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Everything posted by Coizu

  1. - Added Site function to the index page. Now you can only see 5 news posts per page
  2. If someone in germany is going to buy something: please contact me... I'll give you the money for everything... I can't order anything because I don't have a credit card. Please help me!
  3. Everyone says that the CD is just a "bonus" to the membershit? WTF? Why do I have to pay more money if I want the package with the CD? If I want a membership I can buy the Online Pass... I pay for the CD if I want them so it's not just something that comes with the membership {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif
  4. Update: Announcement Service Public Given Up (extended outro) QWERTY (Summer Sonic 06) With You Lying From You (new intro with 1st verse of Figure.09) Breaking The Habit (no intro, acapella outro) Numb Easier To Run In Pieces Pushing Me Away (Studio Version) Papercut (without strings intro) Crawling (with Reanimation Intro and HHH acapella) Leave Out All The Rest What I've Done In The End And One A Place For My Head (2004 version) ----------- No More Sorrow (with some Guitar improvisation as intro, ending drums directly go into -> BIO) Bleed It Out (Bourdon Solo at beginning and singalong and outro) Faint (Extended Outro) ----------- No Roads Left One Step Closer (Reanimation Bridge, Extended Outro)
  5. Coizu


    Just fixed some problems with the news page... I'll add some stuff on it during the day {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif
  6. In the beginning of the song there was this "drum sample" or whatever it is before the guitar started. And they extended the bridge... This part has so much energy...
  7. Announcement Service Public Given Up (extended outro) QWERTY (Summer Sonic 06) Lying From You (new intro with 1st verse of Figure.09) Breaking The Habit (no intro, acapella outro) Numb Easier To Run In Pieces Pushing Me Away (Studio Version) Papercut (without strings intro) Crawling (with Reanimation Intro and HHH acapella) Leave Out All The Rest What I've Done In The End And One A Place For My Head (2004 version) ----------- No More Sorrow (with some Guitar improvisation as intro, ending drums directly go into -> BIO) Bleed It Out (Bourdon Solo at beginning and singalong) Faint (Extended Outro) ----------- No Roads Left One Step Closer (Reanimation Bridge, Extended Outro)
  8. I've just finished the coding for the newspage... Now you can see the news from the forum on the index page...
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