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Everything posted by BrandonR24

  1. I just wish something would happen...
  2. Is it bad I clicked that...haha XD Interesting about the video shoot!
  3. I'm just waiting for the Mike announcement haha.
  4. Sounds good! Should be announced within a couple days as mike said! Woo
  5. Wow Germany im jealous, I was hoping to see some tour dates for the US before the end of 2010! Oh well maybe theres more coming haha. Oh well this signals the new album is coming soon!
  6. i thought Warner was being lame and not letting LP in any games? Oh well. Though i've kinda grown away from the band games i'll admit that looks like a pretty fun tracklist
  7. I really think LP would just end up getting agitated like last time. Remember when Mike posted on his blog a little while ago? Kinda being "smart" with the fans wanting the album out faster?
  8. I'm Brandon on there haha simple
  9. hey guys just got in from work. i downloaded the file from bazinga! but it sounds kinda meh quality... is there a good version out? And if so could someone PM me? Thanks
  10. Too bad I work in a couple minutes it would be fun to wait haha. I'll check when I get back to see the hundreds of youtube links! Can't wait to play the game tomorrow
  11. Thats true, yeah I kind of figured something like that was the case. Oh well just 5 days until we have our own copy of the song
  12. Wow he told everyone the name of the song and no one said anything from then to when the trailer was released. Cool vid though! Woo 200th post!
  13. hope all that goes has fun, god cant wait to hear this song! Couple more dayssss!
  14. Nice stuff dude, sorry I meant to reply but forgot about the thread XP
  15. from what I can hear, I like it. Woo Mike singing haha
  16. Holyyyy Fuckkk that song sounds bad ass!!!!!!!!
  17. Haha how about they just release it! Cant wait to hear what they say, I'm one of those people actually waiting for the song AND the game itself.
  18. There was some dude on the night Mike chatted on LP.com who kept saying that. Something tells me its him, but I forgot his username.
  19. Alright, haha. It just looked veryyy similar.
  20. Yeah dude, i'd frame that somehow, LP needs to do that more
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