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7 hours ago, Megnus said:

did anybody record it? cant find it anywhere anymore

Yes, a rip is out there. Funny enough the band is freaking out about a "leak." Did they really think they could stream the album publicly for the entire world without anyone recording it? lol




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Is it really considered a leak if they hosted a public stream of the album? In 2020 it should be a given that somebody will record it somehow in that situation lol.


Listened to it. Some songs are genuinely pretty good. But my god, B12 is all sorts of bad. It was never my favorite song to begin with but geeze, they did that song no favors with that new arrangement. 


I have various screen recordings but im  looking for a link to download mp3’s on iphone if anyone has them ?

Posted (edited)
On 4/10/2020 at 5:48 PM, Hahninator said:



So when they were recording the album of course there are different vocal takes for the songs. I believe what happened was, if I can get the story straight from the interviews they've given, someone found all the master tapes in their attic of all the multitracks. I forgot who it was, someone here knows I'm sure. Anyway so Sean says they mixed in some of the alternate takes/demo vocal takes for some of these songs. It all started with them building the songs from the vocals FIRST, so they'd edit the hell out of the vocal tracks to make them, then add music later.


Now I don't know if Sean said that to just bullshit people and sell more albums, but I am inclined to believe him on that topic at least. Some of you tech savvy people can tell us if you hear differences in the vocals of some of the songs or not.



Well, despite how strongly I don't want it to be in the Newswire, I can't stiff-arm the rest of the staff into not posting about updates on a project that features an LP member, no matter what my personal feelings are on it. We agreed absolutely no social media for this because of a wide variety of reasons (some of which include we will not be promoting anyone who trashes Mike in the press) but I think it's a bit excessive if I try to stiffly demand/rule that the project can't be talked about at all on the forums. We talk about all sorts of stuff here, no matter how people feel about it. Like for example, we have the thread on Mace printing fake Grey Daze CDs at his home, selling them signed on eBay for thousands of dollars, and arguing with LP fans saying they were authentic. No matter how negatively we feel about it personally we have to draw the line and say "this is an LP fansite, it's applicable to at least some of the fans so we need to allow it here." Just because JZLP and Subs disagree with us on it doesn't mean they are bad people by any means. They have some fair points at times, like when we'd post GD for years and unveil studio sessions, demos, live shows, etc. But that was before things turned for the worst with Sean turning into a true dick.

I noticed you saw that Grey Daze used the "for the fans by the fans" LPLive tag on their album listening party, ha.


Yes, agreed about the LP Ambassadors. They ripped the entire group to a new group (without asking anyone to join, they just added everyone to a group - half of them were added by just asking fans to sign up for email updates from Grey Daze and then they randomly demanded these fans promote their album as "Grey Daze Ambassadors") and said promote this stuff. Then blocked fans after cussing at them on social media if they voiced even the slightest concern. They are psychos. I made a private Facebook post about the band on my Facebook page, somehow someone sent it to Sean so he tracked me down and emailed me, private messaged me, and tried to add me. So I sent the label a 10+ paragraph email about how the entire project is a disaster, how the band is going off the rails with social media and using their band platform to try and disparage Linkin Park fans with inappropriate language, how any efforts by the label to promote the album were being wasted because of the actions of the band, how insanely inappropriate it is for them to use Linkin Park Underground material to promote the album and sell Linkin Park images in multiple stores, how much of a cash grab it looks when they sell 8-10 vinyl versions of the album after coming out of nowhere, how the band is straight up lying and acting like absolute morons in the press publicly and even going along with/insinuating Chester was not happy in Linkin Park aka changing the LP band narrative, and how they are using the exact people to promote the album who:


1) said Mike Shinoda is profiting off of Chester's death by playing "In the End" live

2) destroy Talinda 24/7/365 with lies all across social media

3) destroy Linkin Park, their band's management, and record label, saying the Hollywood Bowl show was an extremely disrespectful show to Chester

4) lie by saying Chester was not allowed to use social media at all unless the record label approved each tweet

5) lie by saying Chester and Mike were not friends at all

6) lie by saying Chester was bullied by Mike the entire duration of Linkin Park's career and he had no voice of his own in the band


Like it or not, these people are the face of the promotion for the album and that is a 100% fact and it taints the entire project and paints it in a TERRIBLE light. 


They didn't even have the audacity to reply to the email at all. Nothing. No response.

I am shocked Talinda hasn't come out and told these guys to fuck off. Honestly surprised Mike hasn't said "we aren't supporting this straight BS at all" too.

Wow didn't think you'd have the balls to write such stuff, but here we are. Guess you could know by now why I am not a part if this stuff and to be honest never wanted to be in the first place (GD ambassadros out of nowhere? Random people from the internet? Just remember how it all went with LP Ambassadors, the first batch that is - they contacted people they mostly know IN PERSON, that's right folks, Adam/Lorenzo did know like 99% of the first ambassadors in person, have contacted them talking about the whole idea. Then have spoken with them over Skype about how the things would go. This is how you work and this is how you prevent things from derailing along the way) That's one thing. Second thing - all the things connected to the listening parties, like some demands, exact things people had to do in order to stream. Wow bad decisions all over the place. No wonder some people resigned to be an ambassador...


