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Actualy about pictureboard did anyone think about the scenario that we maybe have pictureboard but with a different title like maybe pictureboard was just a name someone thought of or it was only a wirking title i guess nobody know till we get a lp song titled pictureboard:D



Pussy is cutting yourself to get people to pay attention to you. I'm much more into emotional self-destruction, because it doesn't guilt anyone else into being my friend. It works out nicely: I get what I deserve, and I don't have to deal with sycophants. :) Cool, huh?


Oh, and I'll shout out the LPU to keep the thread on topic.


My personal favorites from this CD were Slip, Robot Boy, and Esaul.


Yo is alright. It's repetitive and probably could've been better if it went somewhere, but it never did.


Slip. Dear God, I love this song. I really wish they reworked this for Meteora or something, because it's... amazing. The chorus (Chester's) let me down juuuuuuuuust a bit because I was expecting there to be some higher harmonies thrown in... sort of like the second chorus of P5hng Me A*wy or Carousel. I would've loved to hear this song with real drums and bass put in. I feel like those elements would've really let the song live to its potential. Also, notice the vocal in the last Mike chorus? Yeah. A Thousand Suns has a LOT more in common with the Xero / Hybrid Theory era than we're probably comfortable with admitting. I LOVE it.


Soundtrack is pretty good--the 'chorus' reminds me of Aphex Twin's Flim. Mike says they felt like the track was too poppy, and that probably could've been remedied by: 1) putting the drums into half-time during the chorus sections, and 2) writing a syncopated palm muted guitar part for the verses and then putting a band pass filter on it to keep it from getting too much in the way of the established groove. But I don't know, since I'm not Linkin Park.


In the End. Let's all be honest, here. I'm pretty sure Mike wrote this entire song by himself. And that's awesome. There are a lot of small changes here, but nothing really too drastic, and I'd imagine that every single one of those changes was made by one of the other band members during the Hybrid Theory studio sessions. I think this version probably wasn't meant to really be a final track so much as planning how the song should go. In any case, I still like it.


Program. Judging by Mike's description... he was pretty bored with the nu-metal thing when they were writing this. We've all heard how Linkin Park had written a "lot of crap" in preparation for the sophomore album, and I bet most of that "crap" sounded absolutely nothing like this. Not saying Meteora was Warner's cash baby, but I think Nu Metal might've lost some of it's shine during the Meteora sessions.


Bang Three. I have somewhat of a love / hate relationship with What I've Done, especially now that I've heard this. I feel like What I've Done wasn't really a departure from Meteora so much except they went for a more organic, classic sound. This demo shows a lot more of a departure, regarding how the chords are set up (it's not one chord per measure (which is a Meteora staple that carried through to the final WID), and the inversions aren't nearly as predictable), and I feel like they might've taken a step or two backward to facilitate the vocal ideas. The bridge is awesome and unique, but they wanted a guitar solo, so they opted to play the same four chords again as a vamp. The solo was cool, but now that I've heard this, I almost feel like Linkin Park kind of started doing different things and then retreated into familiarity.


Robot Boy. I really, really like Robot Boy on A Thousand Suns, but I can relate to this one a lot more lyrically speaking. I won't say that I wish this version was on the album, because it would've probably felt thematically out of place with the rest of the album, so I support it. I am glad I got to hear this version, though. Thanks, LP!


Broken Foot. I didn't care for this one, probably because I could just imagine the exasperation of Mike's description. The guy's just tired of Nu Metal, you know?


Esaul. Amazing. When I heard these lyrics for the first time on the Frat Party DVD, there were a lot of us that tried to transcribe them and we were way off. I love it. I'm probably still way off, but here's what I got for the first verse:


Writing with a head full of buckets of red

And what I said still stuck in my head

A thoroughbred--thoroughly bled, I led

To the land, that I'll never come back

Smaller than thumbtack, but I never run from that

From planetary size, eyes over the horizon

Smaller than a Floxin

I'm a lyrical lamb, the power of a god

In my cynical hand, with a pen, once again

Swimming in the center of the hit, or a miss

Feeling all my thoughts getting lost in the mist

Realize the one not the size of a fist

With the killing of the killer with a flick of the wrist


I really, really hope Mike posts the lyrics up on his blog. That would be amazing.


