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Everything posted by GraDoN

  1. chester does make my ears bleed when he sings live at times, no lies
  2. lol that one chic on loveline was so emotional when she talked to mike and brad
  3. im very tired of useless online voting schemes that are totally stupid and are controlled by random voting bots...
  4. same old "new genre, hard to describe" damn waiting for it makes me nervous, i want a release date :/ but if thats true and they succeed in doing that its going to be an awesome album
  5. where did this a7x feud begin? was it with that online voting a while back or are they just douches of note?
  6. love then ending so awesome bit too poppy imo but still great, if this is the electronic vibe they are going for i'm impressed
  7. liked previous site more but its not that bad
  8. nae miley cirus is a phenomenonits only a matter of time till she takes the slut route like all the innocent pop stars before her. kinda random that was
  9. got mine yesterday, both the bonus and 9 shirt are the right size, glad on that not so stoked that the bonus package included mostly lpu7 crap but the lpu3 shirt is cool. might i add that the lpu4 shirt is probably the best lp shirt ever made and i wish i could have 1 :<
  10. beware the bonus package is basically the stuff on the lpu package page. I have not heard of anyone getting anything else. I also got it. The lpu3 shirt is cool though imo
  11. i kinda lost a lot of respect for chester after he bashed the people who gave OOA bad reviews, as if it was a masterpiece and most records get criticized, you live with it and go on. I liked a few songs on OOA but not enough to interest me to get into them. I really hope he didnt mean forced as in he sees lp as a contract he has to follow against his will.
  12. got mine within a month, 3 times faster than last time. But the bonus is far from random since most people got the same, but i like the lpu3 shirt so thats cool. I HATE the lpu7 cd, thats uncool
  13. ^ agreed though chester aint much of a lyric guru either. if you are going to do something either do it right or don't do it at all.
  14. bad timing over all and a very poor release, nothing extra. FM had tons of freebies. and lets face it, OOA aint that great
  15. lol the g in lplg makes me think of 'girl'
  16. i dont care if the album has 5 songs on it as long as its 5 excellent songs
  17. to add to the setlist problem, the only way LP can stop people from bugging them if they really dislike playing older stuff is to release a kick ass album that satisfies most fans. With the wide variety of LP fans from hip hop to metal that is a near impossible task. The only thing i want form LP is something original and unique, i dont care how it sounds. I just want to be able to say that it sounds different from everything else on the market and MTM although it had bright spots did not seem very unique. Specially the softer songs were very poppy and unoriginal. TLTGYA is awesome though. Oh and i hate the 2 'hard songs' (NMS, GU) on MTM, i really cant stand them for some reason especially GU.
  18. totally, the medley on LPU4 sounds so epic. I would give just about anything to see that live.and yeah singles are so overrated live, they are always the more radio friendly songs, people that attend concerts are supposed to at least know the songs off official albums thus songs like With You should be no problem. Man those with you opening shows were of epic proportions
  19. well if the new album is awesome and contains more 'load and harder' songs people wont mind the rest but the average lp fan requires a few head bangers. I cant imagine going to a lp concert and just standing there while they play IB, SOTD and stuff i want to jump around and get crazy in the pit
  20. he did say singles + new album songs for the upcoming tours, they obviously want to please the masses since he said that unfortunately the lpu likes HTEP but normal concert goers does not so they want to play popular songs. Boring setlists all over again. Well there has not been said enough about the new album to actually make an opinion on it, mike seesm to be rapping less and singing more, for some unknown reason, i really prefer him rapping :/ glad my question got answered though, feels good and warm on the inside lol
  21. so far the chat has been rather slow, answered my question which is cool. Only real note worthy info is that the iphone game will contain exclusives maybe even tracks, the art work for the new album will be the best so far (thus no band photos which is good) and the album will most probably contain explicit lyrics
  22. well we know that HT has sold 24 million, that list did not come from a credible source but i copied it because it looks right
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