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Everything posted by Hybrid1988

  1. My white whales are both mentioned here. Thoughts and the Rob drum track. An anniversary release with b sides and remixes would be mind blowing.
  2. Yeah, I agree that it’s way past time for you guys to get an interview with Mike. Especially since you’ve never asked. The knowledge of the sites admin and the fan base here is unparalleled. You can come up with some really great questions and provide a lot of cool insight into the HT era.
  3. Waiting for that preorder link to be fixed then im all over that super deluxe.
  4. Any concerns that Jeff could be considered an "unreliable narrator"? Fact is, he knows a ton about the band's early history and origins. Just worried that he might embellish or change things for "dramatic purposes" or to make himself look more favorable.
  5. Hopefully it's something with more substance than "Here's a ton of merch! Go buy a bunch of expensive stuff!". That being said, I will buy an album with demos, etc.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgBzqndiO0Q This one? (It's a repost so no need to worry about giving the original poster views)
  7. Talk about a missed opportunity for a Lionel Richie collab lmao
  8. Legends. Huge shout out to Adam as well. What a great team of people we are fortunate to have working with the band.
  9. Oh man I feel like the only one here who absolutely loves Lift Off. big fan of chill hip hop and this is Mike at his chillest. Add in Chino (I’m a big Deftones fan) and you have a recipe for success. Not big on MGK but I don’t find his verse to be too distracting from the song. Yeah, I would’ve preferred a second Mike verse but it’s not a deal breaker. I would really love for him to experiment with this sound more and just release an album of super chill jams. Osiris is additional proof that he is definitely capable of it. sorry totally went off topic here.
  10. Hope my theme suggestion made the cut for the album! Open Door sounds pretty good. Production improved a ton. The crescendo of all the layered voices is a massive improvement and I like the song much more as a result.
  11. I like that they are kept separate. Since they are indeed two completely different things. That way people who want to be involved with the GD stuff can do so without LP stuff getting involved and vice versa. It's not much different than when Chester was with STP. For the most part, they were their own things that never got in the way of each other.
  12. Good point. Poor choice of words to say it was the band’s failure.
  13. Words can’t describe how grateful I am that this song was made and eventually released. Such a beastly song that really brings Chester back to his hard hitting roots. If this was to be the last new material we hear from him, I wouldn’t be upset. I sometimes wonder what could have been if he was still around. Maybe a full on project with Mark or other metal/Hard rock musicians? I weep that this can never be a reality.
  14. Wonder what happened with SOB. I’m guessing machine shop drama? That’s gotta be the bands biggest failure isn’t it?
  15. For Aaron or Austin? If it was Austin, yeah I could see that. The band was in a rough spot around that time with his health. Terrible situation all around.
  16. Been a big fan of OM&M for a while now. I was so bummed when the NA THP tour with them got cut short. Really fascinating to learn that Mike had a hand in Feels Like Forever. I always felt that song along with You're Not Alone were basically just heavy LP style jams. With that being said, I would be ecstatic if they collabed with Mike. "Get Mike on some heavy music again"!!
  17. I absolutely love ATS. Easily my favorite non HT album by them but I wonder what it could've sounded like with Trent, Atticus, or Brian Eno. Wow, amazing artists that could've taken that album to totally different places. Really cool bit of info there from Mike!
  18. I am an objectively terrible LP fan. Confirmed. Wretches beat out WFTE in round 1 for me, but juuuust barely. 😅
  19. Innovative as hell. Trailblazers in every sense of the word!
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