8 hours ago, lpliveusername said:

Yes, a rip is out there. Funny enough the band is freaking out about a "leak." Did they really think they could stream the album publicly for the entire world without anyone recording it? lol




Sean, you don't say? I might know the individual who not only could leak the album but HE PRINTED RE-ISSUES OF ONE PARTICULAR ALBUM AND SOLD THEM ON EBAY. OF COURSE YOU GUYS SAY THERE ARE NO REISSUES OF THAT PARTICULAR ALBUM. Ha ha (Nelson from The Simpsons laugh) THE TrUtH  will come out eventually!!111onetwo


On 4/10/2020 at 11:16 PM, Astat said:

Sean's got way more money than me, clearly thinks he knows more than me (or anybody else for that matter), and rewrites history as he sees fit. He doesn't need my help to promote an album. And considering I've deleted all but like 3 members of my own family off of Facebook and mostly cut them off from seeing my daughter for being far less ideologically insufferable than he is, I wouldn't particularly want to. There are certain people you couldn't pay me enough to associate with, and he's one of them.

My thoughts on Sean Dowdell as a person predate the promo for Amends, Chester's death, or Tattooed Millionaire, by the way. People need to get this straight: I would have zero interest in giving this man my money even if Chester was alive today and enthusiastically promoting this album alongside him. My mind was made up long ago, the drama surrounding Amends has only served to reinforce my opinion.

Expect a lawsuit coming your way!1111


Ok laughs aside, you're absolutely right.

Edited by michalangelo

I really enjoyed the album. Some songs were really good on it. Possibly one of my favorite albums in 2020.

All the dramas aside, I'm thankful for all the effort they put into making this music.

This project had potential to be something really amazing and fun for everyone. It's so sad that it's all turned to whatever it is right now.


Wow i am deeply in shock with all the mess connected with this release. I will try to just enjoy new music, Chester didnt deserve any of this at all. 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, sordomuda said:

Wow i am deeply in shock with all the mess connected with this release. I will try to just enjoy new music, Chester didnt deserve any of this at all. 

Edited by Subs
I just want us all to be happy we get semi-new material
Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, lpliveusername said:

Yes, a rip is out there. Funny enough the band is freaking out about a "leak." Did they really think they could stream the album publicly for the entire world without anyone recording it? lol





Do you really shit on them because they did listening party for fans?

It's against law to share your copy with third parties. Wow. I feel sorry for them that didn't think before about it, but I feel more sorry for them about people hating on them in this case. Stealing is still stealing, not matter how it's done.

It's rude when you trusted to share album with CB fans and then the album is going out without any permission. It wasn't an official premiere.

Edited by DragorwyinLP
Posted (edited)

If you are releasing a music, you have to accept a fact that it will leak eventually (and there is no matter if it's gonna be on itunes, spotify or only on a vinyl that's released only in Japan), it will happen, you can't control it, so your best bet is to ignore that/don't worry about it.


If you can't accept that, then don't release your music anywhere.


Edited by martinez
36 minutes ago, DragorwyinLP said:


Do you really shit on them because they did listening party for fans?

It's against law to share your copy with third parties. Wow. I feel sorry for them that didn't think before about it, but I feel more sorry for them about people hating on them in this case. Stealing is still stealing, not matter how it's done.

It's rude when you trusted to share album with CB fans and then the album is going out without any permission. It wasn't an official premiere.

Putting a legit mp3 leak aside they are fools to think nobody in the planet Earth would make a simple af rip from the stream the had around the world. Did they think people will just watch it and forget about it until June or what? THE DELUSION. It was obvious people would do multiple rips and nobody will care to buy the actual album in June beside collectors and hardcore stans so the stream and the delay of the premiere didnt make any sense to me from the beginning. 

1 hour ago, DragorwyinLP said:


Do you really shit on them because they did listening party for fans?

It's against law to share your copy with third parties. Wow. I feel sorry for them that didn't think before about it, but I feel more sorry for them about people hating on them in this case. Stealing is still stealing, not matter how it's done.

It's rude when you trusted to share album with CB fans and then the album is going out without any permission. It wasn't an official premiere.


When did anybody "shit on them" for having a listening party for fans??? They were pointing out the fact that it shouldn't be a shock that the stream was recorded.

Albums leak as soon as there's an opportunity for it to happen. Period. It doesn't matter who you are. It's just a reality now in music and it has been for a LONG time. TRT leaked. MTM leaked. ATS leaked. LT leaked. THP leaked. OML leaked. PT leaked. So for Grey Daze to stream Amends in full, publicly, only to turn around and be surprised that it was recorded and shared, doesn't make sense.


They delayed the album for months, and then announced a full stream of the album. It would have been more surprising if it wasn't recorded and shared, honestly.


I remembering Mike mentioning a leak of "Battle Symphny" but still he was acting like it never happened.


I don't remember any member of LP acting like GD: "Give us the individuals.."


