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It seems like some people here are thinking that the producer is saying what type of music lp have to create. Linkin Park would also do that different stuff if they would go with another producer. Even if they're working with don gilmore there wouldn't be a new HT as a product.

Rick Rubin isn't doing the music, Don Gilmore isn't doing the music, Linkin Park is doing the music and that's the point. So how can you complain about a producer if you don't like the new sound? That seems not that elaborated to me...

I know that the producer does not fully determine what kind of music the band will do! But he hints! And besides, the change of producer is notable among "Meteora" and "MTM" about the songs.


What I mean is that, yes, the change in producer can affect what the band creates! If it does not affect it would make sense to ask for help (opinion) of someone.

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It seems like some people here are thinking that the producer is saying what type of music lp have to create. Linkin Park would also do that different stuff if they would go with another producer. Even if they're working with don gilmore there wouldn't be a new HT as a product.

Rick Rubin isn't doing the music, Don Gilmore isn't doing the music, Linkin Park is doing the music and that's the point. So how can you complain about a producer if you don't like the new sound? That seems not that elaborated to me...

This may come off a little ignorant sounding, but I'm not sure if Rick influenced the ATS sound. The sound he helped create on MTM was amazing, and MTM is still my fav LP album and probably always will be. But the ATS sound kind of sucks and if they just re-use old ATS demos and re-make them for the new album, that will extremely piss me off. Why wouldn't they just make brand new music that doesn't sound like ATS. There is barely any guitar that's worth mentioning in the entire ATS album, the drums are too electronic and the vocals are weird. I don't understand why LP would totally ditch guitar and drums, why the fuck even have Brad, Phoenix or Rob in the band anymore then? Linkin Park is a rock band, they always have been a rock band. They already ditched the whole 'nu-metal thing' which is totally fine with me. They then ditched guitars and drums on ATS. What's next, an all instrumental LP album with no guitar or drums or vocals? Like wtf. I understand they want to change and not be predictable, but it's getting a little too much for me. I like ATS but I sure as hell do not want another ATS. I want something NEW, not old piece of shit ATS demos. I'll just listen to DBS and MTM and forget about the new direction. Another thing that also pissed me off is how much they are talking about war and fucking religion now. Why? Either way, writing about religion or war is going to offend people, so what's the point? LP has never talked about the fairy tale legend 'God' before, so why are they suddenly? Chester is suddenly a Christian who prays all the time and wears a cross now? Wtf? This is not the LP I once knew and loved. I already hate the direction they are taking. Ever since 2011 has started, LP has been straying away from me.


I don't have high expectations in the next record anyway... Rick Rubin seems to be a solid producer, I'd rather be afraid of the direction LP will take besides Rubin influencing them.


This may come off a little ignorant sounding, but I'm not sure if Rick influenced the ATS sound. The sound he helped create on MTM was amazing, and MTM is still my fav LP album and probably always will be. But the ATS sound kind of sucks and if they just re-use old ATS demos and re-make them for the new album, that will extremely piss me off.

So you're assuming that Rubin had nothing to do with ATS's sound simply because you don't like it? I won't argue with any more of your post because the rest is just opinion, which everyone is allowed to have. But, I don't know, it doesn't seem to make much sense that they would have him produce ATS if they didn't value and utilize his input in their songs.

This is what i think:


Don Gilmore- produced 2 LP studio albums

Rick Rubin- produced 2 LP studio albums


Now i think its time for someone totally new


This is what i think:


Don Gilmore- produced 2 LP studio albums

Rick Rubin- produced 2 LP studio albums


Now i think its time for someone totally new

I totally agree with you ... .. . *

Again???!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we want Don Gilmore Back!!!!!!!!!

You don't get to speak for me, fool!



I don't want Gilmore back at all. All he has the band so it sit with a ball and chain attached to their leg and make them polish turds until they lose all meaning.


