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Everything posted by kurtis912

  1. Same! gotta hear pez and brad rocking faint.. Live CD anyone? Na, won't happen... But maybe the whole DSP is being properly done. By this I mean all tracks have thumping bass etc and don't just sound like very flat audio... Or someone forgot.. lets go with that..
  2. Nothing new in that interview. Quiet generic answers. We have heard so many times "we have plenty of ideas", only to have waited forever for something new. LP are perfectionists so if these ideas arent perfect, they'll be thrown out.
  3. If I heard W&K in the radio I'd totally jizz my pants...
  4. So true! APFMH is awesome over BIO as is so keep that up and bring back Figure .09! Word!! Maybe more variety in setlists beyond Papercut/Lying from you, Iridescent/BitS, BTH/FTI. 3 songs substituted is not much...
  5. The only thing it'd be good for in this movie is the closing credits. BitS does not have the energy for an action movie. I'm not even sure if any songs from ATS would fit the movie. What I am sure of is that the transformers franchise is dead so why would LP bother?
  6. Not this year but maybe 2012 will fit in with the whole apocalypse theme LP has had going the past 2 albums. LP do have a decent break mid year to work on some stuff.. Thats pushing it way too far.
  7. Was chatting with Pooch 2 or 3 days ago and he said he was working his way through the set. Which set I asked. If he told me he'd have to kill me....
  8. LP have already said the next single is BitS. Why are we arguing about this?
  9. Warner are shit!! Pump out a new album, fulfill the contract, then find a better label!! But seriously, LP will definately play BITS as it is the next single and you'd expect it to be promoted more by then. Either The Catalyst or WFTE as the other song. Thoughts?
  10. Good call but a bit of difference in setlists would be nice. The Aus tour had mostly the same songs! I know they have to promote the new stuff and the megahits ie Numb and In The End, but couldn't the older stuff be rotated. Crawling for APFMH, What I've Done for Figure .09 etc. After this APFMH thread, Figure .09 is next!! Start it up!!
  11. Best of luck to your family Pez! Aus flood update: New South Wales and Victoria are flooded in areas too. Biggest natural disaster in Aus history, and like New Orleans, will take many years to recover from..
  12. when did this become a pissing contest? did you know that over 75% of the state of Queensland has been declared a disaster zone. This flooded area is bigger than the American states of Claifornia and Texas combined! Also interesting to note is that Queensland is over 5.5 times the size of poland.
  13. Not likely but I'd like to know how you send away for a code. If its via sms that may exclude all LPLivers outside of USA. email on the otherhand would work rather nicely! without a doubt When U2 came to Aus their standing tix in some areas were more than that of LPs. In saying that U2 played stadiums and provided cheap prices for crap seats. Tix ranged from $40ish bucks to the few hundreds. That does help to make tix more afforable. I don't know how things are in South Africa but prices may have had to be raised for security reasons or to make the tour economically viable (I read that it costs $85,000 a day while on the road even if not playing that day). Sometimes this is just the cost of bringing bands out to some countries.
  14. The amount of aid that Aus has sent to southeast asia is incredible considering the small size of our economy. Per capita, we beat America anyday!! Word!!
  15. LP need to do some stadium shows in Australia. From watching Live in Texas and R2R it looks epic!
  16. You dont have to repurchase. I didnt and the edits where available when I logged onto downloads again!
  17. Hey guys if you have already purchased the Canberra DSP you can go back to the downloads section and will have 2 files waiting for you. The original vocals were scrapped (in New Divide at least). On ND you can compare old with new on the line "and every loss". The way Chaz says loss is different so the band may have thrown in the vocals from another concert. Haven't looked too far into it yet but the vocals have been messed with..
  18. Yeah would not be surprised if they have Kanye'd (autotuned) the shit out of those songs.
  19. I already have my own collaboration with Linkin Park. Its called "Canberra DSP Track 1- Requiem". I'm the guy screaming fuck yeah at the start to amp you all up!
  20. Easily!! The Canberra recording makes me wanna tear this bitch apart!! Canberra hands down! You can hear me scream "Fuck Yeah" 20 seconds in to The Requiem!! Same problem when I asked back in 2007 too... That shit was hilarious! Almost as funny as "soulful chaz" Hope they are up soon for Pez and Brad on Faint.. WB are shit! Canberra blackout was mixed so well... Pooch is the best! After listening to these 2 songs it is obvious that Chesters voice keeps cracking....
  21. Got to say that Blackout after 3 performances was awesome! BitS is not..
  22. Classic PHX!! Its like part Bee, part Jet!!
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