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I didn't have many interactions with Nick, but I had the pleasure to meet him around the Hollywood Bowl show in 2017. He struck me as a genuinely kind and incredibly friendly person, and reading the comments here it seems like many share that sentiment. So sad to hear this news. My condolences to his friends and family.
The only criticism I read so far is that people don‘t like the band in the video and it is understandable in the context of the worlds anthem. Worlds anthems used to be songs that were specifically written and produced to be the worlds anthem. They were always more League of Legends songs than they were a song by whatever artist did it that year. They incorporated sounds and themes from the game etc. and most importantly the music video was only about worlds. Two years ago they broke that already by taking an already finished song from Lil Nas X and they just branded it as the worlds song. People were less hyped about it but eventually accepted that. At least the video was a full on worlds video. Now in addition to using an already finished song they broke the music video thing as well. For reference the discussion in the league community is 80% about the video, the teams and characters in it etc. The video is a really really important thing to them. Considering all of that, the dislike ratio doesn‘t even look that bad to me? It‘s roughly 18:1
The tour page only works correctly when you accept non essential cookies. Just in case someone is wondering why they can‘t see any shows.
The song most probably had to be submitted to Riot weeks, if not months ago. Riot had to make a decision if it's the right song for the Worlds anthem, they make the music video, they plan and prepare the whole production for the opening ceremonies etc. So the song was most likely mixed way before any other song was ready for the mixing process and before they thought about who will mix the album. Also Riot is usually involved in the creation process of the anthem (Star Walkin last year was the only exception as far as I am aware so far) so it is possible that Riot had some input here as well.
For what it's worth, I think that's a major misdirection of what the event was actually and primarily about. It was not a charity event, it was a birthday celebration because 3 of them got 30 during that time. That might be the only premise under which Dead Sara was booked and the rest developed after. We have no way of telling one way or the other. Scientology does not deny mental health in general and I have no idea where this misconception comes from. In fact Scientology is heavily reliant on mental health and people struggling with it because that's how they make their money. They say that traditional and scientific psychology and psychiatry is not able to treat mental health problems, instead mental health problems can only be treated by their pseudo science Dianetics and through auditing etc. The book they base their stuff on is even called "Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health". And that whole thing is one of the many major issues with Scientology: it prevents people with actual problems to get proper help because they are made to believe that they are already treated perfectly fine (all while getting ripped off). So no, it is not like Scientology denies the existence of mental health. It's the treatment they disagree with.
If Rob would like to make a statement because there would be anything to clear up from his side, nothing is stopping him from doing so I guess?
I would say it can be any one sided abusive relation that just sucks you empty but you still come back to over and over again. Doesn‘t even have to be human, could be a drug as well in my opinion. I think as with a lot of LP song you can make it your own and if you want to hear something specific that makes sense for you, you can give it that meaning.
If it was the only special version? Probably not. It would sell out real quick. But with there being so many different options, most people will choose only one and the boxset might not be the most impressive one for a lot. I for example went for the Zine version since I think that‘s more interesting.
I didn’t want to post anything about this topic until I have a very clear head about all of it, but currently I am stuck and making no progress for myself, so I thought I share my thoughts so far: Basically the problem for me personally boils down to this: For me, Scientology is an evil organization. Important here: I don’t declare every single member of them as evil, I can’t judge that. But the structures, the goals and the actions of the organization as a whole are evil. Every celebrity that represents them in a non-negative way, normalizes that organization and gives them legitimacy. As far as I am concerned, if you are affiliated with them while speaking neither positive nor negative about them, you at least represent them in a neutral way which I think is already beneficial for the organization as it normalizes being a part of it. Small anecdote about why I think so: While Germany (where I live) has an extremely low population of Scientologists, they have a stronger presence in one of the cities I lived in for a couple of years (Stuttgart). Every now and then I encountered some of them handing out information about their courses and personality tests and whatever around the train station I had to go to, to get to work. Obviously I just dismissed them and kept walking. But what if the band I am a hardcore fan of since my teenage years had a Scientologist singer? Would that have shaped my opinion in either direction? Would there have been a moment where I thought “can’t be that bad”? While it is extremely hard or rather impossible to say for sure, I think there is at least a tiny chance that I would have stopped there at least once, showed some interest and then who knows where things would have went from there. And that is already enough in my opinion. So the question for myself, that also creates the most internal struggle for me, is: Can I support and be a hardcore fan of someone that represents that non-negative affiliation I talked about in the beginning? Obviously there are a lot of factors that make this whole thing more complex, like her being born into it, her attitude towards it being completely unknown, the difficulties of speaking out etc. But in the end I want to represent and live my values, and that makes it very difficult to answer. Do I sacrifice them for music I like? Also I think it is totally valid if this is not an issue for someone. If you completely separate the artist from the art for example, I think that’s totally fine. It’s just not how I thought for my whole life so I can’t just turn it off. I am sorry if something sounds confusing or isn’t clear. I just wrote it down in one go and English isn’t my first language.