And I don't see what the big deal over Rick is anyway. He's so hands-off that the band is basically self-producing anyway. He's just there to make sure the band doesn't lose perspective. If you STILL think Rick "changed the band" despite LP expressing that desire to change since Breaking the Habit, - much before Rubin was even considered- you're under a rock.



@Geki. I think ATS is LP's best album by far. Your argument is null and void. Also, you are blowing Chester's words waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. ATS is neither political premeditation nor dogma, it's a narrative of what they think is a human story. An artist speaks no more through their characters any more than Voldemort speaks for J.K Rowling.


Also, props to Firefox for knowing how to correct the capitalization on Voldemort.


@Geki. I think ATS is LP's best album by far. Your argument is null and void. Also, you are blowing Chester's words waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion. ATS is neither political premeditation nor dogma, it's a narrative of what they think is a human story. An artist speaks no more through their characters any more than Voldemort speaks for J.K Rowling.


Also, props to Firefox for knowing how to correct the capitalization on Voldemort.

Chester said in the recent Kerrang! interview that the band is writing more about political issues and dealing with religion, and he said it was hard because they don't want to piss anyone off. But it pisses me off for a number of reasons. I don't believe in God, and I don't think people should be expressing their religion in music like that. If you believe in God or not - keep that shit out of music.


Chester said in the recent Kerrang! interview that the band is writing more about political issues and dealing with religion, and he said it was hard because they don't want to piss anyone off. But it pisses me off for a number of reasons. I don't believe in God, and I don't think people should be expressing their religion in music like that. If you believe in God or not - keep that shit out of music.

ATS has god stuff and religious stuff all over it. Just because LP isn't writing about OMG I HATE MY LIFE TIME TO BE SAD shit anymore doesn't mean that it is a BAD thing. Most, but not all, HT lyrics have such a basic meaning and are borderline emo in some cases. ATS makes you think outside of the box and gets you really really pondering stuff. Religion in music is better than half the crap people write about anyway. Guess what? Religion, religious lyrics and religious songs are open to FULL interpretation. Take it how you want it. See Lady Gaga's "Judas" song.

Posted (edited)

Chester said in the recent Kerrang! interview that the band is writing more about political issues and dealing with religion, and he said it was hard because they don't want to piss anyone off. But it pisses me off for a number of reasons. I don't believe in God, and I don't think people should be expressing their religion in music like that. If you believe in God or not - keep that shit out of music.

And when this issue was brought up in LPU chat Mike was all WTF we aren't nearly done with the album. Chester has a history of not being accurate with album descriptions. I think he just wants to give press a soundbite.


By the way, Chester never said in which way the album was polarized. He said specifically he'd avoid preaching... actually that whole bit was about finding the proper balance without preaching. For all you know it's anti-religion; you don't know which side he's taking. Or maybe it's up to interpretation just like ATS was. You're blowing his words waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of porportion. But i'm going with the fact that Chester's early summaries of the album are always innacurate and this is a non-issue altoghether, especially after Mike discredited it.

Edited by KATHYxx

Chester said in the recent Kerrang! interview that the band is writing more about political issues and dealing with religion, and he said it was hard because they don't want to piss anyone off. But it pisses me off for a number of reasons. I don't believe in God, and I don't think people should be expressing their religion in music like that. If you believe in God or not - keep that shit out of music.