Blue. This one's alright. It's a departure, for sure. It feels like a Grey Daze song that Mike produced and contributed to, but I can't really place the reason why it feels like that. Mike's flow reminds me of Sage Francis, which is amazing to me. But I cringe every time I hear the chorus, because the lyrics feel tired. The melody seems a little lazy. But these guys were around my age now when they wrote this, and this is a shit ton better than I could do, so I'm pretty sure I might've just been spoiled by the rest of the Linkin Park discography. The most interesting part to me is how they gutted this song, and pretty much built Crawling from it--I think a lot of the drum samples are the same, and the vocal influence is obvious.


This is probably my favorite LPU album to date--Thanks, guys. :)


Pussy is cutting yourself to get people to pay attention to you. I'm much more into emotional self-destruction, because it doesn't guilt anyone else into being my friend. It works out nicely: I get what I deserve, and I don't have to deal with sycophants. :) Cool, huh?

Or I was joking?


Internet is serious business.


Or I'm a complete asshole. Take your pick, man.

Well I've actually known you for quite a few years, back to the linkinparkforums.com days (I believe) so I already know you're bit of an arse.


But internet is serious...


Well I've actually known you for quite a few years, back to the linkinparkforums.com days (I believe) so I already know you're bit of an arse.


But internet is serious...

Haha, yes. LPF was crazy back then. :)


Ref that's the best rundown of tracks by LP I've ever seen. I need to see your breakdown of HT/Meteora/Reani/MTM/ATS asap :P You know your music stuff unlike a lot of us so it's really interesting to read what you have to say. Very cool stuff.


Actualy about pictureboard did anyone think about the scenario that we maybe have pictureboard but with a different title like maybe pictureboard was just a name someone thought of or it was only a wirking title i guess nobody know till we get a lp song titled pictureboard:D



100% positive we don't have it. Maybe Adam will see your post and elaborate, but I guarantee you it hasn't come out.

Posted (edited)

Pussy is cutting yourself to get people to pay attention to you. I'm much more into emotional self-destruction, because it doesn't guilt anyone else into being my friend. It works out nicely: I get what I deserve, and I don't have to deal with sycophants. :) Cool, huh?

emotional destruction is similar to self-harm, both can be equated to one another. can of worms right there dude, I'm not tyring to be a dick, and i mean that in a genuine sense; your music and demos are great and I do respect you, but seriously, pick your words carefully...


EDIT: 550, not proud if this being IT but still, marking the occaision

Edited by LGraham

Ref that's the best rundown of tracks by LP I've ever seen. I need to see your breakdown of HT/Meteora/Reani/MTM/ATS asap :P You know your music stuff unlike a lot of us so it's really interesting to read what you have to say. Very cool stuff.






100% positive we don't have it. Maybe Adam will see your post and elaborate, but I guarantee you it hasn't come out.

I can back Mark up on this. Pictureboard has not been released.

100% positive we don't have it. Maybe Adam will see your post and elaborate, but I guarantee you it hasn't come out.

In LPU Chat awhile ago he was saying he's not sure if we will ever hear it, but he has and it's better than Across the Line

Ref that's the best rundown of tracks by LP I've ever seen. I need to see your breakdown of HT/Meteora/Reani/MTM/ATS asap :P You know your music stuff unlike a lot of us so it's really interesting to read what you have to say. Very cool stuff.

Thanks, man. I'll probably not do a rundown of every track, because that's a bit time consuming. I might pick out my absolute favorites from the entire collection and do those, I guess. If there's an appropriate thread... I don't want to make one just to talk about my opinion of certain songs, but I definitely appreciate the compliment. Means a lot.


emotional destruction is similar to self-harm, both can be equated to one another. can of worms right there dude, I'm not tyring to be a dick, and i mean that in a genuine sense; your music and demos are great and I do respect you, but seriously, pick your words carefully...

You're not being a dick, dude. Thanks for looking out for me. I just went through a pretty bad break up that was entirely my fault, and a mistake at that. She didn't do anything wrong, and I broke up with her. There were a lot of reasons and I realized after I left that none of those reasons really meant anything compared to the time I was with her. But by the time I realized, it was too late, and she's already moved on. It's definitely one of those "Forget perfect, I'm trying not to be worthless," scenarios. But thank you, I appreciate it.




