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I wonder if the untitled track was "The Catalyst". I immediatly thought the instrumental stems (drums, keyboard, piano) sounded very NIN-ish...Anyway, interesting article, the wait 'til the album comes out is becoming harder and harder each day :P

Posted (edited)

Now the California crew is teaming up with Rubin again for A Thousand Suns



no one is talking about rubin ;)

Edited by aravind221

Well the "Nine Inch Nails" part made my day. Ha!

Oh yes, I loved that as well! Industrial and synth influences? Really nice to hear for me being a Julien-K lover ;)



Really cool. Hope it's not too political... MTM was enough...

Hmm yeah... I actually thought they would focus more on political topics because you know, their lives are good now! They don't have to worry about anything anymore and they have dealt with their past in their first two albums. They are over it and are enjoying life, so they have to turn to all the other miseries in the world for their lyrics. I mean, Chester obviously had some more recent problems but he dealt with them in Dead By Sunrise so now he might be done with that as well. I think that's the reason why they are sticking to more general topics now.


lol he says that now, but we all know the next record is coming out 2014 at the EARLIEST


haha yeah i realize that, but just hearing him talk about future albums makes me happy.


lpforever. (:


Oh yes, I loved that as well! Industrial and synth influences? Really nice to hear for me being a Julien-K lover ;)





Hmm yeah... I actually thought they would focus more on political topics because you know, their lives are good now! They don't have to worry about anything anymore and they have dealt with their past in their first two albums. They are over it and are enjoying life, so they have to turn to all the other miseries in the world for their lyrics. I mean, Chester obviously had some more recent problems but he dealt with them in Dead By Sunrise so now he might be done with that as well. I think that's the reason why they are sticking to more general topics now.


thats whats im saying too... their older now and the lyrics that they wrote on HT and Meteora were mostly about their past. but NOW, with their 4th album coming out and living the good life its harder to relate totheir past now that their 10 years away from it. its like some rappers that only writes about money, fame and girls, because thats all they could relate to......


I personally will welcome a political shift in lyrical themes. They're more mature as writers and when you mature, you typically stop whining about what happened to you as a teenager. I loved Hands Held High and would like to see more songs taken in that direction lyrically.


Speaking of Rick Rubin, if ATS is amazingly awesome, are the fans going to give him the credit for that? Since everyone seemed to want to give him all the "credit" for MTM (in a lot of cases the "blame" for it).


Just wondering if all the people who bad-mouthed Rubin before and acutally said Don Gilmore was better (wtf) would be willing to praise him.


For the record I don't think the producer has too much of an effect on the albums. It's LP's work.


Speaking of Rick Rubin, if ATS is amazingly awesome, are the fans going to give him the credit for that? Since everyone seemed to want to give him all the "credit" for MTM (in a lot of cases the "blame" for it).


Just wondering if all the people who bad-mouthed Rubin before and acutally said Don Gilmore was better (wtf) would be willing to praise him.


For the record I don't think the producer has too much of an effect on the albums. It's LP's work.

A lot of people 'blamed' Don Gilmore and Rick Rubin's efforts on all 3 albums. Only time will tell if the same will happen to Rubin with ATS, but as a gambling man I'll say that there are going to be a lot of negative comments lobbed his way as it sounds as if there'll be some new elements. Everyone still wants to hear LP circa 1999-2000.


I agree 100% with you - at the end of the day, it's LP's work and they could have just as easily parted ways with him if they didn't stand by the work he's done.


so...is brad even still a member of LP?? lol

Weeeeell Mike was like "we already have a guitarist in the group" so prolly


then again he was probably talking about himself so WHO KNOWS


also yes political lyrics, as long as it's not super overboard like Rage Against the Machine or Anti-Flag


Rubin's hit and miss IMO, but he generally knows what to work on and what to sit back and let the band work on, so he's very good in that respect

Posted (edited)

The whole article made my day!!! But LP talking to media about the album is holding up the album.



Also that article makes me happy. I can't wait for the new album.


I agree about what everyone is saying about the lyrics.


Also, as for me, I never blamed Rick Rubin for MTM (it wasn't horrible, but wasn't great), and I never gave credit to Don Gilmore for the great albums HT and Meteora. I never give credit or blame the producers. Linkin Park makes the music they want and I respect that.

Edited by LinkinParkFan4Ever

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