U mad bro? lol jk

'But i could care less what Lp writes about, if its good music its good music


This may come off a little ignorant sounding, but I'm not sure if Rick influenced the ATS sound. The sound he helped create on MTM was amazing, and MTM is still my fav LP album and probably always will be. But the ATS sound kind of sucks and if they just re-use old ATS demos and re-make them for the new album, that will extremely piss me off. Why wouldn't they just make brand new music that doesn't sound like ATS. There is barely any guitar that's worth mentioning in the entire ATS album, the drums are too electronic and the vocals are weird. I don't understand why LP would totally ditch guitar and drums, why the fuck even have Brad, Phoenix or Rob in the band anymore then? Linkin Park is a rock band, they always have been a rock band. They already ditched the whole 'nu-metal thing' which is totally fine with me. They then ditched guitars and drums on ATS. What's next, an all instrumental LP album with no guitar or drums or vocals? Like wtf. I understand they want to change and not be predictable, but it's getting a little too much for me. I like ATS but I sure as hell do not want another ATS. I want something NEW, not old piece of shit ATS demos. I'll just listen to DBS and MTM and forget about the new direction. Another thing that also pissed me off is how much they are talking about war and fucking religion now. Why? Either way, writing about religion or war is going to offend people, so what's the point? LP has never talked about the fairy tale legend 'God' before, so why are they suddenly? Chester is suddenly a Christian who prays all the time and wears a cross now? Wtf? This is not the LP I once knew and loved. I already hate the direction they are taking. Ever since 2011 has started, LP has been straying away from me.

There's so much wrong here I don't even know what to say. Of course Rick influenced ATS's sound. He gave the band the confidence they needed to "be who they want to be". It takes time to evolve. One thing I like about LP is how no album is the same. HT is the rap/rock stuff, Meteora is more experimental, MTM is growing away from that, ATS is totally away from that. Can't wait to see what they drop next.


LP is making brand new music. They aren't redoing all old demos for the new album, wtf, lol. That won't happen.


Ditch guitar and drums? Have you heard the god damn album?????? Drums and guitar EVERYWHERE. Every song just about. It's just a new sound. Drums and guitar are all over the place though, wow.


LP has always been religious, whether it influences their writing or not. See my above post for my thoughts on lyrics.


I really don't mind what they write about if it's good stuff :) however this quote from Rubin could be interpreted as though they are revisiting older song ideas:


'Rubin says the group has "been in the studio writing" for a follow-up to 2010's "A Thousand Suns," which Rubin also produced. "Typically we'll have a once-a-week meeting to go listen to the songs that they're coming up with and talk about them. For so early in the project, they are much further along than they have been on the last two albums we did. On ('A Thousand Suns') there were still a lot of irons in the fire. We knew, 'OK, we can't do this forever. Let's leave this batch and we'll come back and address it when we start up again.'


To me that says unfinished ideas :/


There's so much wrong here I don't even know what to say. Of course Rick influenced ATS's sound. He gave the band the confidence they needed to "be who they want to be". It takes time to evolve. One thing I like about LP is how no album is the same. HT is the rap/rock stuff, Meteora is more experimental, MTM is growing away from that, ATS is totally away from that. Can't wait to see what they drop next.


LP is making brand new music. They aren't redoing all old demos for the new album, wtf, lol. That won't happen.


Ditch guitar and drums? Have you heard the god damn album?????? Drums and guitar EVERYWHERE. Every song just about. It's just a new sound. Drums and guitar are all over the place though, wow.


LP has always been religious, whether it influences their writing or not. See my above post for my thoughts on lyrics.

i agree. plus i cant wait to hear what sound the band will have on the 5th album

Posted (edited)

This may come off a little ignorant sounding, but I'm not sure if Rick influenced the ATS sound. The sound he helped create on MTM was amazing, and MTM is still my fav LP album and probably always will be. But the ATS sound kind of sucks and if they just re-use old ATS demos and re-make them for the new album, that will extremely piss me off. Why wouldn't they just make brand new music that doesn't sound like ATS. There is barely any guitar that's worth mentioning in the entire ATS album, the drums are too electronic and the vocals are weird. I don't understand why LP would totally ditch guitar and drums, why the fuck even have Brad, Phoenix or Rob in the band anymore then? Linkin Park is a rock band, they always have been a rock band. They already ditched the whole 'nu-metal thing' which is totally fine with me. They then ditched guitars and drums on ATS. What's next, an all instrumental LP album with no guitar or drums or vocals? Like wtf. I understand they want to change and not be predictable, but it's getting a little too much for me. I like ATS but I sure as hell do not want another ATS. I want something NEW, not old piece of shit ATS demos. I'll just listen to DBS and MTM and forget about the new direction. Another thing that also pissed me off is how much they are talking about war and fucking religion now. Why? Either way, writing about religion or war is going to offend people, so what's the point? LP has never talked about the fairy tale legend 'God' before, so why are they suddenly? Chester is suddenly a Christian who prays all the time and wears a cross now? Wtf? This is not the LP I once knew and loved. I already hate the direction they are taking. Ever since 2011 has started, LP has been straying away from me.

I laugh at your attempt to define Linkin Park. Did Mike recently speak out and say "It's decided, we're a rockband"? And what the fuck are you talking about with the religion thing? The band hasn't made a religious song in their entire career. Those like Chester who are religious keep it to themselves.


You really need to take a pill, bro.



ATS has god stuff and religious stuff all over it.

And when you mean all over it, you mean it's non existant. Edited by bLePn

LP has never talked about the fairy tale legend 'God' before, so why are they suddenly? Chester is suddenly a Christian who prays all the time and wears a cross now? Wtf? This is not the LP I once knew and loved. I already hate the direction they are taking. Ever since 2011 has started, LP has been straying away from me.

You're right, this DOES come off extremely ignorant sounding. Seriously what the fuck?


Chester has always believed in God. Brad is jewish. None of this has any fucking effect on the music so I don't see why you're so offended by it.


You're right, this DOES come off extremely ignorant sounding. Seriously what the fuck?


Chester has always believed in God. Brad is jewish. None of this has any fucking effect on the music so I don't see why you're so offended by it.

rob is jewish to

Posted (edited)

I reckon Rubin's actually pretty good as a producer for LP, and everyone who's still calling for Gilmore on the basis of Hollywood Undead just... just... I can't even begin to describe how bad that'd be - did you ever listen to hollywood undead and think "slight LP rip-off?"... Rubin gave the band room to expland, and I ATS has been the one of the best creative expanses the band has had, liked it or not, LP needed ATS to explore their creative ability, and personally, I'm stoked for this 5th record, and SO glad it's being made quicker than the other two :D

i personally think they should have got someone totall new becuase don gilmore did 2 albums, rick rubin also did 2 albums. and yes i'm also a hollywood undead fan and would prefer Don Gilmore over Rick Rubin, Rick Rubin helped LP move foward, but Don Gilmore helped moved Hollywood Undead foward, if you actually compare the first album to the second album they have moved quite a bit foward and its all thanks to Don Gilmore, i would personally love having Don Gilmore as a producer again but overall im ready for someone totaly new, and also at the end of the day as long as they make music and its at least somewhat good i could care less who the producer actually is Edited by Bliss

I want LP to add a touch of preachiness to their songs. Not like Rise Against, which I love, but a personal touch, like the one in Wretches & Kings or The Catalyst. Those are excellent songs which portray a really noble message while not being preachy.


i do not find the religon in the music kinda?


lets see:

HT was about emotion's & kinda random

Meteora was a more grown up version of HT

MTM was more personal & about world events

ATS was a Story/Journey though the end of the world!

5th Album from what chester & Rick has said so far should be about well world events & more adultish songs!


if thats the case then i want LP too Pull-Off a Guns N Roses, And Release a Double Album! Just like Use Your Illusion 1&2. The 1st album can be a Brand New album & then the 2nd album can be New but really there old demos from ATS.


Overall does anybody think we could ever get a 2CD Double-Album from LP??? =)


I really don't see LP releasing a double CD any time soon, I'm just hoping that there will be more than 9 songs this time. Either way I'm excited about the new album.


They said they'd had about 2 months on it so far then and they're a lot further on than ATS or MTM was at this stage as it sounds like they have lots of leftover material from ATS

Searches through past thread for my theory on the 60+ near completion songs that have a sound similar to Across the Line, What We Don't Know, and Pretend to Be, but they got lost on the hard drive January 2010 and ATS was created January to August


I really think that this is along the lines of what is possibly happening.


...more than a Producer, Rick is their Sensei... He let the band do whatever they want...!



Mike's the real Producer. He mostly defines the way that LP sound !!

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