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Everything posted by nkramar

  1. LPLive staff have confirmed *at a show* that the setlist will only vary when DBS performs.
  2. Let's keep the flaming down a bit, boys. Opinions are opinions. If you're really against what someone has to say here, take it to PMs or just drop it.
  3. It's him... I'm one of the few still around from back then that can verify.
  4. As I just told Mark in IRC: [22:04] the places they're playing... the fans there don't give a shit what they're playing, they care that they're playing there at all Again... This is not a full scale tour. Were we expecting brand new stuff other than ND? Nope. So what exactly would have fixed this, or any set for that matter, which would have made everyone happy?
  5. The fact that anyone expects different these days is the fucking joke. We've been staring at the same setlists essentially since the MTM promo tour in 2007 and yet people still build up new shows unnecessarily, IMO. Of course they're going to roll out the same old stuff they've been regurgitating for the last couple of years - take a look at the locations and venues they're playing - this ain't a world tour. This is a 'I'm fucking bored of being in the studio and need an outlet' tour. 2 cents>
  6. Those titles are coded based upon post count.
  7. Sorry about that. Will remove it at once.
  8. Bump for one last addition...
  9. Thanks for the bump. Self-bump for added items.
  10. *EDIT* Will be listing items in the coming weeks.
  11. Agreed. That could have been put a bit more tactfully by that poster. I doubt your admission that your less than trusting attitude will change anytime soon will endear you to anyone here, but you having shared the pics and information is very much appreciated by the staff here and probably more than a few people out there who've not expressed their opinions. It's not so often we get to hear or see first hand evidence such as this, it's a shame that a few bad seeds have pushed you in such a direction. And, just a hint in the future - if you're going to tag any future pics, you may want to look into software which will allow you to insert transparent watermarks (such as Photoshop, or in the case of free software, GIMP should do the trick). Watermarks like these are a bit less obtrusive but still get the job done.
  12. *adding my 2 cents to this* I certainly understand the concern here with your pictures being used without your knowledge, your permission and without credit to you. Over the years, I've had a hand in releasing a number of things within the LP community, most recently the batch of demos that included She Couldn't; prior to that, it was Plaster; before that and in between, a fair number of uncirculated audience recordings from shows... Lets just say there's be a lot. In each and every instance of something being released, individuals have taken the releases in question and re-released them tagged, renamed or otherwise edited for their own. Could I have tagged or edited the items in question to identify myself or a website that I released it on? Yup. But I'll never be that petty. Have I bitched about things being retagged and re-released? Sure. But the fact of the matter is that I'm not the only one that it's happened to and it won't ever stop happening. Hell, it happens to LP themselves, the second a new track leaks. There's 2 things you can do about it - Either accept the fact that it'll happen and let it roll off your back or you can keep things to yourself and never share anything again. I know which one I'm picking and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
  13. I'm on the fence about a remix-only forum. There is/was enough demand for separate live audio and video forums to necessitate the segregation of those topics and threads. I just don't see enough of that for remixes, mostly due to the fact that we're not lpremix.net. 2 cents>
  14. A thought - we've a limited number of traders listed. Maybe we should all reach out to those we've traded with in the past and ask for permission to add their information here?
  15. nkramar


    It's topless pics of mark!
  16. nkramar


    Posting from the airport. You're all gonna love this!
  17. You have no idea how much I laughed at this one, Serg.
  18. You've changed yours 14 times. We can't keep up with it.
  19. I'm pretty certain you're not the first to send him a message. Until we get some more concrete information on it, the thread will remain in this forum.
  20. nkramar


    Even I only know 2 of the 4. Mark's always got a few aces up his sleeve.
  21. Mod/admin note: Moved posts from the 'Banners' Newswire thread to here.
  22. Which is where it'll be moved to in due course. The 20+ replies in here tell me that I did the right thing. Care to discuss it further? PM me.
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