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Everything posted by GraDoN

  1. bwawa jokes on ash but i really hope that they tour south america and here in '10 '11. Germany can go 1 year without them
  2. LP hates south america and africa, lets just live with it and move on mkay?
  3. is it so wrong to be right? lol always wanted to say that
  4. I CALL CORRUPTION! how come i'm not there? congrats though
  5. they should bad all under 16s from joining any from of LP chat, problems solved. Gosh mod mode wont even be needed in regular chats
  6. i laughed at the sports, all american only US? well thanks for asking my country i really wish they had an 'elaborate' box next to some of the questions so you could tell them why... any way non us is me so i dont care
  7. im Gradon89 and im from south africa, haven't been there in a while though
  8. what a fail chat, firstly mark has no idea how the chat works then mike pops in and tell us that there is a video chat with him and chester and everyone chucks off leaving the chat ruined. No answers on anything interesting
  9. i might go, or just keep on playing left 4 dead 2 with my friends... tough decisions ahead
  10. why does it have to be heavy and full of guitars to be good?
  11. LP news these days are about as exciting as watching a dog take a dump, now something funny/exciting might happen but you know that it will most probably be just a average dump.
  12. wouldn't he know about the art of the new album since mike said the album would be very visual. Maybe he can shed on light on that
  13. well again nothing solid or new.
  14. yeah lp.com is full prepubescent teen fans who get wet when a band member logs on
  15. i dont mind if they take a while to release stuff, NIN also takes forever. But if they do take their time i at least expect an album i can listen to for the next 3 years eg HT, meteora. And i expect more than 1 update a month if we're lucky
  16. ask him to define 'soon' since every one seems to have a different definition
  17. Here is mine: Blog Update since if never actually been to a live show i had to improvise
  18. GraDoN

    Lots of New JK

    tis true though, without mike LP is nothing but a below par rock band
  19. in the last 5 years we've have A LOT of big bands from Metalica to Muse. If they all came here to make huge losses i dont know... Just about every LP record goes platinum here. Trust me they can fill stadiums here no problem
  20. hate this "have to have seen them live" crap they are racists for not coming to south africa, RACISTS I SAY!
  21. since when does a good soundtrack = good movie?must i remind you that new moon had a critically acclaimed sound track and its one horrible movie. I agree that there are some decent songs on there and the score is pretty cool with new divide being blended in it but no music can save that train wreck of a movie
  22. the fans they got extra from Transformers are mostly tweenie fans who add nothing to the lp fan base and are a disgrace to live shows since they come to hear that 1/2 songs that they heard in the movie/radio and dislike all the songs that make live shows awesome. They are the reason lp dislikes to play old songs because they don't know it and just stands there with a :? expression. And they rarely buy merchandise and CDs anyway. I know it brings revenue to LP and all but is it worth it being in such a crap movie? i think not
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