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Linkin Park Returning To Honda Civic Tour In 2013?

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I think I remember reading that last years HCT was the most successful. It's possible but then the Vegas show was supposed to be their only show in North America this year...

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I am guardedly optimistic about this, but wouldn't it completely fly in the face of everything Linkin Park has said up to this point? Or maybe taking a month/month and a half doesn't change their schedule too much.


Incubus does. Thats why i'm saying Incubus and Linkin Park. But if they are talking about just one band maybe is Incubus.

Thats Brandon Boyd's kind of mic.

Brandon is also working on putting out his second SOLO record right now...


Do you think maybe they're just using old stock photos of random HCT headliners from the past? Maybe the pictures themselves aren't meant to be clues?

This has definitely been discussed and I think a possibility. PR might be too lazy to find "vague" pics of the next headliner. Also, they're going to be announcing officially on APRIL FOOL'S DAY... Bad idea lol. Of course, if it doesn't leak before then.


Astat says "It's a PRS nf-3 or dc-3 which Brad uses on With You and Runaway now, so possibly."

Just checked some video, and the lighting from the picture is the same lighting Linkin Park used during With You when it opened the show in Bristow.


So I think we can all agree that it's a picture of Brad.


thats not Brad the arms of that guitarist look stronger and bigger than Brad our boy is so skinny

You really think that arm looks any bigger than Brad's?


Posted Image


I'm not too convinced that it's Brad, but it does very much look like him. The circle around his head looks like a hat more than hair. Thought it was Black Keys at first, but they don't use that kind of mic (then again, neither does LP).


The circle around his head looks like a hat more than hair.

The circle around his head is apparently some photoshop work by the people at the Honda Civic Tour facebook page to blacken out the face.


Previously posted on MSC:

Linkin Park were interviewed at the 2013 Echo Awards, while discussing several topics, Linkin Park were asked about tour since LIVING THINGS + will be released at the end of this month, and Mike said there are no plans for touring as of now because they are working on a lot of different things, such as LiNKIN PARK RECHARGE (Linkin Park’s facebook game, info here & trailer here), and the score/soundtrack for “Mall”, that’s directed by Linkin Park’s Joe Hahn, and as many of you know the score/soundtrack will be done by Linkin Park themselves.

No way this new HCT is gonna happen THIS year :P


You really think that arm looks any bigger than Brad's?


Posted Image

LOL WITH that picture u can pretty much confirm that the man in the first picture is not Brad even the. body looks different.


plus I don't remember who said that after the summer sonic shows the band will return to the studio.

Posted (edited)

LOL WITH that picture u can pretty much confirm that the man in the first picture is not Brad

How about this one?


Posted Image


Headphones? Same clothes? No?


And as far as arm size, this photo is a better comparison for angle and closeness.


Posted Image


It's definitely Brad in the original picture. The question is whether or not that matters.

Edited by Xero21

Posted Image

This looks like the same clothes to me, even the guitar seems to match.


That this is Brad is completely out of question, but this doesn't proof anything until we know if the pics are actually a clues or not. But why would they use this pic and even try to hide his identity if it has no meaning.


- Band met in school

- Grammy awards winning band

and that the winner flies out to Hollywood, CA seems very strong clues to me.


That clue about "touring world wide right now" doesn't match is right, but this clue doesn't help much either, it could be also false or a mistake by them.


"You’ll never guess who’s headlining the 2013 Honda Civic Tour. (OK, maybe you will.)

maybe they try to confuse us in porpuse?


LP said there only US show this year would be Las Vegas. They also said at the Echo awards a few days ago that they don't have any real touring plans for this year. Another Honda Civic Tour would be a huge touring plan because of how well it did last year, plus it's a US summer tour. I HIGHLY doubt LP will play it again this year, but who knows, I can't be 100% certain yet.


Yes that's right, let's see what the next clue says. Using the picture of Brad is still odd, there's other stuff you can pick if you want a random image.


thats not Brad the arms of that guitarist look stronger and bigger than Brad our boy is so skinny


I'm not too convinced that it's Brad, but it does very much look like him. The circle around his head looks like a hat more than hair. Thought it was Black Keys at first, but they don't use that kind of mic (then again, neither does LP).


LOL WITH that picture u can pretty much confirm that the man in the first picture is not Brad even the. body looks different.


plus I don't remember who said that after the summer sonic shows the band will return to the studio.

Absolutely 110% positive that the picture is Brad. The guitar is a dead giveaway - It's a PRS NF3/DC3-style guitar with a pickguard on it, but it only has a master volume knob and no pickup selector. Brad had two custom single-pickup DC3's built for him last year, I believe the first time he used them was for the Mexico shows. The guitar in question is THIS guitar.


It's not like that's a guitar variant you could see on anyone. A normal NF3/DC3 has a second knob and a pickup selector on it that should be visible from the angle of the picture in question. Brad has a couple guitars like that too, as seen here.


The photo was likely taken during the intro/pre-chorus of With You, given that his right hand is palm-muting the strings near the bridge and his left hand is in the open E5 chord position (which is actually a B5 in the tuning used for With You). The stage production also matches too.


I'm one of the skeptics wondering if the pictures HCT is posting are even supposed to be "clues," but whether or not the original picture is of Brad isn't even in question here.


LP aren't really ones to "surprise" everyone by suddenly announcing a big tour like this after saying over and over again that they're not doing any shows besides Summer Sonic.

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