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Posts posted by lpliveusername

  1. "There was a Linkin Park show a day before the one we played there, 2 thousand in attendance. I brought 6 thousand people. Then we played in Nagoya too for a stadium with over 8 thousand people."


    So they didn't open for Linkin Park there. Still, what he said doesn't sound right. This is the venue they played in Nagoya, not a stadium:



    International tour dates:



    If you check our 2004 page, Linkin Park didn't play in Japan that year:



    When Charlie Brown Jr. played in Japan, Joe was there working on the Breaking The Habit video:


    The rest of the band was in Los Angeles rehearsing for the European Tour according to the tour itineraries we have.

  2. Our friend Biel from LinkinPark:BR conducted an interview with Download Festival promoter Andy Copping about Linkin Park. He was kind enough to provide us with the original English version of the interview. Check it out!


    1. What was your first impression of Linkin Park after seeing them live at Download 2004?


    I had seen Linkin Park a number of times before but they proved they were a worthy festival headliner in 2004


    2. How and from whom came the idea to perform Hybrid Theory in its entirety at Download 2014? How was it approached with the band?


    I had been approached to book LINKIN PARK for Download 2014 towards the end of July 2013. I initially said that it was too soon for the band to come back to Download and that we needed an angle. I was told there would be a new album coming out, which they hoped would be out in April or May 2014, which would have only been a handful of weeks prior the festival. I was concerned that the band would be playing a lot of new material as part of their show that wouldn’t be to familiar with the audience and again I said to their manager we need something that would excite the fans. We discussed it in the office and our PR Head, Charley Bezer, suggested the idea of getting the band to do ‘Hybrid Theory’ in full. I didn’t think for a moment this would be accepted by the band but I pitched to the manager. I said if they did ‘Hybrid Theory’ as the main part of their set, it would remind people of what a great band Linkin Park are, showing everyone that this was the album that started a ‘movement’ & that it would be a good springboard to launch the new record, which was now being released in September 2014 – three months after Download. The manager was resistant at first but said he would speak to the band about it. After a couple of weeks, he came back to me and said the band had agreed and it was a YES!

    3. Do you have any favorite Linkin Park performance at any edition of Download Festival?


    I thought they were particularly great in 2007 and I watched Chester the whole show, where he threw everything into it BUT 2014 was the best, as it was something so very special.

    4. Is there any funny or memorable story with the band you'd like to share with us?


    My most memorable story about the band was when they were playing at the London o2 Arena sometime after they had played at Download 2014. I was backstage talking to the manager, when Chester ran up hugged me and shook my hand. He said, “I didn’t get a chance to say this to you at Download but I want to thank you for convincing us to play ‘Hybrid Theory’ – it totally energised us as a band and made us realise what we were in it for. Thank you so much!” – I will never forget this moment.

    5. You've seen and booked numerous concerts throughout your career. Was there anything that made Linkin Park stood out from other bands?


    Linkin Park were in a league of their own. They had been born out of the nu-metal scene and were one of the main front runners of that movement but they became so much more than that. They became a stadium level and festival headliner across the world in their own right. They had worked hard to get to where they had got.


    6. Linkin Park received backlash from critics and fans for their 2017 album One More Light, which is deemed as a pop record. Yet, they performed at numerous mainly metal festivals such as Download, Maximus and Hellfest during this album's touring cycle. While the tour was generally successful, the public wasn't very receptible of the new material at some of them. What are your thoughts on this subject and what was your perception of the crowds during Linkin Park's sets at Download Paris and Download Madrid?


    Every band goes through ups and downs in their careers – mostly due to albums that are not as well received as others. It happens and is nothing new. Linkin Park have a huge body of work to draw from, so live they would always deliver. The fact that ‘One More Light’ was perceived as a pop record by some, is immaterial. It was still Linkin Park and they always would be.

    7. In a recent interview you revealed Linkin Park was originally supposed to headline Download Melbourne in 2018. Was the band booked for any other festivals or editions of Download in other countries in 2018?


