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STREAM BURN IT DOWN + Living Things Album Artwork

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Lol when the hell did Usher turn up in Friday???

I'm sure he's just talking about the guy who rapped in the song. I'm ashamed to admit I know this, but that's the guy who produced "Friday." Also, in case this was obvious, it's not Usher.

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I like how the trailer supposedly gives a brief hint of what the sound of the album will be like and then BID just has nothing to do with it, with the dancey beat and mike showing up just like a random rapper in a fashion similar to Usher in Rebecca Black's Friday.


I never like the first single off of any of LP´s albums. It´s kind of a tradition for me I guess. I´ll wait to see what the album is all about, A Thousand Suns was great and I hope this album keeps up.

You read my mind.


This is a single. I really like it. but it is definitely a Single. They want everyone to hear the new stuff so putting this out first is probably the right move. It is gonna catch the ear of all types of listeners and fans. The guitars and heavier stuff im sure will be in the album so like all LP albums cant really judge off the single. I do like Mike's rapping though I wish there was a little bit more. Chester's vocals sound great. Still reminds me of New divide production wise.

Posted (edited)

I'll listen to it, after I pre-ordered Living Things.


But I already can't understand the bitchin' about older songs or comparisons. LP didn't want this album to sound similar to other ones. In a few things maybe, but that's it, they didn't want to create records that sound exactly the same as the things they did before.


I am still excited to hear Burn It Down and I'm looking forward to pre-order Living Things and see them live.

BTW: Does anyone know, how long the album would take to arrive, if I pre-order it via linkinpark.com ? I heard that some people are waiting about months for their stuff. I wouldn't want to wait for a pre-ordered album that long..I'd appreceate if someone could give me some information on that!

Edited by Jats

Sounds like of fushion of Somewhere I Belong, New Divide, What I've Done, and Blackbirds. Great song, but not anything groundbreaking. LP has reminded me a lot of Radiohead in recent years. They've continuously experimented with ever album that you forget they were once a nu-metal/alternative rock band.

Posted (edited)

Waaay better than the 30 sec snippet. This song is really catchy, good for a first single for the album. You kinda see where the song is going, but THEN....


Mike comes in rapping the S*** out of it! and BOOOOOM... -- We're back to LP as we know them and LOVE them!!


Thank you for Living Things, I'm preordering later today!

Edited by Pioneer0

I'm not really sure what to think of this.. it just seems a bit too much like most songs on the radio these days, really catchy but at the same time it seems like something that I'm going to get sick of. The lyrics are okay I guess. Oh well, I hope the rest of the album is better, but I somehow doubt it.

Just my opinion, so don't get too hurt if you like the song, thats great. It just doesn't really do anything for me.


Loving the song. Definitely a single and unlikely to be my favourite on the album, but it kicks ass nonetheless. It is more synthpop than I expected it to be, but I love synthpop anyway and it is heavier than most in the genre.

The album cover... GAH. Probably the best LP album cover yet. It's intriguing, I want to know what it represents, but at the same time it's just a great piece of artwork in it's own right.

Can't wait for Living Things on June 26th!


Amazing song! The singing, the rapping, the rhytm - I love it! Cool name "Living Things" and the artwork is just mind-killing!!!! Anxiously will wait until the release of it!!!!


Wow! BID is amazing; one of their best lead singles in a while. Albeit I hope LT doesn't follow suit entirely, the single is immense. Mike's verses are excellent.


Wow, I wonder why we have not so many comments yet...


Anyway - great song. Awesome artwork! Really like the artwork. For some reason it reminds me of Crysis game.


It's a great song, but it ain't not Catalyst. The art is fantastic, and I'm looking forward to the pre-order and the tour announcement (hoping to get an Australia bulk, but may be unlikely).


It's definitely better than the snippet lol! Overall it's a pretty good song but LP have always struggled picking a lead single that absolutely kicks you in the nuts and grabs your attention!! I do like it though - can definitely tell structure-wise it's a return to pre-MTM with verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge etc. and then with Chester and Mike alternating in the last section. It's a definite grower - but I prefer this on first listen than I did the Catalyst and I ended up think ATS as an album on a whole was brilliant! Excited to see how the other songs turn out - especially as Mike said the songs were well-described in the SPIN article which made them sound unreal! A little guitar here and there wouldn't go amiss though! B)


OMG This song is sooooooooo GOOD! Almost fainted when Mike's rap verse came up!! :D ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR SOME HELLA' GOOD S#!T!? 26/6/2012 THIS IS IT!!!!!

Posted (edited)

proof that a full song is a better indication of *ahem* the full song than a snippet.

that rap took me by surprise though haha.

it's not the most complex song in structural terms, yes, but does that really matter?

also, the verse lyrics are much better than what the chorus lyrics from the snippet had made me anticipate.


lovely stuff.

will check out the album stuff too now



EDIT: wow that art is COOL. i like that even though there's not a vast departure from ATS, the art still feels unique, I like that alot of my favourite bands out so much work into the visuals of their band - LP, MCR, 30STM, etc.


I am proper excited for the full release now 1st single video!!!! :P

Edited by LGraham

Feedback so far seems more positive than to The Catalyst.

Though there are still some people who don't think there's guitar in it... are they deaf or just stupid?

I've never voiced an opinion on the Catalyst (partly because i wasn't actively posting on here when ATS came out) but I don't feel particularly strongly towards it. it's a kind of "meh" song, which is probably better reason for it to have not been a first single than tha fact it was going to be putting a bee hive in some fans' matresses...


and on that last point i think the term "both" may apply.

i can't wait for all this "where's the guitar? they promised a return to hybrid theory roots, which must have meant a nu-metal album, what changed?" discussions to begin again [/sarcasm]


i can't wait for all this "where's the guitar? they promised a return to hybrid theory roots, which must have meant a nu-metal album, what changed?" discussions to begin again [/sarcasm]







there, now no one else has to do it. You're welcome.


Listened to it like 6 times now, song is fucking awesome!!! I LOVE IT!! LIVING THINGS ALBUM TITLE IS THE BEST TITLE FOR ANY LP ALBUM TO DATE!!!! I'm so happy right now.

I liked too, great song, awesome album title. B)

I love this Monday.


and why Inky, where's Geki ?

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