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Everything posted by GraDoN

  1. who rates LP so highly that they can be considered overrated? The fact is that they are not a very talented band and have never been, Mike being the only exception and his songwriting has been been stellar, just decent. They didn't get famous for creating masterpieces, they got famous for perfecting rap/rock as a mainstream medium and making it sound pretty damn good. Problem is they are venturing into a genre that is overpopulated with talent so unless they create groundbreaking music, which they can't as they are not talented enough, it will be pretty much forgettable and irrelevant. I mean claiming you are writing your best work and delivering what we have so far... damn *edit although i will say that some of Mike's verses up until HT sometimes had moments of brilliance
  2. third forgettable and generic song in a row, again kinda catchy but no replay value for me.
  3. The chorus sounds like one of those terrible western songs about the bandit being forced to leave town Needed another line about this place not being big enough for the two of us
  4. which is a shame since I used to look forward to LP videos as much as the album during their early days
  5. What a unremarkable song, just down the middle pop song that will be forgotten in a few weeks after release... I mean it's slightly catchy and not terrible, but just so generic. What i liked about LP when I got into them all those years back was that they had a distinct sound. Change is always inevitable, I just wish they changed into something less vanilla.
  6. shiiiiiit haven't checked into anything LP in years, this new track is just bland and generic... I'm actually all for slow songs as all my favourite LP songs are slow, My December is still my top track from them. This is just so forgettable and boring. Made me think of the line in "Step Up": "Sounding like the only hip hop you’ve heard is top 40 And your record company is completely missing it"
  7. my facebook homepage is full of "best show ever" updates, seems like it was a good show hopefully they come back soon now that they see that they can fill a stadium easily here
  8. it's not a few hours, driving there would take about 2-3 hours so thats 5-6 in total. One has to go early to get a good parking spot or one at all. So i'd begoing at around 2-4 and coming back at 2-4. That's 12 hours. And i'm doing honors, so the exams are hard. Trust me, i'd go if i could
  9. i dont know if its sold out, i know the pit sold out in like 2 days. I know atleast 20 people going so it will be pretty full, if not sold out. I feel like the only one not going, bad timing for them though exams are almost done, could they not have waited :/
  10. Sigh, if i didn't write an exam on the 9th i would have been there... They just had to come to SA the only time i can't go see them. A lot of my friends are going, but they are casual fans so no hope there.
  11. not a bad vid tbh, though i'm not a fan of these tie-in promotions.
  12. ima let you in on 2 secrets 1 eminem is by far the better one here on paper 2 THESE POLLS DON'T MATTER SO STOP VOTING...
  13. this is actually a great set, if anyone is complaining they must be negatron
  14. i live very close to cape town and the ticket prices are already close to too much, going to jo'burg would increase the price 4 to 5 times so....
  15. no Die Antwoord comes from benoni i think, a very... 'red neck' area if you will. I can't go, got an exam on the 9th so its epic fail for me
  16. yeah i'd love to see the "join the revolution: Egypt tour" or the "welcome to the jungle: Uganda tour"ZA is the only african country with enough wealthy people to fill a stadium
  17. do you think they will let my pet lion into the stadium?
  18. one thing i've learned about quite a few lp fans are that they lack a sense of humour, a sarcasm radar and the ability to chill out.
  19. deserves some pity laughs at least
  20. the song being remixed is pretty generic and boring so i didn't expect much from the remix. Was hoping for drastic changed, none were forthcoming. Overall i did enjoy it though.
  21. the artwork of an album brings me no real joy. thus i care nothing for it. Meteora did win that battle though.
  22. i am sorry but these collaborations, in my opinion, are retarded.
  23. listened to MTM for the first time in a while in my car and boy is it bland. The only songs i didn't skip were BIO, HHH, IP and TLTGYA. The rest is just so average. Must say mtm is probably my least favourite LP album.
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