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Everything posted by GraDoN

  1. GraDoN

    Puzzle #2

    i lol at people hatin on Christianity and saying the song will have religious themes, "God bless" has become almost a saying, 99.99% of its use in real life is the the same as the English term "God speed" meaning good luck. I highly doubt the song will have religious themes because of a "God bless". That said, BADASS lyrics, like the name BRING ON THE PUZZLES!
  2. they should seriously impose bans on people spamming the chat site, like a month/year ban... And no one younger than 16 should be allowed there. I hope the next puzzle reveals awesomeness
  3. GraDoN

    What Next?

    that video is just so epic, that was one of lp's best shows no doubt, the energy levels are just sky high
  4. GraDoN

    What Next?

    with the new album dropping and a lot of HT & meteora songs leaving the setlist, chances are we wont hear any golden oldies any time soon. Only singles from the previous 3 albums. So lets hope that the new album contain good live tracks to replace those irreplaceable HT era songs. QFT, and another track i would love to hear is And One, but the whole one, that rapping in the end is just so badass imo
  5. GraDoN

    What Next?

    damnit what i would give to hear HV live
  6. stop the talk show?! for real? lol never knew it said that, mike must have been watching Opera while writing this. It's the demo of the album version, there are a few floating around.
  7. GraDoN

    Puzzle Solved

    that pic of the hindu got in the studio probably has nothing to do with the record, it's not their studio so the they don't hang their stuff on the wall
  8. oh but they have to play those golden single, since the majority of the people there are there to hear them. And the main reason why we never hear the real gems.
  9. GraDoN

    Puzzle Solved

    damnit this is holding up the album
  10. mm pretty creative, not my cup of tea though.
  11. he is right though, the news papers and magazines who now put his photo with a "R.I.P we love you" on the front page are the same ones that tore him apart when he was accused. The media of today are total scumbag hypocrites. just because he was cleared does not mean he didn't do it, you don't know what happened behind closed doors. Anyway i don't want to step on his grave but I'm not going to celebrate him all of a sudden now that he is dead, i won't deny that he did make a big contribution towards music and dance and i respect him.
  12. if that's true then we only have to wait 38 days till the new single, awesome!!
  13. kinda funny how the world all loves him now that he's dead...
  14. GraDoN

    LPCrimea 2.0

    that looks awesome wow
  15. Afrikaans is a very easy language, there are no double meanings or third person stuff like french, to tyd = time simply means time and nothing else. Same with ontplof = explode (same in dutch it seems) it means explode and only that. Obviously it can be anything that is exploding.
  16. different languages tend to get the tenses wrong when converted to english, so i think we should just look at that If brightness they were to explode forward at once air that would as the[ beauty as strong, it is powerful enough to destroy time.] like the last part
  17. LOL afrikaans in there, that epic you did correctly translate them
  18. haha that sounds so hardcore, a bum with money damnit you are a inspiration to me
  19. i have like $1.5k saved up and if i save during the year and get a summer job at teh end of the year i might go on a trip next year and attend a LP show in the US or Europe. I would seriously consider that, i do need at least double of what i have now to do that so i'll see but i've always wanted to go oversees and to see a lp show with that would be epic so yeah... If i had a relative or someone i could stay with where ever i go it would be easier since i would have someone to give me directions and staying in a hotel is damn expensive. But i'll see next year how things are going. By the way Mark where do you stay when you go oversees?
  20. damn i wish i had that kind of money to just jump on a plane and attend shows over there and join you guys. I would seriously if i could...
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