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Everything posted by GraDoN

  1. used to be rough on every track, screaming on more than a couple. Now it's one here, one there. Listening to reanimation atm, chester used to have this rough feel attached to his voice. Not that now is a negative.
  2. Blackout souds like RHCP vocals on uber steriods
  3. when they come for me was a bit disappointing for me, loving everything before it. BitS = AWESOME. Robot Boy so far sound pretty cool. Loving the synth.
  4. well i hope mike is the driving force, he is the only one with talent, vision, creativity, skill and will power in LP. All the other member posses some of those but i believe he is the only one with all of them.
  5. didn't you know? He's real alright. Big fan of LP
  6. ending is good but not sure i like it yet, might grow on me.
  7. song gets better at the end but nothing special IMO.
  8. Might just be me, but i think part of the reason why lp is going soft is chester. We all know he is great in the studio but not that good live. I know he did a couple of awesome Given Up's live, but he struggles a lot live with some of the hard songs. I mean whenever they wrinte music they have to consider the live aspect for obvious reasons (donno how mike will sing in almost every song but thats another story) and it seems chesters inability to scream his heart out song after song is hampering it. Am i wrong? I dont mind them going soft but my favourite 'soft' LP songs are: my december and she couldn't both pre-HT. They dont make awesomeness like that anymore.
  9. same as MTM... they seem to enjoy working with Rick, either that or they think because he is "the master" he's creativeness will rub off on them. If they do enjoy it, good for them.
  10. robots should do reviews. Only way to make it unbiased. People like this douche does not review the album they compare it, BIG difference. When ever a reviewer says "like HT" or "like ......" he is expecting a sound/formula used before. A band does not sign a contract to only make a certain genre, no one has the right to criticize the genre a band is doing. Sure take a swing at the lyrics or whatever went wrong, but don't give a bad review because you preferred "the old style" or whatever. I do wonder where this political agenda came from though, they don't seem very interested in politics and have never been outspoken about it publicly.
  11. because the tweens get A.D.D when new songs/album leaks. All sense flies out the window
  12. this song sound a bit too poppy IMO, won't judge it yet but the snippet could be from miley cirus and it would not surprise me. Hopefully the rest will have some unique sound or something.
  13. damnit LEAK already...... How long does it take? I mean the release date is in 3 days...
  14. i actually love that :> Pts. Of. Athrty, dont like the original and i dont like the remix As my favourite LP album it's going to be hard for me
  15. best cover band in history? Sounds just like them.
  16. blackout sounds badass cant wait for the album
  17. apparently a very good animation movie, not my style though
  18. pretty average IMO, although im not a fan of the doors i do like ROTS and i believe that chester sounds too weak compared to the original. Too mellow.
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