In some weird technical way this won‘t be the first involvement of Linkin Park in the worlds anthem. Colin was the vocal producer on Legends Never Die which was the anthem in 2017. Also be prepared for a similar music video like this and don‘t expect a normal Linkin Park video.
It‘s just something that kinda sounds similar to League of Legends.
Praeco (or his real name Christian Linke), the Creative Director of Riot, is also a fan of Linkin Park as far as I am aware. In his youth he was even part of a band that was basically a carbon copy of LP and they had some success in Germany but he doesn‘t seem to like to talk about it lol (the band was originally called Panik and then Nevada Tan if you want to look it up). For the longest time I was expecting Linkin Park for the Worlds anthem. Excited to see it finally happen. I wonder if it is a case like Starwalking by Lil Nas X where they simply took a finished song or if it‘s like most other World anthems and they collaborated together. Riot has an amazing music team and some of their works are overall favorites of me. Especially the stuff produced by Sebastien Najand. Also worth noting: if this is true they will definitely perform during the opening ceremony of the finals.
I asked in the Discord about the zine situation and got a reply from Lorenzo, Zine bundle will come soon.
Disable your ad-blocker if you have one. They cause problems with their store...
I am not sure I quite understand how this works since I can't find any references to the Zine elsewhere besides their own messaging. Is the Zine only available to people who subscribe to Passport Plus together with the Annual Gift now? I am already a Passport Plus holder since a while and when I go to the store to purchase the LPU 2024-2025 Member Bundle I can't see any mention of the Zine, it only lists the other three items (pin, lanyard and laminate).
Assuming the religion of the people posting here is a wild move now. I resigned from church and religion years ago and as far as I am concerned all religions can go away but I don't see how that is relevant anyway. None of our western religions currently lock their own people away, intimidate, harass and abuse them only to cover each other up once someone speaks up about it. Yeah, those things existed in the past, and also still exist in other parts of the world. So what am I supposed to do? Can one only criticize a religion (which as far as I am concerned Scientology isn't anyway) if I list all the other religions and their wrongdoing as well? I said this before but not having a problem with someone being affiliated with Scientology is fine. But coming in and actively defending or at least downplay Scientology must be the craziest thing I have ever witnessed on this forum.
It was mostly discussed in the shoutbox and it didn't went as well as you would have expected from this community (it kinda derailed into cancel culture stuff) so at least I decided to not put my mental effort into an actual post about it so far. I think it needs to be addressed somehow but the topic is so extremely complicated and I have absolutely no idea how the solution would look like. If she'd come out and confirm her Scientology affiliation, it would be a disaster. If she'd come out against Scientology, it would be a disaster for her since they would make her life hell. And everything in between? I don't know. How would that look like? I honestly have no idea how to nagivate out of this situation so I am also having a hard time discussing it. And that doesn't even consider the other allegation that is in the room. Currently the possible affiliation itself is nagging enough on me. Purely musical wise I am so happy with everything. She is a great singer, she has a great presence, the band is pumped, the song is great, their performance was amazing etc. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. But this whole situation is a huge problem for me right now and I have a very hard time to get a clear head about it. This is not some odd religious believe. Scientology is serious stuff. I'll still go to the Hamburg show and hope that I will find some answers over time. (can't wait for the first person to quote me and tell me that I just want to find any reason to see it fail etc.)
I have to wait for the European shows to go into pre-sale. I am just overly anxious and I always want things to be sorted out as soon as possible
Yeah, it just said "Generating Code, come back later" or whatever all the time. Code is there now and clearly labeled as legacy. Thank you very much though.
Haven't even got my pre-sale code yet. Should I see something labeled as "Legacy" in LPU so I can be sure that everything worked out fine one I got my code before the pre-sale starts?
Albums can have global releases too.
The image is most probably not AI generated. That doesn‘t mean it is real and not faked or whatever, just that it is very unlikely to be AI generated. I can‘t say anything about it‘s authenticity otherwise. It is the same thing that I said in the other thread where a user was accused to be an AI bot: There are so many tools available to check if something is AI generated or not and I strongly suggest you use those tools otherwise you will be screwed over by fake stuff all the time in the near future. Those tools are not bullet proof, but better than nothing.
Posting content here since it is locked behind having a Discord account: