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Holy shit... I voted 510 times in the last hour alone and it still wasn't enough. What crap. I have nothing against Paramore, but they can suck ** big fat ****!!!!

Posted (edited)

Smells like bot work to me.




is pretty weird this paramore beat lp, chris brown is more famous than emomore and stay with less votes than them <_<

so emomore fans could used other thing to vote


and now lets vote in chris just to emomore lavigne boy lose

Edited by BritneySpears

Wtf...How did they use bots? I'm pissed LP lost :(




at least lp won ama and emomore lose to jonas brothers

this makes me happy

i hate jonas, but at least their fans respect lp fans and don't insult the band


In the scheme of things LP winning the AMA means much more than winning this Fuse contest. It just burns that another fanbase obviously helped Paramore beat us. Anyway what's done is done.


Everyone stateside be sure to get your RTR DVD today (24th) so that LP can get the high sales for opening day.


BritneySpears... at first, the Band is called Paramore not Emomore...

But I bet, someone was cheating on LP... When I left to bed about 8 hours ago...

LP were 1000 Votes ahead.. now I just took a look on the page and Paramore

has won with 15000 votes....just 2 possibilities... you were to lazy to vote OR

the Paramore Fans just voted as hell...


It's very disappointing that LP has lost....

I really voted every day and I even let other Korean fans know this and vote.

But it's good LP won AMA instead.


Ech O.o I NEVER voted to fuse, until yesterday. Like... I voted my fingers off this thing and STILL we loosed. Oh.. Whatever, AMA is MORE than fuse. \m/


I was hoping LP would get it and apparently they were leading by 5,000 some before the timer ran out so something had to happen.

Meh I like paramore but its sad to see Linkin Park lose :(


yeah i vote for slipknot too now... but it's really strange that paramore got so much votes more and when it was less than an hour left yesterday LP was leading with 2000 votes so... well i don't know about that, but i sriously don't really care about those awards, i think most of them are cheated anyway.


I have better things to do than wasting my time on this voting bullshit. The world doesn't end from things like that. All you get is people annoying you with messages to vote, on MSN, Youpoop, everywhere.


Man, thats depressing. But, everyone I hope you all vote for Slipknot now. We need to make a statement that rock and metal fans are just as dedicated if not more than stupid pop music.


No offense, but I could care less who wins that contest now. Helping someone else win won't erase the slight that LP received as a result of their being maliciously targeted. LP losing isn't the issue, the why and how it was done is what reeks. The damage is done and I'm moving on.

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