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Lmao is it bad that I kind of want to see him die in the film? You have to admit it would be funny to watch, it would have to be a very epic death though for someone like Chaz XD.




There will be a trap that the producers would not allow in previous Saw films that they described as "too violent", "too disgusting", and "just wrong". Melton called it the "Garage Trap" which will involve a car and a chain reaction.[23] Producer Oren Koules said that there are eleven traps in the film, the most ever in the franchise


From Wikipedia.


Now, in the trailer we can see Chester in a car screaming, so I assume this is the trap he had... uh... I guess I'll watch the movie...


Haha this confirms the rumour. Would it be spoilers if i wrote what happens to Chester ? Lol nevermind just go and look at the the other thread somewhere i think its in Got news.


Maybe not, is the last Movie, maybe somebody can survive... :lol:



Also why does have to be only a LP song? I could be a DBS song also.

I was just saying that since he is a big name musician, it would be a good idea to use a song that one of them have done to help promote the band a little more when someone buys the soundtrack. Not like LP needs any more self promotion. But would be a good idea. Should be an interesting film. Seem them all in theatres. I'm looking forward to it.


Chester is going to die in the film. lol. Sweet though! It's going to be the most badass scream in the whole SAW series!


I fully believe if there will be a Crank 3, Chester will make a cameo in it. He is great friends with Jason Statham (my favorite actor), plus he made a cameo in the first 2, so it's only logical to do it again.

Posted (edited)

They probably just gave him the role for a awsome scream.

It would not surprise me.

Edited by Keols
Posted (edited)

Is chester part only a cameo? or is he like going to have a bigger role?

Edited by Tomer
Posted (edited)

saw = american pie

senseless crap movies and going straight to dvd, i don't like that movies, and 7th is a insult to good movies


oh no, chester dying is holding the album!!!!!

Edited by ladygaga

saw = american pie

senseless crap movies and going straight to dvd, i don't like that movies, and 7th is a insult to good movies


oh no, chester dying is holding the album!!!!!

Go, Go, Gadget Headache.......


Oh jeez, WHY?!?!


Talk about one of the most unoriginal movie franchises of all-time that wasn't even deserving of ONE sequel, let alone six of them. Apparently this is going to be the last movie in the franchise? One can only hope...


Oh jeez, WHY?!?!


Talk about one of the most unoriginal movie franchises of all-time that wasn't even deserving of ONE sequel, let alone six of them. Apparently this is going to be the last movie in the franchise? One can only hope...

They have come out and said that this is the last one, so hopefully they stick with that.
Posted (edited)

the first one was original. after that they went down a very steep hill. yup this will be the last. do you want to know why? because whoever makes these movies now owns the rights to the texas chainsaw masacre franchise, and will undoubtedly make an endless string of shitty chainsaw movies.


still looking foreward to seeing this. just for chester

Edited by deadnbloated

saw = american pie

senseless crap movies and going straight to dvd, i don't like that movies, and 7th is a insult to good movies


oh no, chester dying is holding the album!!!!!

the Saw series has not went straight to dvd

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