Mark my words. On Friday, November 18, 2011, Legend has declared that ATL is better than Pictureboard. The day that Pictureboard is finally released (if ever) is the day we all realize that ATL is KING.


Anyone else able to confirm that this was when Pictureboard was actually played?




At any rate, would love to be able to hear it sometime if it's as good as Adam claimed it is, however... fat chance I guess...


About LPU11, the more I listen to it the more I like it - and 'Slip' is awesome :)

Definitely not true. If there was any validity to that, it'd be on LPL. Setlist.fm is about as accurate as Wikipedia.


Also, this whole "Adam said Pictureboard is better than ATL" talk is odd, as I've heard from other people that he said the exact opposite. I've never even seen Adam say that he "has" Pictureboard himself, just that he's heard it. And quite frankly, if Pictureboard was really THAT good, why hasn't it been released on one of the past 3 LPU CDs?


A version of Esaul was done with Xero too. So remaining Xero era tracks we at least know about are Esaul (Xero version), Pictureboard (pretty sure it has Chester but maybe a version with Mark exists), and then Chester right after Xero recording vocals on all the Xero songs.

And also, "Slip" is a Xero-era demo.


You're not being a dick, dude. Thanks for looking out for me. I just went through a pretty bad break up that was entirely my fault, and a mistake at that. She didn't do anything wrong, and I broke up with her. There were a lot of reasons and I realized after I left that none of those reasons really meant anything compared to the time I was with her. But by the time I realized, it was too late, and she's already moved on. It's definitely one of those "Forget perfect, I'm trying not to be worthless," scenarios. But thank you, I appreciate it.

no worries man, just, yeah... I wouldn't say bad things about personal matters that may have or even still be affecting people on this forum :/

Posted (edited)

anyone could transcript the lyrics to Blue?



I've found ti on youtube and here's the lyrics to Blue


In the dark days, I'll part ways with the blame.

Trying to maintain, but it's still all the same. It's all a game.

Hear my name in the rain and the pain, I'm wearing my face with a tear stain

Your faint fondness, honestly it's time to give you a piece of my mind

and show you that you're blind.

And in the design of the world I called "mine" know that you can't stand

on both sides of the line.


Everything is my fault

(It's all the same, just pass me the blame)

The problems have two faces


Everything is my fault

(It's all the same, just pass me the blame)

The problems have two faces


Everything is my fault

(It's all the same, just pass me the blame)

The problem's have two faces

Pass all the blame over to me, it will come eventually

Take the time out to examine all these questions honestly


With my eyes shut, I'm seeing the truth in your words

They're absurd, slurred into beauty to be heard

You swim through deceit, the lies that you tell

The stories you sell, knowing you well, I keep distance

And every instance you keep your thoughts concealed

What I feel, just another spoke in the wheel

Kneel here or nothing, thrown down and trembled by your ego

And eaten away by my own version of the real


Everything is my fault

(It's all the same, just pass me the blame)

The problems have two faces


Everything is my fault

(It's all the same, just pass me the blame)

The problems have two faces


Pass all the blame over to me, it will come eventually

Take the time out to examine all these questions honestly


(Who's to blame?)


Nothing, thrown down

(It's all the same, just pass me the blame)

Trembled by your ego

(Play the game and win a tear stain)

Eaten by my own

(Pass the blame cause you'll feel it if you don't)

Version of the real


Nothing, thrown down

(It's all the same, just pass me the blame)

Trembled by your ego

(Play the game and win a tear stain)

Eaten by my own

(Pass the blame cause you'll feel it if you don't)

Version of the real

Edited by LPU90
Posted (edited)

What about this one . They sound really different , but it is Linkin Park , i can recognize Mike's Voice , but Chester's is really strange ! .


I just realized also that is ''Lying from You '' , but still is strange .

Edited by Chester_LP

What about this one . They sound really different , but it is Linkin Park , i can recognize Mike's Voice , but Chester's is really strange ! .


I just realized also that is ''Lying from You '' , but still is strange .

It's fake. Its from some cover band and as stated in the video LFY wasn't written beforehand they wrote it during the Meteora sessions.

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