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Everything posted by BrandonR24

  1. Yeah i do hear a resemblance cool stuff
  2. Linkin Park- A Thousand Babies. I think the song gets really good when the 'Lift me up' part starts, thats when I start to really like it. To me its just different, I like it, but I don't know i'm sure it will grow on me especially hearing it live. That always increases the awesomeness of songs.
  3. I think my post got deleted on the first page? haha But yeah i'm curious to see how this could turn out.
  4. I've been kind off and on through each clip, but everyone makes me like the song more and more. After the MOH clip I now know this song will kick some ass. That trailer gave me chills! And im still a fan of Mike's voice good to hear it with no effect on that part.
  5. I'll admit that that cover is pretty cool, wouldn't mind that as a special edition cover. Too bad its rejected
  6. BrandonR24

    A Reminder

    Iiiiii learned my lesson with Blackbirds Don't do it people these guys are serious!
  7. I love mikes face at 18 seconds after he talks about hunting for new sounds. He looks so entertained, his expression cracks me up
  8. Yup it has been shown! Wow when i blink it looks like it moves haha
  9. Hmm nope mine just does to the pixel screen once I click 'Tweet' I didn't see that.
  10. My friend got a different page... http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g183/DFM...otos/HELPME.png
  11. as much as I like Chester, I will not like seeing him with his arms cut off haha. Would make a cool LPTV episode though like behind the scenes
  12. On my screen its flying now! Wow haha its going fast EDIT: Ok it quit darn..I thought something was happening
  13. Damn, LP is playing some tricks with this album, I love it. I hope we get a song clip once this image is revealed or whatever it is...
  14. my excitement just jumped 10-fold! This is going to be the longest wait since MTM haha.
  15. http://www.indabamusic.com/submissions/show/23429 This is the guitarist in my band doing his submission! I thought it was pretty cool! Thought i'd share
  16. I agree with most that this would be pretty cool with not so vibrant colors. Wow I dont think I could even buy that cause I would sit and stare at it haha.
  17. Oh I know, definitely going to check it out, haha leave it LP right?
  18. Hey dude its one person, not everyone will like your music, i've learned that! I'm looking forward to the new album 'In Coma' though. And as for LP awesome news! I might give a go at this as well as some of my friends. But honestly I just want the damn album!
  19. BrandonR24

    Puzzle #2

    Ooo I wonder what he gets? Maybe this whole puzzle thing will involve prizes haha.
  20. BrandonR24

    Puzzle #2

    I was about to say that, it feels like at least that first part is the end to a rap. Just my opinion.
  21. BrandonR24

    Puzzle #2

    As someone stated the missing letters spell out 'The CATALYST' hmmm. EDIT: If those are the lyrics to a new LP song, then, niceee.
  22. Hahaha! Say eho oh eh! Say Fuck That Side! haha hillarious
  23. Mike I swear... you are the most confusing guy ever.
  24. Wow still nothing, mike even updated his blog with an excuse haha.
  25. Haha Well I just wish he would say ok minor delay give us a bit or tell us you know? Haha
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