Give us the shit.



The only time I remember hearing that Mike or anybody in LP was upset personally by any leak was WAYW, which is fundamentally different since that song was not at all slated for release and was never meant to be heard by the public, at least in that form. That's not the same thing as having a completed album leak before it's release date, which happens all of the time to literally anyone with even the slightest buzz surrounding their album.


And again, before someone responds by saying they're right to be angry, that's not the point. If the next big LP release leaks before it's release date, and the official LP twitter posted "If anyone can tell us the individual's name who leaked the album, we would greatly appreciate it" it would be just as pointless and I would say the same thing. Let the label handle that stuff. It should be beneath the band to post things like that. What's done is done. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. The album is out there and that's that. Sorry you chose to delay it and now it's leaked, but that's what happens. Take it as a lesson learned and move on.

Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Justin said:

The only time I remember hearing that Mike or anybody in LP was upset personally by any leak was WAYW, which is fundamentally different since that song was not at all slated for release and was never meant to be heard by the public, at least in that form. That's not the same thing as having a completed album leak before it's release date, which happens all of the time to literally anyone with even the slightest buzz surrounding their album.


And again, before someone responds by saying they're right to be angry, that's not the point. If the next big LP release leaks before it's release date, and the official LP twitter posted "If anyone can tell us the individual's name who leaked the album, we would greatly appreciate it" it would be just as pointless and I would say the same thing. Let the label handle that stuff. It should be beneath the band to post things like that. What's done is done. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. The album is out there and that's that. Sorry you chose to delay it and now it's leaked, but that's what happens. Take it as a lesson learned and move on.

 This so much. Literally the only famous artist that i can think of right now that albums dont leak somehow is for example Beyonce. But she has released her last 4 albums as a suprise so maybe thats why i dont know. But literally almost everybody’s albums leak before the premiere even if its just a day before. 

i would laugh hard if LP has written something like that xD also albums leak a lot a day before when they are already in stores. Also it happened few times with other artists that sometimes some stores start to sell the album one day too soon lol. 

Edited by sordomuda
Posted (edited)

All this aside, are you telling me nobody at the label saw this coming at all? Whenever LP had listening parties, they were done in person, in controlled environments (WBR offices usually) much closer to release (usually ~2-3 weeks in advance). Of course someone was going to “leak” this. Leak in quotations because they invited this to happen when they decided to STREAM THE ALBUM MONTHS IN ADVANCE ON THE INTERNET. el oh el. Sean can throw all the hissy fits he wants, at the end of the day, he’s the one who should’ve stepped in and said “hey maybe we should save the album stream until sometime closer to release”.

Edited by Hybrid1988

The promotion of that album and everything involved with that it's not what they came up with. And now when they saying something like this, they just confirm to anybody how amateur they are.

32 minutes ago, Hahninator said:

Up to 9 vinyls so far. http://linkinpedia.com/index.php?title=Amends#Gallery

2 CDs, but combo packages with CDs, a DVD, books, etc. Obviously with that many vinyls there are many ways to package the album. So we are at a higher amount of OFFERINGS of the album, by far the most I have seen from any band. Maybe 15-16 offerings?

They also kept mentioning a Walmart variation of the CD, but I haven't noticed any sort of proof from Walmart, though.

Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, Hahninator said:

Up to 9 vinyls so far. http://linkinpedia.com/index.php?title=Amends#Gallery

2 CDs, but combo packages with CDs, a DVD, books, etc. Obviously with that many vinyls there are many ways to package the album. So we are at a higher amount of OFFERINGS of the album, by far the most I have seen from any band. Maybe 15-16 offerings?

Hah, this took me 2 hours to find and crosscheck. Fun to do but not fun to spend money on. Now the thing is where to get all scans from? I'd like to get spotify LP - it seems the most appropriate one to have (besides the CD with 2 bonuse tracks if they're on the actual cd of course)



2 minutes ago, florez411 said:

They also kept mentioning a Walmart variation of the CD, but I haven't noticed any sort of proof from Walmart, though.

Probably the same version as Target - with two bonus tracks (we're not sure at the moment if they're on the cd or as a digital downloadable content)

Edited by michalangelo
22 hours ago, lpliveusername said:

Yes, a rip is out there. Funny enough the band is freaking out about a "leak." Did they really think they could stream the album publicly for the entire world without anyone recording it? lol






7 hours ago, Hahninator said:

Up to 9 vinyls so far. http://linkinpedia.com/index.php?title=Amends#Gallery

2 CDs, but combo packages with CDs, a DVD, books, etc. Obviously with that many vinyls there are many ways to package the album. So we are at a higher amount of OFFERINGS of the album, by far the most I have seen from any band. Maybe 15-16 offerings?

And people are still trying to argue that this is no different than how LP did album releases. LP would have like, 3 or 4 actual different editions of the album, plus a few merch bundles. This isn't even on the same planet, lol.

Also their album leak response is reminding me of the time Adam had a Twitter meltdown over the Dead By Sunrise album "leaking"...on the day it was officially released in Japan. Lol.

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