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Posts posted by lpliveusername

  1. I think Warner got the rights to the Hybrid Theory EP (and maybe other songs that didn't make it on Hybrid Theory, like She Couldn't) the moment they singed Linkin Park. You guys are forgetting (versions of) songs like Carousel, And One and Part Of Me were found on Warmer Bros. Records demo CDs. Step Up was also released in the In The End single and High Voltage (although a remix) in the One Step Closer single. That leaves only Technique out, but then there was the Hybrid Theory EP reissue in 2001 and the songs have been on the LPU store for years. As for the Xero demo, Rhinestone is Forgotten, Reading My Eyes was registered for release on LPU 6.0 and Stick N Move on LPU 9.0. The only song Warner might not own is Fuse.


    I'm not sure what kind of contract the band has with the label, but it seems to me a label doesn't really need a band's approval to use their music. Just look at the "greatest hits" releases by Avenged Sevenfold (Warner) and Papa Roach (Geffen). The bands didn't support those albums at all. The Papa Roach one even had an unreleased track. So I think they can release whatever they want as long as it is in their archives.

  2. 7 hours ago, hahninator said:

    We can wait for the tracklisting times and tracklist so we have something to talk about between now and October, but martinez you're sure the DVD tracklisting you got is legit? That's a complete show, all 16 tracks.

    Looks like a copy/paste from this link:


    On 8/16/2020 at 11:06 AM, Hybridtheory said:

    I'm also looking forward to this PR02 show.

    and it will be a complete show, even if it’s a mix between "San Diego and Las Vegas" it will be a full concert


    check set list:



  3. 4 minutes ago, PharosEigengrau said:

    Did I dream it up or wasn't there a version of Wth>You that featured Ryu? If that exists then that's my holy grail lol

    I think that was a mistake by some fan site. Like when people said Chester recorded a song with The Visionaries but it was actually Mike and Joe. Ryu confirmed he recorded a verse for The Crystal Method remix of POA, but for some reason his verse was removed from the released version.

  4. 2 hours ago, rd1994 said:

    Even the trailer says 3 full shows (Fillmore, Rock Am Ring 2001, and the last one has to be PR02). Odd.


    It would make sense for it not to be a full show since, if you read the pages on LPL some songs had to be restarted etc

    So yeah it would make sense to be replaced with each other.

    And keep in mind the show in the DVD is only 57 minutes long while every full recordings we have from that tour is around 1 hour and 10 minutes long:


  5. 5 minutes ago, rd1994 said:

    We have two versions we know of that include Mark on vocals. The Xero tape version and the Zomba/Crow version. I dunno but considering that its nigh impossible to make the tape sound good, I personally would say that the Zomba version is the only one that would be that

    I just wanna put it out there that the Zomba sampler version is the one I used to get the length of Rhinestone before the 20th anniversary release was announced. The audio was recognized from part of that version. So it's very likely that's the version on Forgotten Demos. Would also explain why Mike didn't want it online when we found out about the Zomba sampler.

  6. 1 hour ago, NJPLP said:

    Why didn’t they put Demo_Pic_Board.mp3 with the “Forgotten Demos”? I felt like they should’ve put that there for 13 tracks in total, with 2 different versions in of Pictureboard. I’m guessing since they didn’t do it, they will probably leak the song out to us when the whole album is released.


    53 minutes ago, DylHDZ said:

    It was leaked, pretty sure it’s the version with Mark

    That file on the site doesn't really exist. It was put in the site for the sole purpose of informing us Be Yourself is actually Pictureboard.

  7. 2 hours ago, Hybridtheory said:

    I can't access these songs how do I listen to them?

    help me 


    There's nothing to listen at the moment. The site is just a marketing campaign to get fans excited for what's to come. We'll have to wait until October for the anniversary release.

