I feel the M2M era is the best. So many great songs on and off the album.
  19. This is cool. Sparked an old flame. Let's see what happens. It is long overdue, to be honest.
  20. It sounds more like a 4-track demo. Vocal tracks getting recorded at different times and bounced at different volumes. More like what you would expect these songs to sound like. Still there are notable differences compared to the released baby cassette. Cool stuff. Let's see what we'll get in the end.
  21. They sound so much more like demos. The mixing is awful at times :D. Still, would be great to have those untouched versions.
  22. Yeah, would be down for that. Should happen at the very least. We will be wiser in a couple of months I presume.
  23. As far as I can tell LP didn't stand a chance in any category in 2011. It clearly wasn't a rock album and even the "Alternative" category had stuff like "Suburbs" (which didn't win, either). So I don't see them winning an award for ATS. Sure, for us, who listened to it many many times, it is deserving of a price (to some extend). Having it "deserving" a Grammy is a bit far-fetched for my taste, though.
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