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Everything posted by GlassCastles

  1. Well I see you haven't changed at all
  2. You've had almost 3 years to come up with a new/better joke man, come on
  3. Here's what I wound up with. Having COG vs OML so early really stung
  4. They can't really market it as Chester's "lost music" if people already have access to it because it came out in the 90s. Of course they're gonna try and stamp out whatever they can of the old stuff. That's what people who only care about $$$ would do.
  5. If Mike were selling jackets that blatantly exploited Chester's image and persona, I'd agree with you. What he did instead was sell jackets and merch that made use of his own personal brand that he had never used prior, with LP or otherwise. No one is saying Grey Daze can't or shouldn't exist, nor that they can't use Chester in the marketing (he's on the album so it'd be ridiculous to do otherwise). Using images of him performing with another band that is the only reason anyone cares about this album and basing everything on the idea that "he's gone so now this is his lost music" just screams cashgrab.
  6. Wow this is really not good. Shame cause Mike and Lights is kind of a dream collab, but this is very easily the worst of the Aoki tracks
  7. Then the issue isn't with Castro (that could be taken real bad out of context lol) or anyone else with a negative opinion about the band. If fans can't take any amount of criticism towards the thing they like without lashing out against them, that's a sad reflection on them. I'm not expecting an "Oh, you're right the song IS bad" response. Just a "If that's your take then that's your take" or, even better, a "What about it don't you like". Something that encourages actual discussion or at the very least isn't outright dismissive of someone's opinion.
  8. Oh come on that's ridiculous. So the only responses that should be allowed are positive ones? He said the song sounded bad, didn't say anyone who liked it was dumb or had bad taste or anything, and then everyone piled on. There wasn't a discussion or debate or anything like that. Just "lol guess Geki's back" and "wow you hate something what else is new". He doesn't like the song, and he's allowed to say as much
  9. Guys, the man's allowed to dislike the song...
  10. 1. What I've Done (2020 Version) 2. When They Come For Me 3. Good Goodbye/Bleed It Out 4. Roads Untraveled 5. Nobody Can Save Me 6. Iridescent (2020 Version) 7. Castle Of Glass 8. Sorry For Now (Ext. Bridge w/ 'High Voltage' v1) 9. Until It Breaks (Shortened (Through Chester's Verse)) 10. Waiting For The End/Hands Held High (Apaches Intro w/ 'Until It Breaks' v3; Sing-a-Long Outro) 11. Invisible 12. Numb (2020 Version; Oppenheimer Outro) 13. Burning In The Skies 14. Heavy 15. Leave Out All The Rest (2017 Version) 16. Final Masquerade 17. Papercut (2020 Intro; Ext. Outro) ---------------------------------- 18. Blackout (Shortened (Outro Only)) 19. One More Light 20. Rebellion (Ext. Bridge w/ 'A Place For My Head' v1) 21. In The End
  11. How would sales be impacted at all? The vast majority, if not all, physical sales would happen online and obviously streaming/digital downloads wouldn't be impacted at all. They're not touring on this. If they said vinyl/CD shipments were delayed until later, that'd make sense, but postponing the whole album is strange.
  12. Yeah I thought the whole thing here is that this is "Chester's lost music" or whatever. It'd make more sense to capitalize on that and use old pictures of Chester
  13. Well, the LFY stems are from Rock Band, so that's less of a glitch/problem and more of just how it works with those games.
  14. I'm actually still kinda here to be honest. If they want to maximize profits off this and use this for money, whatever. Kinda scummy, but do you what you think you gotta do I guess. It's that they're touting this as some altruistic thing with honoring Chester and his legacy or whatever that really gets me. I'm pretty tolerant of a lot of things, but blatantly lying to people about having good intentions and treating people like they're dumb is kinda where I draw the line. Being a scumbag honestly is one thing, but lying and acting like you have some noble agenda is a whole other ballgame.
  15. Because Chester is gone and so anything he's involved in has skyrocketed in value, so a band that was associated with him nearly 3 decades ago feels like they can make a nice, quick profit under the guise of honoring him/preserving his legacy. Maybe it started with good intentions, but it has absolutely spiraled from there and is one of the most blatant cashgrabs I've ever seen, especially from a so-called "brotherhood"
  16. Dude what? You paid money to be part of a fan club. It wasn't some exclusive thing, it wasn't limited in any way. In no way was it ever a privilege or an honor. Not saying this new merch bundle is outstanding but come on lol
  17. That's very clearly vocals. It's been run through a ton of effects, but it's absolutely singing
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