    There were conversations going on and we were close to making it happen. This also included Download UK. I remember being at the airport in London getting ready to fly to New York and I was speaking to the bands’ agent about the deal. I told him I had a flight to catch and that I would call him when I landed. Once I arrived in New York, the news broke that Chester was gone. I, like everyone, was in shock. I called the agent, who had only just got the news – it was and still is hard to comprehend.

    8. Every year there's a broadcast of the highlights from Download. How are the songs picked for the broadcast? Do the bands have any say in the selection process?


    All the bands are very heavily involved in the selection process – it is ultimately their choice of what tracks get broadcast. We are on hand to advise them and try to steer them in the right direction of what would look best for the programming but they have the final say and sign off.

    9. With the band currently on hiatus, the fan base has been craving for new Linkin Park material. Can we expect any unreleased Linkin Park footage from Download on YouTube in the future? One of the most hyped up shows among fans is their Download 2014 performance.


    We have been speaking to the record label and management about the 2014 footage, as we have the bands’ full set from that year. We are hoping that at some stage the bulk of, if not all of the footage will be released. It would be amazing. It was the one and only time the band had played ‘Hybrid Theory’ in full.


    Visit LinkinPark:BR for the Portuguese translation.

  3. 30 minutes ago, PurpleFlinstoneVitamins92 said:

    Don’t get the joke about Astat-Lestat. He misspelled a nickname, he probably doesn’t give a shit about the correct spelling. 

    Because Lestat is literally the reason Grey Daze got back together. The members fucking hated each other before Lestat started digging for their history. He is the closest thing to a friend that Sean has in the Linkin Park community. Everything he did helped promoting Grey Daze among Linkin Park fans. Then out of nowhere Sean says "fuck Lestat"! Twice in a row! That's fucking hilarious! The dude can't even tell his friends from his enemies. lol

  4. 2 hours ago, kcg said:

    I called him out for lying about Warner and claiming they forced Chester to wipe Grey Daze's music from the internet when he first joined Linkin Park, which we all know is not true, because their music all over the internet at the time

    This isn't a lie. It actually happened, but it wasn't exactly right after Chester joined Linkin Park.


    Warner used to be very strict with Linkin Park. To this day, DJ Lethal holds a grudge over Warner blocking the release of his collaboration with Chester. The label also blocked the release of Chester's collaboration with Slash and potentially other things we don't know about.


    So this is how the story goes: Bobby Benish was diagnosed with cancer and Grey Daze wanted to play at show to raise money for him. The show never happened because Warner wanted Chester in the studio working on Meteora. Meanwhile, Sean was also working on a re-recording of No Sun Today which was also blocked by Warner several times over the years. Warner was also the reason why LPAssociation never posted the full remaster / re-recording / re-mix of No Sun Today. When iTunes became a thing, the original Grey Daze albums were available for purchase in digital format. I guess this was the reason Sean asked fan sites not to share the albums for free anymore. When Warner decided to finally make the Linkin Park catalog available on iTunes, they took down the Grey Daze albums.

  5. 16 minutes ago, kcg said:

    LMAO I was the guy Sean was arguing with. I couldn't stop laughing over how pathetic his responses were. He acted like an edgy 16 year old and just called me a "dumb fuck" over and over again. He didn't even bother addressing my points about him dishonestly claiming the Wake Me and ...No Sun Today copies to be fakes and blocking sales of them, or how he flat out lied about telling Chester's fans to "shut the fuck up", denying his own fucking words, similar to that of his hero Donald Trump.

    I took screenshots of the conversation so he wouldn't get away with his dickhead comments without them being exposed, because I knew he would likely delete them or block me, which he since has. I posted them in the LPLive Facebook group and they kept it up with the comments disabled for a while, but they eventually deleted it, which I understand. It was pretty fun while it lasted though. Good times.

