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Everything posted by GraDoN

  2. i actually enjoyed your mix a lot
  3. im just scared that by the time we actually hear the real catalyst that we will be bored to death by it or think that a remix overshadows it.
  4. finally heard alex's remix, on youtube..., and i really didn't find it nearly as good as the hype. The first minute really didn't do it for me. But that's me. Good luck to everyone edit* and i did also like danger's mix more but damn he has one bad attitude while alex is modest and that goes a long way.
  5. i registered at that site and still cant listen to the mixes any link to a song redirects me to the home page. I want to hear them damnit
  6. yeah i can't listen to them either, i really want to heal Alex's remix
  7. ^ that was me -.- and yeah it's nothing
  8. and here i thought it was just a remix contest, seems more like a law textbook including a contest....
  9. "with lyrics that address everything from the recession to the conflicts in the Middle East" i hope it's not too political but so far so good, i really hope this will be awesome, if only i could turn forward the head of time
  10. when things started to hold up the new album
  11. i'm not going to listen to this, its only 24 more days till we get the full single
  12. wow it's really artsy and almost abstract like. Looks great! Thought this makes it seem that the art on the new album wont be FM/Meteora like but more like this, interesting.
  13. but yeah everyone should post their mixes once they are done, i want to hear them all
  14. wow i play one age of empires 2 game and this happens! I'm as musically gifted as justin bieber so i wont enter. I was really convinced that it would drop late september but guess not woohoo! And lol to everyone that said 2011!
  15. why is everyone assuming that there will be a political theme?
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