  8. I didn't check the code, but I think things might happen in the order of the steps in the "readme.txt":

    Day 1 - Server

    Day 2 - Mail

    Day 3 - Password


    The Defragger isn't doing anything at the moment as far as I can tell. It was supposed to work on Day 1, right? Maybe we're not on Day 1 yet?

  9. 31 minutes ago, bloodbath said:

    Maybe I'm dumb, but if never fully understood the J.Blue/LP relationship. Was he the guy who discovered them and fight for them to be signed at WB, but then, like many other people at the label back then, started throwing shit at them with the "You should fire that rapper". Sounds contradictory, and I don't know what to expect from this book

    There's an interview from the Minutes To Midnight era where Chester says Jeff Blue just gave in to the pressure of the label.

  10. 5 hours ago, Zoom said:

    How did you find the date of this performance? Did you read it on the receipt (have a better video source)?

    I found the location myself in half an hour using Google.

    The nearest studio is located at 6330 Hollywood Blvd.

    We got the date from Marc Ostrick. He was the creator of Lockout and still has the original tapes. We also interviewed him for linkinpark:br once. All the information we have about Lockout came from him:



    The studio's website is linked on this Linkinpedia page. We also have a business card for the person who managed the studio at the time. It was called "Hollywood Rehearsal Studios" in the card.

  11. 22 hours ago, lpliveusername said:

    I think we could never figure out when exactly the domain hybridtheory.com was registered (like we did with linkinpark.com), but the site being online in 1999 doesn't really mean the songs were already there.

    Checked Linkinpedia and turns out we do know. It was registered on August 3, 1999.


    3 hours ago, Zoom said:

    Firstly, I found the approximate registration time of Hybrid Theory band on mp3.com - ~october-november 1999




    That's interesting. November 1999 is when the band reportedly started working with Warner.


    3 hours ago, Zoom said:

    Secondly, the '2-track CD' (1999) contained the same tracks:

    Thirdly, By Myself '2-track CD' demo and By Myself 'website (mp3.com)' demo are absolutely similar mixes.

    Yeah, I'm aware of that. Still doesn't change the fact they were performing this version in February 2000.


    If I had to guess, I'd say the 9-track demo version was just a collection of old demos Jeff Blue had lying around instead of a collection of the most recent versions of those songs. Maybe it was recorded prior to the 2-track CD. So:

    LPU 11 -> 9-track -> 2-track -> website -> studio finals

  12. 12 hours ago, Diaux said:

    Any reason why there are so many versions of It's Going Down or it was just for promo stuff and radio play?

    Yeah, just promo stuff. The demo versions came from sampler CDs and Advanced CDs used to promote the album before it was finished. Then you have the offical album version, and all the single versions / radio edits came from it. They are created and released for radio airplay in different countries. The music video version might be a case of editing the song to fit the video instead of editing the video to fit the song. Just a choice they made.

  13. 7 hours ago, Zoom said:

    I thinks, the website (mp3.com) demo was recorded at 1999 (not at 2000), as the '2-track CD' demo. These demos are almost identical, plus in 1999 the website already existed (see CD scan: https://lpcatalog.com/item/hybrid-theory/promo/2-track-demo).

    My edits for the demos and chronology:

    Don't know how I didn't notice that before, but the "stay away bridge" in the website demo is wrong. It is similar to the 2-track demo version where Chester screams "go away."



    I think we could never figure out when exactly the domain hybridtheory.com was registered (like we did with linkinpark.com), but the site being online in 1999 doesn't really mean the songs were already there.


    The "stay away" bridge is featured in the January 2000 CD but if you pay attention to Lockout, which was filmed in February 2000, they were rehearsing the 2-track demo / website version with the "go away" bridge, which is the one they kept in the final song. It would make no sense for them to play this version unless it was the current version at the time.



    I'm not saying what we have is 100% correct though. For all we know, the version in the 9-track demo could predate both the 2-track demo and website versions. Or maybe they came up with the 9-track demo version after the 2-track demo version but didn't like it and decided to go back to the previous version. Who knows?

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