    I saw your post on The Linkin Park Neighborhood before it was removed. Is that the group you're talking about? It has nothing to do with LPLive. What cracked me up was how he tried to attack Astat but wrote "Lestat" instead. Twice! lol

  6. Five Finger Death Punch have announced the second installment of their greatest hits collection, “A Decade Of Destruction - Volume 2“. It has been set for an October 9th release via Prospect Park with a 2LP set from Better Noise Music to follow on November 20th. Five previously unreleased tracks will be included, including a remix of 'Wash It All Away' done by Linkin Park‘s Joe Hahn. The track listing is:


    01. Blue On Black [taken from "And Justice For None"]

    02. The Tragic Truth [taken from "American Capitalist"]

    03. Broken World [previously unreleased]

    04. I Refuse [taken from "And Justice For None"]

    05. The Pride [taken from "American Capitalist"]

    06. Hard To See [taken from "War Is The Answer"]

    07. When The Seasons Change [taken from "And Justice For None"]

    08. Cradle To The Grave [taken from "The Wrong Side Of Heaven, Vol. 2"]

    09. Sham Pain [taken from "And Justice For None"]

    10. M.I.N.E. (End This Way) [taken from "The Wrong Side Of Heaven, Vol. 1"]

    11. Hell To Pay [taken from "Got Your Six"]

    12. Never Enough [taken from "The Way Of The Fist"]

    13. Walk Away [taken from "War Is The Answer"]

    14. Wrong Side Of Heaven (New Acoustic Version – original version taken from "Wrong Side Of Heaven, Vol. 1")

    15. Trouble (Felmax Remix) [original version taken from "And Justice For None"]

    16. Wash It All Away (Joe Hahn Remix) [original version taken from "Got Your Six")

    17. Bad Company (The Five Finger Dim Mak Steve Aoki Remix) [original version taken from "War Is The Answer"]


    Pre-orders are available now: https://fivefingerdeathpunch.com/blogs/news/5fdp-a-decade-of-destruction-volume-2

  7. Mike Shinoda has teamed up with BeatStars to host a remix challenge for his song “Open Door" from Dropped Frames Vol 1. The winning remix will be added as a B-side to the OPEN DOOR digital single on Spotify and receive over $3,000 worth of prizes!


    To participate, download the “Open Door” Acapella, follow Mike Shinoda on BeatStars, make a song using the “Open Door” Acapella and upload the finished song to your BeatStars account as a "Not For Sale" Song and add Mike Shinoda as a collaborator on the track. After posting on BeatStars, submit your finished song.


    Challenge ends September 11, 2020 at 11:59 PM PST.


    Learn more: https://beatstars.world/opendoor 

  8. I think Warner got the rights to the Hybrid Theory EP (and maybe other songs that didn't make it on Hybrid Theory, like She Couldn't) the moment they singed Linkin Park. You guys are forgetting (versions of) songs like Carousel, And One and Part Of Me were found on Warmer Bros. Records demo CDs. Step Up was also released in the In The End single and High Voltage (although a remix) in the One Step Closer single. That leaves only Technique out, but then there was the Hybrid Theory EP reissue in 2001 and the songs have been on the LPU store for years. As for the Xero demo, Rhinestone is Forgotten, Reading My Eyes was registered for release on LPU 6.0 and Stick N Move on LPU 9.0. The only song Warner might not own is Fuse.


    I'm not sure what kind of contract the band has with the label, but it seems to me a label doesn't really need a band's approval to use their music. Just look at the "greatest hits" releases by Avenged Sevenfold (Warner) and Papa Roach (Geffen). The bands didn't support those albums at all. The Papa Roach one even had an unreleased track. So I think they can release whatever they want as long as it is in their archives.

  9. 7 hours ago, hahninator said:

    We can wait for the tracklisting times and tracklist so we have something to talk about between now and October, but martinez you're sure the DVD tracklisting you got is legit? That's a complete show, all 16 tracks.

    Looks like a copy/paste from this link:


    On 8/16/2020 at 11:06 AM, Hybridtheory said:

    I'm also looking forward to this PR02 show.

    and it will be a complete show, even if it’s a mix between "San Diego and Las Vegas" it will be a full concert


    check set list:



  10. 4 minutes ago, PharosEigengrau said:

    Did I dream it up or wasn't there a version of Wth>You that featured Ryu? If that exists then that's my holy grail lol

    I think that was a mistake by some fan site. Like when people said Chester recorded a song with The Visionaries but it was actually Mike and Joe. Ryu confirmed he recorded a verse for The Crystal Method remix of POA, but for some reason his verse was removed from the released version.

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