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Everything posted by BrandonR24

  1. Its so sad to see this happen, diddnt expect it at all. Sold out crowds for a tour that havent even started yet... The man was a once in a lifetime kinda guy for music. RIP MJ
  2. Dang, no luck. I was willing to fly there for one night and see it haha. I wonder what the big news is Chester is going to announce Monday. Im curious hmmm.
  3. Wow really? Thats insane..
  4. As much as I love NRL i'd pick QWERTY just because i've never experienced it live, and its much more energetic for a live show.
  5. Its growing on me, I like it more and more I see it. When I first saw it yesterday I thought they went a little overboard on visuals and CGI, but I understood because of trying to catch the Transformers 'feel'. I kind of wish there was a little more of the band and I thought there would be a scene of them being yanked around, I did see chester being pulled at one point in the vid though. I dunno, it takes getting used too, but it looks like to be a hit for LP already having over 1 million on MySpace
  6. Score Track Listing: 1. Prime 2. Einstein's Wrong 3. NEST [Contains instrumental excerpt from "New Divide"] 4. The Shard 5. The Fallen 6. Infinite White 7. Heed Our Warning 8. The Fallen's Arrival 9. Tomb Of The Primes 10. Forest Battle 11. Precious Cargo 12. Matrix Of Leadership 13. I Claim Your Sun 14. I Rise, You Fall Source: http://transformerslive.blogspot.com/2009/...track-list.html
  7. Some of those were funny like the AMA one with Joe stabbing chester with the award haaaa.
  8. BrandonR24

    DBS Updates

    Ok well thats cool. Fall is gonna be another good season!
  9. BrandonR24

    DBS Updates

    I like that album title, hope he keeps it. Twitter has become so useful lately haha. So we got Out of Ashes, fall release, and first show at a grand opening for Club Tattoo now we need a date!
  10. Its on iTunes if you click the link on the frontapge now
  11. Yeah if we get the video that would be awesome, but I just want the song right now haha
  12. I'd say the video will be out later or so 2 days isnt enough to edit unless you have a HUGE team, but who knows.
  13. I go by Eastern time I guess..so ill just go to sleep and wake up in time to hear it tommorow!
  14. I freakin love that clip New Divide or not! But we do know thats Chester
  15. Maybe for the new album we will have new font haha.
  16. http://www.noisecreep.com/2009/05/14/linki...-of-the-fallen/ Album Art! Nothing crazy but same logo for those of you who were thinking the one in the trailer was the new Linkin Park font haha. EDIT: After reading Joe Hahn is directing the video!
  17. I know, I figured that would be the case when I saw the name or they were just calling it that until they chose New Divide. Good job on finidning those lyrics I couldent see those if I tried haha.
  18. Lyric screen! Haha check it out I guess it was called Megatron and then New Divide? Cool
  19. I dunno I thought the Busta/LP song was pretty sweet. Looking forward to this one as well.
  20. The more I listen to it the more I think it is a LP song. Just the drums stand out to me and make me think its Rob. We'll see.
  21. I dont know I agree with Astat, plus it almost sounded like a guitar in FL Studio. Just my opinion. But it does have a sort of LP vibe
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