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Everything posted by UpRoadLeft

  1. I think a lot of us are fans of the B-sides where Mike is singing on it, like Lune, No Roads Left etc ... For example, NRL is my all favorite LP song and ranked 1 in my iTunes chart
  2. This song is definitively my favorite out of all the ones from the movie "The Mall"
  3. The cool thing with the pictures is the fact that we can some pretty cool shots of Chester's new tattoo (right shin) Do you guys like it ?
  4. A Line in the Sand is so beautiful. Most expected song, I wanted a new TLTGYA and I am not disappointed at all. LP rocks, period.
  5. Long version of I'll be Gone : http://linkinpark.tumblr.com/post/66973620...-was-founded-in
  6. Forgotten live in 2014 Who would've thought it'd be possible after Chester and Phoenix's comments on the song Do you think they'll play by the order of the album or not ?
  7. Do you think they will play any of this live ?
  8. What I don't like in the Behind the scene video is that we barely see LP and only the IT guy who's boring as hell. We want some Chester's fun with Mike or Rob or anybody and not his boring explanations with his weird attitude like 'I'm better than you' I was not a big fan of Pts of Authority or Iridescent video but unfortunately, this one is even worse :/ Let's see what we're going to get for The Mall or Transformer 4 !
  9. Guess I will try to do my summer internship regarding LP's tour
  10. They would talk a lot while they were on stage back then. *Not that they're not talking to fans on stage anymore, but they would do it more since they had less songs to perform
  11. The dragons on his shoulders/chest or anything new It's just out of curiosity, I haven seen them before but maybe you have some nice pics that I haven't seen yet Thanks
  12. Anyone happen to have recent pictures of Chester's tatoos ?
  13. I would say The Mall too, let's hope for the best anyway !
  14. Is that me or they both look old ? I mean, they might not be 20 anymore but they have a lot of grey hair (especially Phoenix) and Chester's hairstyle isn't really beautiful in my opinion What do you think ?
  15. Why couldn't they play this on stage during Honda Civic tour ?
  16. No roads left chorus while playing APFMH would be amazing in my opinion
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